Tunnicliff, William.
A topographical survey of the counties of Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster, containing A new-engraved map of each County, with a complete Description of the Great, Direct, and Cross Roads; the Situation, Bearing, and Distances of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry upon or near such Roads, together with elegant Engravings of their arms. arranged on a new Plan, by Messrs. Woodman and Mutlow, London. To which is added, The Direction and Survey of the Great Roads, accurately describing the Situations and Distances of Places. adapted to the Use of the Gentleman and Traveller, with an Index explaining the Whole. Also the Names and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in each County. Concluding with a Directory of the principal Merchants and Manufactures, Market Towns, and Days on which their Markets are held, and Principal Inns in each Town, within the said Counties, &c. &c. By William Tunnicliff, Land-Surveyor.
Nantwich: printed and sold by E. Snelson: sold also by Mr. B. Law, Bookseller, and Messrs. Woodman & Co. Engravers, London; and by the Principal Booksellers in the above Counties (london), MDCCLXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. T51473.Grub Street ID 278705.
Tunnicliff, William.
A topographical survey of the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Worcester, Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster. Containing a new-engraved map of each county, with a complete Description of the Great, Direct, and Cross Roads; the Situation, Bearing, and Distances of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry upon or near such Roads, together with elegant Engravings of their arms, arranged on a new Plan, by Messrs. Woodman and Mutlow, London. To which is added, the direction and survey of the great roads, accurately describing the Situations and Distances of Places, adapted to the Use of the Gentleman and Traveller, with an Index explaining the whole. Also the Names and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in each County. Concluding with a Directory of the principal Merchants and Manufacturers, Market-Towns, and Days on which their Markets are held, and Principal Inns in each Town wishin the said Counties, &c. &c. By William Tunnicliff, Land-Surveyor.
Bath: printed and sold by R. Cruttwell; sold also by B. Law, Bookseller, and Messrs. Woodman and Co. engravers, London; S. Harward, Gloucester and Cheltenham; and J. Tymbs, Worcester, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T180999.Grub Street ID 217605.
Tunnicliff, William.
A topographical survey of the counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, commonly called the western circuit. Containing An accurate and comprehensive Description of all the Principal Direct and Cross Roads In Each Respective County. In which the Situations of all the Towns, Villages, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, Navigable Rivers, Canals, &c. upon and in the Vicinity of each Road, are particularly expressed, and their relative Distances exactly ascertained. Embellished with new and elegantly engraved maps of the several Counties, Taken from actual Surveys, And laid down with great Accuracy on a large Scale. Also A General Map of the Western Circuit. And many Hundreds of Elegant Engravings of the Arms of the Subscribers, Arranged in a Manner entirely New, and neatly finished by an eminent Artist. Likewise copious and complete indexes of all the roads, Exhibiting at one View the several Stages, principal Inns, Fairs, and other Objects of Note thereon. To Which .
Salisbury: printed for the author, by B.C. Collins, and sold by him; also by S. Crowder, Pater-Noster-Row, London; Messrs. Trueman and Son, Exeter; and all other booksellers, M,DCC,XCI. [1791].
ESTC No. T135324.Grub Street ID 183756.