Publications of William Staunton


  • Staunton, William. The sincere thoughts of a private Christian, touching the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the Apostles. Humbly Offered in Abatement of the Socinian and Trinitarian Controversies. With a postscript on occasion of Dr. Mangey's Plain notions. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T84895. Grub Street ID 305235.
  • Staunton, William. A packet of letters to Dr. Waterland; being a proposal of a fourth scheme, supported by scripture and demonstration. Also a modest enquiry touching the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and the manner of our blessed Saviour's divinity, . London : printed in the year, 1721. ESTC No. T170293. Grub Street ID 208011.
  • Staunton, William. Reason and revelation stated: upon reading of two famous sermons, entitled, The wisdom of believing, printed in 1703. by E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Dean of Sarum. By the same hand that wrote the packet of letters to Dr. Waterland. To which is added, a true copy of Dr. Waterland's several letters by him sent in answer to the packet of letters wrote to him by W. S. and the Printing whereof was at first forbidden by the Doctor, who now consents to the Publication of them. London : printed for E. Curll, in the Strand, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T46333. Grub Street ID 274493.
  • Staunton, William. A review of Mr. Whiston's XXIII propositions concerning the primitive faith of Christians about the trinity and incarnation. with Alterations, Distinctions, and Notes thereupon; and upon his Table of Creeds; and upon the Apostolical Constitutions. With a Course of Letters To and From Mr. Whiston leading and relating thereto. By W. Staunton, late Clerk in Chancery. [greek text] To which is Annexed, A Treatise concerning Reason and Revelation. Perused and Approved by Mr. Whiston. Be not conformed to this World; But be ye transformed by the Renewing of your Minds, that ye may prove (i. e. by searching find out) what is that good and acceptable and perfect Will of God, Rom. xii. 2. And that God may not give you over to a Reprobate (or Injudicious) Mind, Rom. i. 28. With a due Recompence of the Error, v. 27. even of Idolatry, v. 25. Nihil temere assero rem secum lector expendat. London : printed for E. Curll, over-against Catharine-Street in the Strand, [1723]. ESTC No. T5114. Grub Street ID 278603.
  • Staunton, William. A discourse of repentance and faith: Of great Use to Prevent, and which surprizingly Supersedes all Modern Controversies in religion. Humbly Offered to be considered, and improved, by the Reverend Dr. Waterland, Mr. Whiston; and the Anonymous Country-Clergyman: And all Athanasians, Eusebians, Arians, Socinians, Antinomians, &c. By William Staunton, late Clerk in Chancery. London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible over-against Catherine-Street in the Strand, 1723. ESTC No. T6375. Grub Street ID 288894.
  • Staunton, William. A familiar discourse shewing that the gospel is a comment upon the law of nature, the Only Law now in Force. And That the Only Faith required by the Gospel, is to Believe the Promises of God by Christ Jesus. And that we are not Baptized into a Trinity of Persons in God. With a Prefatory Epistle to Dr. Waterland. And an Appendix relating to the Worship of the Father only. Also a Postscript touching the Catholick Church, and the Power of the Keys. By William Staunton Gent. London : printed for E. Curll over-against Katherine Street, in the Strand, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T6306. Grub Street ID 288360.
  • Staunton, William. An epistolary conference with the Reverend Dr. Waterland: consisting of eight letters written to him. Being a Proposal of a Fourth Scheme, supported by Scripture and Demonstration. Also a modest enquiry touching the doctrine of the holy trinity, and the Manner of our Blessed Saviour's Divinity, as they are held in the catholick church, and in the Church of England. By William Staunton gent. The second edition.. London : printed for E. Curll, over-against Catherine-Street, in the Strand, 1724. ESTC No. T6369. Grub Street ID 288877.
  • Staunton, William. A letter to the Reverend Mr. Samuel Croxall, Vicar of Hampton. Occasion'd by His sermon Preached in Lambeth Chapel, at The Consecration of the Bishops of Hereford and St. David's, on Sunday February 2. 1723/4. By William Staunton Gent. late Clerk in Chancery. London : printed for E. Curll over-against Catherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T5913. Grub Street ID 285150.