Publications of Dale Ingram


  • Ingram, Dale. An essay on the cause and seat of the gout: in which The Opinion of several Authors are consider'd, and some external operations Recommended. By Dale Ingram, Surgeon. Reading: printed by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright; and sold by Jacob Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate-Street, London; and by the booksellers in town and country, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T33354. Grub Street ID 263909.
  • Ingram, Dale. An essay, on the nature, cause, and seat of dysentery's, in a letter to Dr. Henry Warren of Barbados, by Dale Ingram Surgeon and Man-Midwise. Barbados: printed for William Beeby, at the Spring Clock, at the Corner House in Cheapside near the Custom-House, [1744]. ESTC No. N2002. Grub Street ID 9442.
  • Ingram, Dale. Practical cases and observations in surgery, with remarks highly proper, not only for the improvement of all young surgeons, but also for the direction of such as are farther advanced. By Dale Ingram, Surgeon and Man-Midwife. London : printed for J. Clarke, under the Royal-Exchange, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T130819. Grub Street ID 179894.
  • Ingram, Dale. An historical account of the several plagues that have appeared in the world since the year 1346. With an enquiry into the present prevailing opinion, that the plague is a contagious distemper, capable of being transported in Merchandize, from one Country to another. In which the absurdity of such notions is exposed, and the Arguments that have been made use of to support them, refuted. To which are added a particular account of the yellow fever, shewing its periodical Appearance to be similar to the Plague. Also observations on Dr Mackenzie's letters; read before the Royal Society on this Subject. And an abstract of Capt. Isaac Clemens's voyage in the sloop Fawey, From their Arrival in the Mould of Algiers, to the Sinking of her, on a Supposition that the Plague was on board her. Taken from his Log-Book. By Dale Ingram, Surgeon and Man-Midwife. London : printed for R. Baldwin, at the Rose, in Pater-Noster Row, and J. Clark, under the Royal Exchange, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. N2487. Grub Street ID 14218.
  • Ingram, Dale. An enquiry into the origin and nature of magnesia alba, and the properties of Epsom waters. Demonstrating, that magnesia made with those waters exceeds all others. By D. Ingram, professor of Anatomy and Surgery, and Surgeon to Christ's Hospital. London : printed for W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T9209. Grub Street ID 311895.
  • Ingram, Dale. The blow; or, An inquiry into the causes of the late Mr. Clarke's death; supposed to have been killed at Brentford. Humbly inscribed to the public. London : printed for Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, 1769. ESTC No. T79398. Grub Street ID 300962.
  • Ingram, Dale. A strict and impartial enquiry into the cause and death of the late William Scawen, Esq; of Woodcote-Lodge, in Surry, ascertaining, from the medical evidences against Jane Butterfield, the impossibility of poison having been given him. To which is added, an account of accidental poisons, ... By D. Ingram, . London : printed for T. Cadell, 1777. ESTC No. N23375. Grub Street ID 12736.