Publications of Temple Henry Croker


  • Croker, Temple Henry. Bower detected as an historian: or, his many essential omissions, and more essential perversions of facts, in favour of popery, demonstrated, By comparing the three Volumes of his History, with the first Volume of the French History of the Popes, now translating. Incorruptam fidem professus, nec amore quisquam, et sine odio, dicendus est. By the Rev. Temple Henry Croker, Chaplain to the Earl of Hillsborough. London : printed for M. Cooper, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T66435. Grub Street ID 291182.
  • Croker, Temple Henry. Experimental magnetism, or, the truth of Mr. Mason's discoveries, in that branch of natural philosophy, That there can be no such Thing in Nature, as an Internal Central Loadstone, proved and ascertained, by the Rev. Temple Henry Croker, A. M. of Christ Church, Oxon: Reader of the Temple Church, and Chaplain to the Earl of Hillsborough. London : printed for J. Coote, at the King's Arms, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1761. ESTC No. T134556. Grub Street ID 183182.
  • Croker, Temple Henry. The complete dictionary of arts and sciences. In which the whole circle of human learning is explained, And the Difficulties attending the Acquisition of Every Art, Whether Liberal or Mechanical, are Removed, in the most easy and familiar manner. Among the various Branches of Literature explained in this Work are the following, viz. Agriculture Algebra Anatomy Architecture Arithmetic Astronomy Botany Catoptrics Chemistry Chronology Commerce Conics Cosmography Dialling Dioptrics Ethics Fluxions Fortification Gardening Gauging Geography Geometry Grammar Gunnery Handicrafts Heraldry History Horsemanship Husbandry Hydraulics Hydrography Hydrostatics Law Levelling Logic Maritime And Military Affairs Mathematics Mechanics Merchandize Metaphysics Meteorology Music Navigation Optics Painting Perspective Pharmacy Philology Philosophy Physic Pneumatics Rhetoric Sculpture Series Statics Statuary Surgery Surveying Theology, &c. The theological, philological, and critical branches, by the Rev. Temple. London : printed for the authors, and sold by J. Wilson & J. Fell, Pater-Noster Row; J. Fletcher & Co. St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Coote, Pater-Noster Row; Mess. Fletcher & Hodson, Cambridge; and W. Smith & Co. Dublin, MDCCLXIV. [1764]. ESTC No. T134585. Grub Street ID 183210.
  • Croker, Temple Henry. Where am I? How came I here? By whose power? At what time? What are my wants? What are my duties? These important questions answered from an elucidation of sacred and prophane history: ...By the Reverend Temple Henry Croker, ... Basseterre, St. Christopher's: printed for and sold by Edward Luther Low, [1790]. ESTC No. T7152. Grub Street ID 295073.