Smith, John.
Choir gaur; the grand orrery of the ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain, astronomically explained, and mathematically proved to be a temple erected in the earliest Ages, for observing the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies. Illustrated with three copper plates. By Dr. John Smith, Inoculator of the Small-Pox.
Salisbury: printed for the author, and sold by E. Easton: sold also by R. Horsfield, No. 22, Ludgate-Street; and J. White, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, London, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. T98431.Grub Street ID 317696.
Smith, John.
Galic antiquities: consisting of a history of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian; and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Galic ... By John Smith, ...
Edinburgh: printed [by Macfarquhar and Elliot] for T. Cadell, London; and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, 1780.
ESTC No. T98766.Grub Street ID 317978.
Smith, John.
A view of the last judgement. By John Smith, One of the Ministers of Campbelton.
Edinburgh: printed for C. Elliot; and T. Cadell and G. Robinson, London, M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. T98917.Grub Street ID 318114.
Smith, John.
A view of the last judgement. By John Smith, One of the Ministers of Campbelton.
Edinburgh: printed for C. Elliot; and G. Robinson and T. Cadell, London, M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. T98918.Grub Street ID 318115.
Smith, John.
A summary view and explanation of the writings of the prophets; consisting of I. Preliminary observations and general rules, for understanding the prophetic stile. II. A particular account of each book and chapter, as they lie in order. In which The general stile of each Prophet is characterized; the beauty and sublimity of particular passages remarked; the change of persons or speakers, the transition from one part of the subject to another, and the connexion and scope of the whole pointed out; improvements on the translation where they seem to be of most consequence taken notice of; with illustrations of the customs, manners, and circumstances to which the sacred writers occasionally allude, and the application of their prophecies to those events to which they are supposed to refer. The whole being intended To make those Divine compositions intelligible, useful, and agreeable to readers of every description. By John Smith, D. D. Minister of the Gospel at Campbelton.
Edinburgh: printed for Charles Elliot, and C. Elliot, T. Kay, and Co. No. 332. Opposite Somerset House, Strand,, London, Anno 1787.
ESTC No. T98930.Grub Street ID 318126.
Smith, John.
An essay of the advantages of watering pasture and meadow grounds, in the Highlands. Published by the Highland Society of Scotland; who [sic] adjudged to the author the highest premium they [sic] had offered for essays on the subject. By John Smith, ...
Edinburgh: printed by William Creech, and James Watson & Co., [1792?].
ESTC No. T181781.Grub Street ID 218311.
Smith, John.
The life of St. Columba, the apostle and patron saint of the ancient Scots and Picts, and joint patron of the Irish; ... By John Smith, ...
Edinburgh: printed for Mundell & son, and J. Mundell, Glasgow; sold in London by John Wright, 1798.
ESTC No. T98769.Grub Street ID 317981.
Smith, John.
Lectures on the nature and end of the sacred office, and on the dignity, duty, qualifications, and character of the sacred order. By John Smith, ...
Glasgow: at the University Press, printed by James Mundell, for Mundell and Son, Edinburgh; - Vernor and Hood; and J. Wright, London, 1798.
ESTC No. N19860.Grub Street ID 9281.
Smith, John.
General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyll; with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. By John Smith, D. D. one of the ministers of Campbelton.
Edinburgh: printed by Mundell & Son; sold by G. Nicol, Pall Mall, London, Bookseller to His Majesty, and the Board of Agriculture; and by Messrs. Robinson, Pater Noster Row; J. Sewell, Cornhill; Cadell & Davies, Strand; William Creech, Edinburgh; and John Archer, Dublin, 1798.
ESTC No. T40611.Grub Street ID 269643.
Smith, John.
General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyll; with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement, by John Smith, D.D.
Edinburgh: printed for Mundell & Son, and J. Mundell, Glasgow; sold in London by John Wright, 1798.
ESTC No. T151869.Grub Street ID 197023.
Smith, John.
An affectionate address to the middling and lower classes of British subjects, on the present alarming crisis. By John Smith, D. D. One of the Ministers of Campbelton.
Edinburgh: printed for Mundell & Son; for J. Mundell, Glasgow, and J. Wright, Piccadilly, London, [1798].
ESTC No. T98925.Grub Street ID 318121.