Whitfield, Peter.
A dissertation on the Hebrew vowel-points. Shewing that they are an original and essential part of the language. In eleven sections, with an introduction. By P. Whitfield.
Liverpoole: printed, by and for the Author, MDCCXLVIII. [1748].
ESTC No. T68765.Grub Street ID 292910.
Whitfield, Peter.
An essay upon the supremacy and infallibility pretended to by the church of Rome; shewing that neither that, nor any other church, made any such pretence, for more than four hundred years after Christ, and that, therefore, the claim is without foundation. And Consequently, That all the Doctrines of Popery, different from those of the Reformed Churches, are justly to be rejected, as dependent upon a false Principle, and inconsistent with True Christianity. Instanced in several of the Principal Doctrines of Popery. By way of Letter, to a Gentleman of the Romish Communion, occasioned by an accidental Conference at H---y---ll, in W---s. By Peter Whitfield.
Liverpoole: printed, by and for the author, In the Year 1749.
ESTC No. T68766.Grub Street ID 292911.
Whitfield, Peter.
A letter to Mr. Abr. B-rn.
[Liverpool: printed by R. Williamson, 1755].
ESTC No. T212653.Grub Street ID 239750.
Whitfield, Peter.
The christianity of the New Testament; or, a scolastic defence of the scripture doctrines of redemption, propitiation, &c. From a Comparison of the Original Meaning of those Terms in the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek Version of the same, with their Use and Application in the Writings of the New Testament, Against the Infidels and Libertines of this Age. With a preface, occasionally written in vindication of the author's conformity to the established church, contrary to the Principles of his Education. By Peter Whitfield.
Liverpool: printed for the Author, and sold by the booksellers in city and country, [1755?].
ESTC No. T70908.Grub Street ID 294548.
Whitfield, Peter.
A reply to Mr. Abraham Bourn's Free and candid considerations, shewing the impropriety and incompetency of that work, considered as an answer to the preface (of a book not yet published) intitled, The Christianity of the New Testament. Which preface was Occasionally written in Vindication of the Author's Conformity to the Church of England, contrary to his Education, upon Arguments of Religion and Policy. With A Preface addressed to the Gentlemen of the Presbyterian Persuasion, especially in Liverpool. By P. Whitfield.
Liverpool: printed by and for R. Williamson, near the Exchange, and sold by Messrs. Hitch and Hawes; W. and D. Bakers; J. Rivington; W. Owen; P. Vaillant; and Messrs. Rivington and Fletcher, in London, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T14856.Grub Street ID 194846.
Whitfield, Peter.
The Christianity of the New Testament. Or, a scholastic defence the scripture doctrines of redemption, propitiation, ... By Peter Whitfield.
Liverpool: printed for R. Williamson, 1757.
ESTC No. T68763.Grub Street ID 292908.
Whitfield, Peter.
The christianity of the New Testament. Or, a scholastic defence of the scripture doctrines of redemption, propitiation, Satisfaction and Salvation, by the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. From a Comparison of the Original Meaning of those Terms in the Hebrew of the Old Testament, and the Greek Version of the same, and in the Writings of Pagan Theology, with their plain Use and Application, in the New Testament, to the blessed Effects of the Death of Christ. Against the Infidels and Libertines of this Age. With a Preface, occasionally written as a calm and rational Vindication of the Author's Conformity to the Church of England, (contrary to his Education) upon the Principles of secular and ecclesiastical Polity; as laid down by Grotius, Pussendorf, Hooker, Calvin, &c. By Peter Whitfield.
Liverpool: printed for R. Williamson, near the Exchange. MDCCLVII. And sold in London by Messrs. Hitch and Hawes, in Pater-Noster-Row; W. Owen, Temple Bar; J. Newbery, St Paul's Church-Yard; J. Waugh, Lombard-Street; and C. Henderson, under the Royal Exchange, [1757].
ESTC No. T68764.Grub Street ID 292909.
Whitfield, Peter.
A reply to Mr. Abraham Bourn's Free and candid considerations: shewing the impropriety and incompetency of that work, considered as an answer to the preface of a book (not then published) intitled, The Christianity of the New Testament. Which Preface was occasionally written in Vindication of the Author's Conformity to the Church of England, contrary to his Education, upon Arguments of Religion and Polity. With a preface, Addressed to the Gentlemen of the Presbyterian Persuasion, especially in liverpool. By Peter Whitfield.
Liverpool: printed by R. Williamson, at the Circulating Library, near the Exchange, MDCCLVII. [1757].
ESTC No. T141336.Grub Street ID 188890.
Whitfield, Peter.
The christianity of the New Testament. Or, a scholastic defence of the scripture doctrines of redemption, propitiation, ... By Peter Whitefield.
Liverpool: printed for R. Williamson, and sold in London by Messrs. Hitch and Hawes; W. Owen; J. Newbery; J. Waugh; and C. Henderson, 1762.
ESTC No. T213922.Grub Street ID 240543.