Benjamin Motte (16931738; fl. 17141738)



  • Printer
  • Bookseller
  • Publisher
  • Stationer


  • Freedom: 1715

Benjamin Motte, printer, bookseller, and stationer (1714–1738); in Aldersgate Street; at the Middle Temple Gate, Fleet Street; in Fetter Lane (1734).

Dictionary of National Biography (1885–1900)

MOTTE, BENJAMIN (d. 1738), bookseller and publisher, appears to have been originally a printer. He set up a publishing business at Middle Temple Gate, London, and in 1713 was among the subscribers to make up William Bowyer's losses after the great fire on his premises. In 1721, with the aid of his brother Andrew (see below), he edited, in three volumes, an 'Abridgment of the Royal Society's Transactions, from 1700 to 1720,' London, 4to. This abridgment was very incorrect, and was severely handled by a rival editor, Henry Jones, fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Motte rejoined in 'A Reply to the Preface published by Mr. Henry Jones with his Abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions,' London, 1722 (see Nichols, Lit. Anecd. i. 482). He was early in the century described by Samuel Negus as a 'high-flyer,' and he gradually obtained the succession to most of Benjamin Tooke's business with Pope and the leading men of letters on the tory side. In 1726 Swift sent the manuscript of 'Gulliver's Travels' to Motte from Twickenham, where he was staying with Pope. His intermediaries were Charles Ford, who left the book at Motte's office late one night in November, and Erasmus Lewis [q. v.], to whom, writing under the disguised name of Sympson, Swift asked Motte to deliver a bank-bill of 200l. on undertaking publication. Motte cautiously demurred to immediate payment, but agreed to pay the sum demanded in six months, 'if the success would allow it.' In April 1727 Swift sent Lewis to demand the money for his 'cousin Gulliver's book,' and it appears to have been promptly paid. An interesting letter from Swift to Motte suggesting the passages in Gulliver' best fitted for illustration is given in the 'Gentleman's Magazine' for February 1855. In March 1727 Motte agreed to pay 4l. a sheet for the 'Miscellanies in Prose and Verse,' by Swift, Pope, Arbuthnot, and Gay. One volume had already been undertaken by Tooke; he published the second and third, but before the appearance of the fourth had quarrelled with his authors. In spite, however, of some differences on the subject of Irish copyright, Swift seems to have constantly maintained friendly relations with Motte, and to have utilised him as a sort of London agent. In 1733 Motte was deceived by a counterfeit 'Life and Character of Dean Swift, written by himself,' in verse, probably the work of Pilkington, who sold It to him on the plausible pretext that he was Swift's agent in the matter. On the other hand he obtained almost all the profits resulting from 'Gulliver' and Swift's other publications.

At his death, on 12 March 1738, Motte was succeeded by Charles Bathurst (1709-1786), who had for a short while previous been his partner. Bathurst published in 1768 the first collective edition of Swift's 'Works,' edited in sixteen volumes by Dr. Hawkesworth. It appears that he and Motte had both married daughters of the Rev. Thomas Brian, head-master of Harrow School.

Motte's younger brother, (d. 1730), a mathematician of some ability, was a member of the Spalding Club, and, for a brief period previous to 1727, lecturer in geometry at Gresham College. He issued in 1727 'A Treatise of the Mechanical Powers, wherein the Laws of Motion and the Properties of those Powers are explained and demonstrated in an easy and familiar Method' (2nd edit. 1733, London, 8vo), and two years later 'The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1729) (the "Principia"), by Sir Isaac Newton, translated into English … to which are added the Laws of the Moon's Motion according to Gravity, by John Machin' (2 vols. 1729, 8vo.; 2nd edit. 1732). The work is handsomely printed (for Benjamin Motte), and contains numerous plates of figures and an index. It anticipated a similar project on the part of Dr. Henry Pemberton [q. v.], who was better qualified for the work; it is nevertheless a highly creditable production (c.f. Brewster, Sir Isaac Newton, ii. 383). Andrew Motte died in 1780. It is uncertain whether it is the bookseller or his brother who is alluded to by Denton as 'learned Motte' (Life and Errors).

[Nichol's Literary Ancedotes, i. 68, 213, 482, 506, ii. 11, 25, vi. 99, viii. 369, Notes and Queries, xii. 60, 198, 358, 490; Gent. Mag 1855 i. 150, 253, ii. 35, 232, 368; Elwin' Pope, vi. 437, vii. 56, 110, 178, 250, 324, ix. 524; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

T. S.

A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

MOTTE (BENJAMIN), printer and bookseller in London, (i) Aldersgate Street; (2) Middle Temple Gate, Fleet Street. 1693–1738. Began as a printer in Aldersgate Street, and is first mentioned in the Term Catalogues in 1693. [T.C. II. 469.] In 1694 he described himself as printer to the Company of Parish Clerks [T.C. II. 520]. He afterwards added publishing to his business, and was the publisher of Gulliver's Travels, which Swift sent to him from Twickenham, where he was staying with Pope, by the hands of Charles Ford. Swift then asked the publisher to deliver a bank-bill of £200 to his friend Erasmus Lewis, on undertaking publication, but Motte preferred to get back some of his money first, and deferred payment for six months. Motte was also the publisher of Miscellanies in Prose and Verse by Swift, Pope, Arbuthnot, and Gay, 1727. Swift maintained friendly relations with Motte, who acted as his London agent. Motte apparently did not give up his printing-office when he took to publishing, as he was included in Negus's list of printers in 1724, as a "high-flyer". He died on March 12th, 1738, and was succeeded by Charles Bathurst, who had been his partner.

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

MOTTE, BENJAMIN. A celebrated publisher of this age. He is first heard of in 1693, when he had a shop in Aldersgate. By the beginning of the eighteenth century he had removed to Fleet Street, where he carried on his business until his death on March 12, 1738, when he was succeeded by Charles Bathurst. He was one of the principal benefactors to Bowyer after his fire in 1712, and published several of Swift's works, amongst them 'Gulliver's Travels.'

—Frederick T. Wood, 19 September 1931


MOTTE, BENJAMIN. The position of his shop in Fleet Street was opposite St. Dunstan's Church. Some time between 1737 and 1743 he was in partnership with Charles Bathurst (q.v.) ('N. & Q.' 6 S. ii, 141), who succeeded him. The stock of Benjamin Motte was sold by auction 9 Dec, 1740. Timperley records the date of his death 12 March, 1758. DR. WOOD is probably the victim of a mis-print in giving this as 12 March, 1738.

—Ambrose Heal, 14 November 1931


MOTTE, BENJAMIN (clxi. 205, 350). A variation of his address in Fleet Street is found on an imprint dated 1733 where he describes himself as at the Middle Temple Gate.

—Ambrose Heal, 13 February 1932