Publications of Solomon Lowe


  • Lowe, Solomon. To learned and curious schoolmasters. London : sold by E. Matthews: J. Noon, & T. Sharpey. August I, 1716. ESTC No. N47111. Grub Street ID 31864.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The protestant family-piece; or a picture of popery: drawn from their own principles, ... faithfully collected & translated. by which it appears, that Roman-Catholics are bound to be the worst subjects, and the worst neighbors. London : sold by E. Matthews; J. Noon, and T. Sharpey, 1716. ESTC No. T73056. Grub Street ID 296400.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Koina Kain=os. An appendix to grammar containing rhetoric and prosody with directions for composing, construing, parsing, writing elegantly, and Gaining a Copia of Thoughts and Words. To which are added very short, plain, and comprehensive rudiments of the French and Greek tongues. London : printed by W. Hunter: sold by J. Noon at the White-Hart in Cheapside, 1719. ESTC No. T113667. Grub Street ID 165570.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Koina Kain=os. An appendix to grammar containing rhetoric and prosody with directions for composing, construing, parsing, writing elegantly, and Gaining a Copia of Thoughts and Words. To which are added very short, plain, and comprehensive rudiments of the French and Greek tongues. London : printed by W. Hunter: sold by J. Noon at the White-Hart in Cheapside, 1719. ESTC No. T199576. Grub Street ID 231637.
  • Lowe, Solomon. A new method of learning Latin with extraordinary ease and expedition; and without any perplexity or embarasment [sic] to those that have been, or that may be oblig'd, either to teach, or learn any other method: consisting of grammar rudiments, with an apparatus, and an appendix; most commodiously contriv'd for the initiating of children, and improvement of the most advanc'd. London : printed for J. Wyat in St. Paul's Church-Yard, J. Osborn in Lombard-Street, and J. Downing in Bartholomew-Close, 1721. ESTC No. T186925. Grub Street ID 223032.
  • Lowe, Solomon. A proposal for perfecting a Latin grammar by the joint labors of the learned: founded on the general complaint of our most celebrated masters against the insufficiency of those we have: and offer'd ... by Solomon Lowe: . London : MDCCXXII. Sold by J. Wyat, S. Ballard, J. Downing, J. Osborn, W. Taylor, and J. Noon, [1722]. ESTC No. T113037. Grub Street ID 164992.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Sententiae pueriles or the fundamental rules of syntax illustrated by Latin examples and English exercises, in a natural gradation of sentences from the more simple and easy to the more complex and difficult, to which is added a collection of Familiar Phrases for the ordinary occasions of conversation; and Moral Reflexions, in a select number of English Proverbs and Scripture Apophthegms, express'd by Sentences from the Roman classics with an Appendix to Syntaxis in a treatise of English Particles. London : MDCCXXII, printed for the author, and sold by him, and by the following booksellers: J. Wyat in St. Paul's Church-Yard, W. Taylor in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Downing in Bartholomew-Close, J. Osborn in Lombard-Street, S. Ballard in Little Britain, and J. Noon in Cheapside, [1722]. ESTC No. T176451. Grub Street ID 213480.
  • Lowe, Solomon. A critique on the etymology of the Westminster grammar. London : MDCCXXIII. Sold by J. Wyat in Paul's church-yard, S. Ballard in Little-Britain, W. Taylor in Pater-noster-row, J. Osborn in Lombard-street, J. Downing in Bartholomew close, and J. Noon in Cheapside, [MDCCXXIII. [1723]]. ESTC No. T95486. Grub Street ID 314991.
  • Lowe, Solomon. A grammar of the Latin tongue by Solomon Lowe. London : MDCCXXIV. Printed for J. Wyat, S. Ballard, W. Taylor, J. Osborn, J. Downing, J. Noon, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. N31733. Grub Street ID 20609.
  • Lowe, Solomon. A grammar of the Latin tongue. By Solomon Lowe. London : MDCCXXVI. Sold by J. Wyat, S. Ballard, J. Osborn, J. Downing, J. Noon, [1726]. ESTC No. T52957. Grub Street ID 279954.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Latin rudiments contrived by Solomon Lowe containing every thing in Lilye, except a few particulars, instead of which, several generals are here added, of much more importance. For the use of Prince William[.]. London : Sold by J. Wyat, in Paul's Church-Yard; S. Ballard, in Little Britain. J. Noon, in Cheapside, T. Woodward, in Fleet-street; J. Groenwege & N. Prevost, in the Strand; J. Jackson, in Pall-mall, C. King, in Westminster hall, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T176684. Grub Street ID 213700.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The occasional critique: on education. Proposing a new scheme of grammar, and method of instruction; ... By Solomon Lowe. London : sold by S. Ballard, J. Noon, T. Woodward, and J. Pote, 1728. ESTC No. T65152. Grub Street ID 290067.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Italian rudiments for the use of Prince William. Propos'd as every way better than any, and more comprehensive than all the grammars and grammatical treatises yet extant in any language. The second edition with emendations, and additions.. London : MDCCXXVIII. Sold by J. Wyat in Paul's Church-Yard, S. Ballard in Little-Britain, J. Noon in Cheapside, T. Woodward in Fleet-Street, J. Groenwege and N. Prevost, in the Strand, J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, C. King in Westminster-Hall, 1728]. ESTC No. T167067. Grub Street ID 205207.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Latin rudiments for the use of Prince William. Propos'd as much easier than any, and full as comprehensive as need be for the generality of those that learn the language. The second edition with emendations, and an addition of initiatory systems of rhetoric and prosodie.. London : MDCCXXVIII. Sold by J. Wyat in Paul's Church-yard, S. Ballard in Little-Britain, J. Noon in Cheapside, T. Woodward in Fleet-street, J. Groenwege and N. Prevost in the Strand, J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, C. King in Westminster-hall, [1728]. ESTC No. N54233. Grub Street ID 38048.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The antidote.: or a full answer to Mr. Woolston's five discourses on the miracles of our Saviour. Containing all that has been advanc'd by all his answerers ... By a layman. London : printed for J. Noon, 1729. ESTC No. T22175. Grub Street ID 244903.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The antidote: or a full answer to Mr. Woolston's five discourses on the miracles of our Saviour. Containing all that has been advanc'd by all his answerers with An Addition of what they have Omitted and A New Solution of Several Difficulties not yet sufficiently accounted for. By a layman. London : printed for J. Noon in Cheapside, and C. King in Westminster-Hall, MDCC.XXIX [1729]. ESTC No. T141300. Grub Street ID 188862.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The whetstone: a proposal of a new scheme of grammar, and method of instruction; by which the grounds of a language may be learn'd in a few hours, ... With a specimen of the design in a system of French rudiments, . London : sold by J. Noon, 1732. ESTC No. T65151. Grub Street ID 290066.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The rudiments of latin grammar explain'd. Lovain [i.e. London?] : [for Mr. Betts], Printed in the Year MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T32989. Grub Street ID 263659.
  • Lowe, Solomon. French rudiments, consisting of a grammar of the language, every way better than any, and more comprehensive ... To which are added (with an explanation of the idioms) the Lord's prayer, Creed, Commandments, ... The whole disposed in the most easy and instructive method; . London : printed for the author, 1736. ESTC No. N18713. Grub Street ID 8184.
  • Lowe, Solomon. French rudiments: consisting of a grammar of the language, every-way better than any, and more comprehensive than All; - A Vocabulary of the most usual Words; - A Sententiae of the most familiar Phrases; - A Dictionary of the most beautiful Idioms; and - A Florilege of the most celebrated Pieces, from the best Writers, both Ancient and Modern. To which are added tables of corresponding terminations, and words of similar sound; in English, French, Latin, Greek, &c. by way of Key to the Etymology. A List of Words, the same (or nearly so) in Sound; but different in Sense, and Spelling; cast into short Sentences, for the Ease of the Memory. AN Explanation of Idioms; with divers other Curious and Useful Particulars. The whole dispos'd in the most easy and instructive method; and Printed in the most Commodious Manner; as well to strike the Eye and Imagination, by a proper Distinction of Letter and Situation; as for the readier Turning to, or Learning of any Particular: And, SO, Fitted for the Use. London : printed for the author: MDCCXL. Sold by J. Osborn , in Pater-Noster Row ; J. Noon , in Cheapside ; and S. Ballard , in Little-Britain : as also at the author's house, in Hammersmith, [1740]. ESTC No. N18712. Grub Street ID 8183.
  • Lowe, Solomon. Arithmetic in two parts: containing I. A system of the art, in memorial verses, and Dictionary-Wise; for the readier Learning, Consulting, and Recollecting of the several articles: The whole more Commodious than any, and more Comprehensive than all, that have yet been calculated for the Use of Schools. II. A collection of exercises, accommodated to the various Occasions of Business, and contrivd for the Ease of Teachers: being disposd, partly (under each rule) Alphabetically, for the readier recourse; partly (under all) Promiscuously, for the severer Trial. By Solomon Lowe, Schoolmaster, at Hammersmith. London : MDCCXLIX. Printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus's Church, London-Bridge, [1749]. ESTC No. T112685. Grub Street ID 164652.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The young man's best companion: being new arithmetic in two parts. I. Shews, how a person may speedily learn ... numeration, addition, subtraction, ... II. Vulgar fractions, reduction of vulgar fractions; ... Also an appendix, containing compendious ways of subtraction, multiplication and division; ... By S. Lowe, ... Dublin: printed by James Hoey, 1754. ESTC No. T180340. Grub Street ID 217020.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The critical spelling-book an introduction to reading and writing readily and correctly. In a manner more commodious than any, and more comprehensive than all the spelling-books that ever were publisht. Designd-For a standard of the language: and contrivd by a proper gradation of instructions, disposd in a picturesque manner, for the easy and expeditious attaining-to a rational knowledge of it. London : printed for D. Henry and R. Cave, at St John's Gate, M.DCC.LV [1755]. ESTC No. T62891. Grub Street ID 288268.
  • Lowe, Solomon. The critical spelling-book an introduction to reading and writing readily and correctly. In a manner more commodious than any, and more comprehensive than all the spelling-books that ever were publisht. Designd-For a standard of the language: and Contrivd by a proper gradation of instructions, disposd in a picturesque manner, for the easy and expeditious attaining-to a rational knowledge of it. By Mr Lowe, Tutor to his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and to the Princess Amelia. The second edition.. London : printed for F. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, 1770. ESTC No. T113368. Grub Street ID 165313.