Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part II. By Joel Barlow, Author of the vision of columbus, a letter to the National convention, and the conspiracy of kings.
Paris: printed at the English press, Rue De Vaugirard, No. 1214; and sold by Barrois, senior, Quai Des Augustins, 1793.
ESTC No. T21076.Grub Street ID 238715.
Barlow, Joel.
The political writings of Joel Barlow. --Containing-- Advice to the privileged orders. Letter to the national convention. Letter to the people of Piedmont. The conspiracy of kings.
New York.: Printed by Mott & Lyon, at their printing-office, no. 71, Barclay-Street, and sold by them at their store, no. 70, Vesey-Street, --1796--.
ESTC No. W28935.Grub Street ID 339145.
Barlow, Joel.
The following curious piece of antiquity may afford innocent diversion to those who understand it.
[New Haven: s.n, 1777].
ESTC No. W40037.Grub Street ID 350562.
Barlow, Joel.
New-Haven, January 1, 1779. The post-boy's present to his customers.
[New Haven: Printed by Thomas & Samuel Green, 1778].
ESTC No. W40038.Grub Street ID 350563.
Barlow, Joel.
The prospect of peace. A poetical composition, delivered in Yale-College, at the public examination, of the candidates for the degree of bachelor of arts; July 23, 1778. By Joel Barlow, A.B.
New-Haven: Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green, M,DCC,LXXXVIII [i.e., 1778].
ESTC No. W18505.Grub Street ID 328114.
Barlow, Joel.
A poem, spoken at the public commencement at Yale College, in New-Haven; September 12, 1781.
Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, [1781].
ESTC No. W18503.Grub Street ID 328112.
Barlow, Joel.
An elegy on the late Honorable Titus Hosmer, Esq; one of the counsellors of the state of Connecticut, a member of Congress, and a judge of the maritime court of appeals for the United States of America.
Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, [1782].
ESTC No. W31831.Grub Street ID 342272.
Barlow, Joel.
The carrier of the American Mercury wishes his customers a happy New-Year, and presents the following.
[Hartford: Printed by Joel Barlow and Elisha Babcock, 1784].
ESTC No. W30218.Grub Street ID 340536.
Barlow, Joel.
The carrier of the American Mercury wishes his customers a happy New-Year, and presents the following.
[Hartford: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1785].
ESTC No. W7907.Grub Street ID 357015.
Barlow, Joel.
The news-boys; an eclogue, for January 1, 1787.
[Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1786].
ESTC No. W18502.Grub Street ID 328111.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus: a poem, in nine books. By Joel Barlow, Esquire.
London] : Hartford, N.E. printed: London re-printed, for C. Dilly; and J. Stockdale, 1787.
ESTC No. T13514.Grub Street ID 183632.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus; a poem in nine books. By Joel Barlow, Esquire.
Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, for the author, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. W18507.Grub Street ID 328116.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus; a poem in nine books. By Joel Barlow, Esquire.
Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, for the author, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. W29676.Grub Street ID 339955.
Barlow, Joel.
An oration, delivered at the North Church in Hartford, at the meeting of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, July 4th, 1787. In commemoration of the independence of the United States. By Joel Barlow, Esquire.
Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, near the bridge, [1787].
ESTC No. W28750.Grub Street ID 338940.
Barlow, Joel.
A letter to the National Convention of France, on the defects in the constitution of 1791, and the extent of the amendments which ought to be applied. By Joel Barlow, Esq. author of advice to the priviledged orders; the vision of Columbus; and the conspiracy of kings.
London : printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. T38297.Grub Street ID 267778.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow, Esq; author of ``advice to the Privileged Orders,'' and of ``the Vision of Columbus.''.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, 1792.
ESTC No. T9398.Grub Street ID 313602.
Barlow, Joel.
A letter to the National Convention of France, on the defects in the constitution of 1791, and the extent of the amendments which ought to be applied. By Joel Barlow, Esq. Author Of Advice To The Privileged Orders; The Vision Of Columbus; And The Conspiracy Of Kings.
Dublin: printed by P. Byrne, NO. 108, Grafton-Street, M.DCC.XCII. [1792].
ESTC No. N19605.Grub Street ID 9023.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part 1.
London : printed for J. Johnson, 1792.
ESTC No. T21074.Grub Street ID 238710.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part I. By Joel Barlow, Esq. Author of the Vision of Columbus, and the Conspiracy of Kings.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1792.
ESTC No. T13524.Grub Street ID 183705.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders, in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. By Joel Barlow, Esquire. Part I.
[New York]: London--printed: New-York--re-printed by Childs and Swaine, M.DCC.MCII. [1792].
ESTC No. W18490.Grub Street ID 328097.
Barlow, Joel.
Guter Rath an die Völker Europens bei der Nothwendigkeit, die Regierungs-grundsätze überall zu verändern.
London [i.e. Hamburg: Gundermann], 1792.
ESTC No. T151916.Grub Street ID 197045.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow, Esq; author of ``advice to the privileged orders,'' and of ``the Vision of Columbus.''.
London : printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church yard, 1792.
ESTC No. T31590.Grub Street ID 262399.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow, ...
Paris: printed at the English press; and sold by Barrois, Senior; and R. Thomson, 1793.
ESTC No. N5191.Grub Street ID 35900.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus. A poem, in nine books. By Joel Barlow. The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, The conspiracy of kings: a poem, by the same author.
Paris: printed at the English Press; and sold by Barrois, Senior; and R. Thomson, 1793.
ESTC No. T179105.Grub Street ID 215905.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part 1. The third edition. By Joel Barlow, Author of the Viston of Columbus, A Letter to the National Convention, and the Conspiracy of Kings.
London : printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, MDCCXCIII. [1793].
ESTC No. T21075.Grub Street ID 238713.
Barlow, Joel.
A letter to the National Convention of France, on the defects in the Constitution of 1791, and the extent of the amendments which ought to be applied. To which is added The conspiracy of kings, a poem. By Joel Barlow, author of Advice to the privileged orders; and The vision of Columbus.
New York: Printed by Thomas Greenleaf, for J. Fellows, no. 192, Water-Street. (According to act of Congress.), [1793].
ESTC No. W18501.Grub Street ID 328110.
Barlow, Joel.
Avis aux ordres privilégiés, dans les divers etats de L'Europe, tire de la necessite, dans le sens proprement dit, d'une revolution generale dans le principe du gouvernement. Par Joel Barlow.
Troisieme edition..
Londres : chez J. Johnson, 1794.
ESTC No. T13517.Grub Street ID 183659.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders, in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part II. By Joel Barlow, author of The vision of Columbus, A letter to the national convention, and The conspiracy of kings.
[New York]: Paris--printed: New-York--re-printed for Francis Childs & Co. and J. Fellows, by George Forman, --1794--.
ESTC No. W18491.Grub Street ID 328098.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow, author of The vision of Columbus, Advice to the privileged orders, &c. &c. [Six lines of verse].
[Newburyport, Mass.]: Printed and sold by Robinson & Tucker: Newburyport, 1794.
ESTC No. W37552.Grub Street ID 348331.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus. A poem, in nine books. By Joel Barlow. The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, The conspiracy of kings: a poem, by the same author.
London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794.
ESTC No. N45484.Grub Street ID 30388.
Barlow, Joel.
The history of England, from the year 1765, to the year 1795. Being a continuation of the histories of Mr. Hume and Dr. Smollett. By J. Barlow, Esq.
London : printed for J. Parsons, No. 21, Paternoster Row, 1795.
ESTC No. T36373.Grub Street ID 266298.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part II. By Joel Barlow, .
London : printed and sold by Daniel Isaac Eaton, 1795.
ESTC No. T21077.Grub Street ID 238720.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow; author of "Advice to the privileged orders," and of "The vision of Columbus.".
The third edition..
London?] : Printed in the year, 1795.
ESTC No. N31207.Grub Street ID 20113.
Barlow, Joel.
A letter, addressed to the people of Piedmont, on the advantages of the French Revolution, and the necessity of adopting its principles in Italy. By Joel Barlow, author of the Vision of Columbus, a letter to the national convention, the conspiracy of Kings, and advice to privileged orders. Translated from the French by the Author.
London : printed and sold by Daniel Isaac Eaton, Printer and Bookseller to the Supreme Majesty of the People, at the Cock and Swine, No. 74, Newgate-Street, 1795.
ESTC No. T13525.Grub Street ID 183714.
Barlow, Joel.
The vision of Columbus. A poem, in nine books. By Joel Barlow. The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, The conspiracy of kings: a poem, by the same author.
London : printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Pater Noster Row, 1795.
ESTC No. N70127.Grub Street ID 50856.
Barlow, Joel.
A letter addressed to the people of Piedmont, on the advantages of the French Revolution, and the necessity of adopting its principles in Italy. By Joel Barlow. Translated from the French by the author.
New-York: Printed at the Columbian Press, by Robertson and Gowan, for J. Fellows, bookseller, Water-Street, 1795.
ESTC No. W18500.Grub Street ID 328109.
Barlow, Joel.
Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part II. Second edition. By Joel Barlow, author of the vision of columbus, a letter to the National Convention, and the conspiracy of Kings,.
London : Printed and sold by Daniel Isaac Eaton, printer and bookseller to the Supreme Majesty of the people, at the Cock and Swine, No. 74, Newgate-Street, 1795.
ESTC No. T164658.Grub Street ID 202926.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, Jan. 1793 by Joel Barlow, Esq. [Three lines of quotations].
Printed in Catskill [N.Y.]: by T. & M. Croswell, [1796].
ESTC No. W18492.Grub Street ID 328099.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding, a poem, in three cantos.
[Fairhaven, Vt.]: Printed and sold [by J.P. Spooner,] at the printing-office in Fairhaven, [1796].
ESTC No. W18493.Grub Street ID 328100.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January, 1793. [Two lines of quotations].
[New Haven: Printed by T. and S. Green, for Tiebout and O'Brien?, 1796].
ESTC No. W18494.Grub Street ID 328101.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January, 1793. [Three lines of text].
[New Haven?: s.n, 1796?].
ESTC No. W18495.Grub Street ID 328102.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding, a poem, in three cantos; written in Chambery in Savoy, Jan. 1793. [Two lines of quotations].
New York: Printed [by John Bull?], from the author's manuscript, for Fellows & Adam, 1796.
ESTC No. W18496.Grub Street ID 328103.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos, by Joel Barlow. Written in Germany, in Savoy, January, 1793. [Two lines of text].
New-York: Printed for the purchaser, [1796].
ESTC No. W18497.Grub Street ID 328104.
Barlow, Joel.
The political writings of Joel Barlow. --Containing-- Advice to the privileged orders. Letter to the national convention. Letter to the people of Piedmont. The conspiracy of kings.
Printed at New-York: by Mott & Lyon, for Fellows & Adam, Thomas Greenleaf, and Naphtali Judah, --1796--.
ESTC No. W18504.Grub Street ID 328113.
Barlow, Joel.
Strictures on Bishop Watson's "Apology for the Bible." By a citizen of New-York. [Two lines in French from Voltaire].
New-York: Printed for John Fellows, Wall-Street, no. 60, 1796.
ESTC No. W18506.Grub Street ID 328115.
Barlow, Joel.
The conspiracy of Kings; a poem: addressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from another quarter of the world. By Joel Barlow, Esq; author of "advice to the priviledged orders," and of "the vision of Columbus.".
The third edition..
London : printed for and sold by the booksellers, 1796.
ESTC No. T141318.Grub Street ID 188875.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos. [Quot.] Written in Chamberry in Savoy, 1793. By Joel Barlow, Esq. author of the Vision of Columbus, Conspiracy of kings, Revision of Watts' Psalms, Advice to privileged orders, &c. and now consul for the United States in the Regency of Algiers.
New-London [Conn.]: Printed by Charles Holt, 1797.
ESTC No. W18498.Grub Street ID 328105.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty-pudding: a poem, in three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, Jan. 1793. By Joel Barlow, Esq. [Two lines of text].
[Stockbridge, Mass.]: Printed by Rosseter & Willard, Stockbridge, --1797.
ESTC No. W18499.Grub Street ID 328106.
Barlow, Joel.
Barlow's letter. From the Connecticut courant.
[United States: s.n, 1798].
ESTC No. W38374.Grub Street ID 349199.
Barlow, Joel.
The hasty pudding: a poem, in three cantos. Written in Chambery, in Savoy, Jan. 1793.
[Poughkeepsie, N.Y.]: Re-printed by N. Power, at Poughkeepsie, [1798].
ESTC No. W9791.Grub Street ID 358977.
Barlow, Joel.
The second warning or strictures on the speech delivered by John Adams, president of the United-States of America at the opening of the Congress of said States in november last.
Paris: at the printing-office of the Social-circle, 1798.
ESTC No. N22348.Grub Street ID 11716.
Barlow, Joel.
Hasty pudding: a poem. In three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January, 1793. [Two lines of quotations].
Salem [Mass.]: Printed by Joshua Cushing, 1799.
ESTC No. W12586.Grub Street ID 321866.
Barlow, Joel.
Letters from Paris, to the citizens of the United States of America, on the system of policy hitherto pursued by their government relative to their commercial intercourse with England and France, &c. By Joel Barlow.
London : printed for James Ridgway, York Street, St. James's Square, by A. Wilson, Wild Court, 1800.
ESTC No. T13526.Grub Street ID 183721.
Barlow, Joel.
Joel Barlow to his fellow citizens, of the United States of America. A letter on the system of policy hitherto pursued by their government. Paris 4 March, 1799.
Philadelphia: Re-printed [by William Duane], at the Aurora Office, March 8, 1800.
ESTC No. W27475.Grub Street ID 337578.