Publications of George Fox


  • Fox, George. A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. In two volumes. Vol. I [-II]. [One line from Daniel]. New-York: Printed by Isaac Collins, no. 189, Pearl-Street, 1800. ESTC No. W27512. Grub Street ID 337620.
  • Fox, George. Newes coming up out of the north, sounding towards the south. Or, A blast out of the north up into the south, and so to flie abroad into the world: and a warning to all England, and nations elsewhere, the terrible day of the Lord is appearing, that all your hearts must be ript up and laid naked and open before the mighty God, before him where nothing can be hid, and that no hiding place will be found for him. You have hid your selves some in mountains and some in green trees, and some under hills; but the Lord is comming to make all naked, and strip all. Written from the mouth of the Lord, from one who is naked, and stands naked before the Lord cloathed with righteousness, whose name is not known in the world, risen up out of the north; which was prophesied of, but now it is fulfilled: the army is coming up out of the north against you terrible ones, whos weopans are not carnal, but spiritual. London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1654. [i.e. 1653]. ESTC No. R206764. Grub Street ID 83240.
  • Fox, George. The unmasking and discovering of Anti-Christ, with all the false prophets, by the true light which comes from Christ Jesus, written forth to convince the seducers, and for the undeceiving of the seduced. By George Fox. [London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls, 1653]. ESTC No. R30385. Grub Street ID 113245.
  • Fox, George. Saul's errand to Damascus: with his packet of letters from the high-priests, against the disciples of the Lord. Or, A faithful transcript of a petition contrived by some persons in Lancanshire, who call themselves ministers of the gospel, breathing out threatnings and slaughters against a peaceable & godly people there, by them nick-named Quakers. Together with the defence of the persons thereby traduced, against the slanderous and false suggestions of that petition, and other untruths charged upon them. Published to no other end, but to draw out the bowels of tender compassion from all that love the poor despised servants of Jesus Christ, who have been the scorn of carnal men in all ages. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1653. ESTC No. R206937. Grub Street ID 83388.
  • Fox, George. Truth's defence against the refined subtilty of the serpent held forth in divers answers to severall queries made by men (called ministers) in the North. Given forth by the light and power of God appearing in George Fox and Richard Hubberthorn. [S.l.]: Printed for Tho: Wayt at his house in the Pavement in York, 1653. ESTC No. R207270. Grub Street ID 83673.
  • Fox, George. A warning from the Lord, to all such as hang down the head for a day, and pretend to keep a fast unto God, when they smite with the fist of wickedness, and suffers the innocent to lie oppressed. Occasioned by a late declaration; stiled, A declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector, inviting the people of England and Wales to a day of solemn fasting and humiliation. A friend to all them which be of a broken heart, and trembleth at the word of the Lord, G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R207337. Grub Street ID 83735.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the ground and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world who profess themselves to be ministers, and dissent from them. [London: printed and are to be sold by Giles Calvert at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1654]. ESTC No. R202131. Grub Street ID 79388.
  • Fox, George. Saul's errand to Damascus: with his packet of letters from the high-priests against the disciples of the Lord. Or A faithful transcript of a petition contrived by some persons in Lancashier, who call themselves ministers of the Gospel, breathing out threatnings and slaughters against a peaceable & godly people there, by them nick-named Quakers. Together with the defence of the persons thereby traduced against the slanderous and false suggestions of that petition, and other untruths charged upon them. Published to no other end, but to draw out the bowels of tender compassion from all that love the poor despised servants of Jesus Christ, who have been the scorn of carnal men in all ages. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle, at the West-end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R37353. Grub Street ID 119589.
  • Fox, George. True judgement, or, The spiritual-man judging all things, but he himself judged of no man. To them who are growing up into discerning and judgement: and to them, who cannot endure sound judgement. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R202180. Grub Street ID 79431.
  • Fox, George. The vials of the wrath of God, poured forth upon the seat of the man of sin, and upon all professors of the world, who denieth the light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one withal, and walk contrary to it; with it they are condemned. And a vvarning from the Lord to all who are walking headlong to destruction in the lusts of the flesh, and deceits of the world, that they may repent and turn to the Lord, lest the overflowing scourge sweep them all into the pit. By him who is called George Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert at the black-spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R39551. Grub Street ID 121432.
  • Fox, George. The trumpet of the Lord sounded, and his sword drawn, and the separation made between the precious and the vile; and the vineyard of the Lord dressed by his own husbandmen, and the dead trees cut down, and all the mystery of witchcraft discovered in all professions: by them who have come thorow great tribulation, whose garments have been washed in the blood of the lamb; who are accounted as the off-scowring of all things for Christs sake, scornfully called by the world Quakers. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-eagle neer the west-end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R206890. Grub Street ID 83346.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers; declaring the ground and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, who profess themselves to be ministers, and dissent from them. [London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert at the signe of the Black spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1654]. ESTC No. R207234. Grub Street ID 83642.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world, from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the ground and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, who profess themselves to be ministers, and dissent from them. [London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the sign of the Black Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls, 1654]. ESTC No. R207235. Grub Street ID 83643.
  • Fox, George. A word from the Lord, to all the world, and all professors in the vvorld; spoken in parables: wherein all may come to read themselves through the parables, and see where they are; also a word to all professors, who cast the pure law of God behind their backs, and turn th grace of God into wantonness, and despite the day of their visitation; with a dreadful voice to all the children of darkness, who hate and deny the light; that all may come to see themselves, and repent, before the fierce wrath of the Lord, which is kindled in England, sweep you all away: by them who are redeemed out of the curse, to serve the living, called Quakers. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1654. ESTC No. R207560. Grub Street ID 83926.
  • Fox, George. A tous ceulx qui vouldroyent cognoistre la voye au royaume: quoy quilz soyent es formes, sans formes ou par dessus les formes. Une direction pour tourner la pensée au dedans ou la voix de dieu doit estre ouye, lequel vous adorez ignoramment comme de loing & d'attendre de luy al uraye sapience. Afin que vous coignoissiés la verité de l'erreur, la parole de la lettre, la puissance de la forme, et les vrays prophetes des faulx. Publié par ceulx lesquels le monde par mespris appele Quakers, cest a dire ceulx qui tremblent. Imprimé à Londres: pour Giles Caluert Libraire, vers L’Occident de (la place improprement appelée) L’eglise St. Paul, 1655. ESTC No. R207319. Grub Street ID 83717.
  • Fox, George. A vvarning to the world that are groping in the dark, after sects, opinions, and notions, which are all with the Light condemned; and by the children of Light declared against. By G: Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle at the West end of Pauls, 1655. ESTC No. R202189. Grub Street ID 79439.
  • Fox, George. A declaration against all profession and professors that have not the life of what they profess, from the righteous seed of God; whom the world, priests, and people scornfully calls Quakers, who are in that life that the holy men of God were in, and witness that power that made them to tremble and quake, and shook the earth, and threw it down; which the world, priests, people, and professors, having the words declared from this power and life, but not it, scoffs and scorns at, but this is our riches. London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black spread Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1655. ESTC No. R207565. Grub Street ID 83930.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world, from them that are scornfully called Quakers. Declaring the grounds and reasons, why they deny the teachers of the word [sic], (who profess themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. [London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the sign of the Black Spread-Eagle neer the West end of Pauls, 1655]. ESTC No. R213320. Grub Street ID 88804.
  • Fox, George. The vials of the wrath of God upon the seat of the man of sin, and upon all professors of the world, who denyeth the light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one withal, and walk contrary to it; with it they are condemned. And a warning from the Lord to all who are walking headlong to destruction in the lusts of the flesh and deceits of the world, that they may repent and turn to the Lord, lest the overflowing scourge sweep them all into the pit. By him who is called George Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1655. ESTC No. R234663. Grub Street ID 105977.
  • Fox, George. The vials of the wrath of God upon the seat of the man of sin. And upon all professors of the world, who denyeth the light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one withall, and walk contrary to it; with it they are condemned, and a warning from the Lord to all who ar walking headlong to destruction in the lusts of the flesh and deceits of the world, that they may repent and turne to the Lord, lest the overflowing scourge sweep them all into the pit. By him who is called George Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1655. ESTC No. R10506. Grub Street ID 58874.
  • Fox, George. Nevves coming up out of the north, sounding towards the south. Or, A blast out of the north up into the south, and so to flie abroad into the world: and a warning to all England, and nations elsewhere. The terrible day of the Lord is appearing, that all your hearts must be ript up and laid naked and open before the mighty God, before Him where nothing can be hid, and that no hiding place will be found for him You have hid your selves some in mountains and some in green trees, and some under hills; but the Lord is coming to make all naked, and strip all. Written from the mouth of the Lord, from one who is naked, and stands naked before the Lord cloathed with righteousnesse, whose name is not known in the world, risen up out of the north; which was prophesied of, but now it is fulfilled: the army is coming up out of the north against you terrible ones, whose weapons are not carnal, but spiritual. London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1655. ESTC No. R10508. Grub Street ID 58876.
  • Fox, George. The teachers of the vvorld unvailed. VVherein the ground of their ministry is manifested, both in doctrine and practice, to be out of the light which cometh from Christ, in the witchcraft deceiving the people. ... declared against by G.F. that all people may from them turne. ... As also certaine queries given forth touching Q. Maries law made for defence of the priests and Jesuits, by which the priests and false teachers of this nation now guard themselves, and persecute the children of light even to death by long and tedious imprisonments in holes and dungeons. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth neere Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R29430. Grub Street ID 112409.
  • Fox, George. A voice of the Lord to the heathen, which to them is a visitation for them to turn to him who is living, from all their dead handy works, which to them is an alarm sounded out of Sion. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656]. ESTC No. R29435. Grub Street ID 112412.
  • Fox, George. The vvoman learning in silence: or, The mysterie of the womans subiection to her husband. As also, the daughter prophesying, wherein the Lord hath, and is fulfilling that he spake by the prophet Joel, I will poure out my spirit upon all flesh, &c. Given forth by George Fox. London: printed for Thomas Simonds, at the sign of the Bul and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R204822. Grub Street ID 81696.
  • Fox, George. Here all may see, that justice and judgement is to rule. And the power of God without respecting mens persons, or observing the worlds complements. And sheweth how the pure religion keeps out from the spots of the world. ... And sheweth the prisoning for not bowing the hat is such a thing as hath not been since the world began. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R204828. Grub Street ID 81701.
  • Fox, George. A declaration concerning fasting, and prayer. Of the true fast, which raiseth up the foundation of many generations; which is not the hanging down of the head like a bulrush for a day. Also; a declaration of the false fast, where is the hanging down the head like a bulrush for a day, and the bonds of iniquity standing, which iniquity seperates from God, while that is standing; the foundation of many generations is not seen. And sheweth, the prayer that God accepts, and what he hears, that which is from his Spirit, and sheweth what prayers he hears not, which is contrary to it, which God accepts not; and here you may see the difference between the true praying and the false. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R204830. Grub Street ID 81703.
  • Fox, George. A cry for repentance, unto the inhabitants of London chieflie, and unto all the vvorld, whose fruits do shame their profession, and that they may come to yea and nay, in all their communications and dealings, that their life may judge the world; for who are out of that, are in the evil, and falls into the condemnation of the Devil. Given forth for the information of the simple, that they may know the way of life, and out of the evill communication which corrupts good manners. Lonnon [sic]: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R204831. Grub Street ID 81704.
  • Fox, George. A visitation to the Iewes, from them whom the Lord hath visited from on high, among whom he hath performed his promise made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to his seed, which Moses saw, and the prophets gave testimonie of, to which seed the Apostles witnessed, which seed we are, which seed of Abraham Christ came according to the flesh, which we now witness, glory to the Lord for evermore. Also, a visitation to all you that have long had the Scriptures; but found out of the life of them that gave them forth, that are stumbling about the words, fighting and contending about them, imprisoning and persecuting them that witness the life that gave them fotth [sic]. Given forth by G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the sign of the Black Spread-Eagle neer the west end of Pauls, 1656. ESTC No. R202191. Grub Street ID 79442.
  • Fox, George. This for each Parliament-man, that they may see the wisdom by which all things were created with it, to order all things to His glory. Given forth by George Fox. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth neere Aldersgate, 1656. ESTC No. R39545. Grub Street ID 121428.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world, from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the grounds and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, (who profess themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. [London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the signe of the Black-Spread-Eagle, neer the west end of Pauls, 1656]. ESTC No. R219837. Grub Street ID 94314.
  • Fox, George. A declaration of the difference of the ministers of the word from the ministers of the world; who calls the writings, the word. By G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle at the West End of Pauls, 1656. ESTC No. R207726. Grub Street ID 84077.
  • Fox, George. A vvarning from the Lord to the pope; and to all his train of idolatries: with a discovery of his false imitations, and likenesses, and traditional inventions, which is not the power of God. And a testimony against his foundation, to the overthrow of the whole building: and a witness by the spirit of God against his dead-worship of dead idols; and the false imitation of false crosses, which is not the power of God unto salvation, but delusion unto damnation. And the day of visitation held forth, that they may make their peace with the Lord; and the way of peace declared, which is Christ Iesus the light of the world, who lightneth every man that comes into the world; and the mysterie of the true cross of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation revealed: and also some quæries given forth to be answered by the pope, his priests or Jesuits, or them who are popishly affected. By a lover of souls, G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, neer the west-end of Pauls, 1656. ESTC No. R207291. Grub Street ID 83693.
  • Fox, George. A discovery of some fruits of the profession religion ministry government of this nation, which maketh the land to mourne, and vexeth the soule of the righteous from day to day. Also the relation of the world discovered, and wherein it differs from the pure relation. Wit a few words to the magistrates that doe cast Christ into prison, and will not visit him when they have done, nor suffer his friends and brethren to visit him. [London: printed for T. Simmons at the Bull & mouth near Aldersgate, 1656]. ESTC No. R36507. Grub Street ID 118776.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the grounds and reasons, why they deny the teachers of the world, (who profess themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. [London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the signe of the Black-Spread-Eagle, neer the west end of Pauls, 1657]. ESTC No. R36516. Grub Street ID 118785.
  • Fox, George. A warning to all teachers of children which are called school-masters and school-mistresses, and to parents, which doth send their children to be taught by them; that all school-masters and school-mistresses may train up children in the fear of God, and bring all childre to that of God in them, with which they may come to fear him, and to depart from sin and evilÂÂ.†Æ.. This is to go in the world among all that are called school-masters and school-mistresses, by G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R28016. Grub Street ID 111131.
  • Fox, George. A catechisme for children. That they may come to learn of Christ the light, the truth, the way, that leads to know the father, the God of all truth. By G.F. London: printed for Gyles Calvart at the Black-Spread-Eagle at the west end of Paules, 1657. ESTC No. R181328. Grub Street ID 71965.
  • Fox, George. A testimony of the true Light of the world. Which is given to every man that comes into the world, and of the true measure of the gift of God, given to every one to profit withal. And a true witness, and faithful: ... Given forth for the good of all people, in pity to al souls, by him who is not known to the world, but a stranger in it, Geo. Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert, and sold in his shop at the black Spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1657. ESTC No. R204824. Grub Street ID 81698.
  • Fox, George. An instruction to judges & lawyers, that they may act and judge as the judges did of old, and that they may see how they are degenerated from them that judged at the first, and that in reading this thorow, they may see what hath been lost, and how they may be resotored by the power of the Lord ... And how people have bin put to death for that which they should have restored, or been sold for their theft; ... And concerning the poor mans cry, who know his matter and business himself, and is able to speak to it ... Given forth to the intent men might consider these things, and come to the life of God, and live at the first, that justice might run down, and truth and righteousnesse may be set up. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, [1657]. ESTC No. R213750. Grub Street ID 89127.
  • Fox, George. The priests fruits made manifest. And the fashions of the world, and the lust of ignorance: also, a few vvords to the city of London: G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neere Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R204839. Grub Street ID 81711.
  • Fox, George. The priests and professors catechisme, for them to try their spirits; whether it be after the doctrine of godliness; or after the traditions of men, which are vainly puft up in their fleshly minds. And that they may see themselves, and all people may see them, to be both out of the power and true forme of godlinesse. By G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, near the vvest end of Pauls Church, 1657. ESTC No. R204842. Grub Street ID 81714.
  • Fox, George. Of bowings, shewing such as are not to bow, nor worship, nor so to doe, are commanded of God. As bow, and worship without, and contrary to the command of God. As are to bow according as God hath commanded. By G. Fox. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R207670. Grub Street ID 84029.
  • Fox, George. The ground of high places: and the end of high places: and a rest for the people of God, above all the high places of the earth. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R202172. Grub Street ID 79424.
  • Fox, George. Here are several queries put forth in print for all, or any of you whose names are here under written, (and likewise for them at Cambridge and Oxford, ... or any other of your societies that will answer the same) and return your answer in print, to the view and satisfactio of many people; who are now questioning whether any of all your practises do proceed from the true foundation. For Robert Gell. Doctor of Divinity so called, who formerly preached to the Society of Astrologers; as witness his book called Stella nova. William Lilly. Student in astrology. John Booker. Student in astrology and physick. Richard Sanders. Student in the divine, laudible and celestial sciences, as he calls it. Vincent Wing. George Wharton. Or any other of the astrologers to answer. And likewise for Francis Prujan. John King. Charles Scarbrough. George Bates. Lawrence Wright. Jonathan Goddard. And Richard Barker. Doctors of Physick; and to the rest of that society to answer. These queries are put in print by. London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, 1657. ESTC No. R202174. Grub Street ID 79425.
  • Fox, George. This is to all officers and souldiers of the armies in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and to all magistrates, and them in authority in these nations, and the dominions thereunto appertaining for them to read. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R202176. Grub Street ID 79426.
  • Fox, George. A warning to all teachers of children, which are called school-masters and school-mistresses. And to parents, which doth send their children to be taught by them; that all school-masters and school-mistresses may train up children in the fear of God, and bring all children to that of God in them, with which they may come to fear him, and to depart from sin and evil. ... This is to go in the world among all that are called school.masters [sic] and school-mistresses, by G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R202190. Grub Street ID 79441.
  • Fox, George. The second covenant, which doth manifestly make known the end of the first covenant & priesthood, which could not continue by reason of death. Or the nevv covenant of light, life, and peace, wherein the Lord in righteousnesse establisheth the hearts of his people; where the are taught of the Lord. Also herein is declared the difference between Christs way, and Judas way. By G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R39544. Grub Street ID 121427.
  • Fox, George. That all might see who they were that had a command, and did pay tythes; and who they were that had a law to receive them. And also, them that witnessed in spirit and life the law fulfilled, the substance and end of the law, and that priesthood that took tythes. And likewise, these are here manifest that do take tythes, and have no command from God, but contrary to the law of God. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R18380. Grub Street ID 73558.
  • Fox, George. A vvarning to all teachers of children, which are called school-masters and school-mistresses, and to parents, which doth send their children to be taught by them; that all school-masters and school-mistresses may train up children in the fear of God, and bring all children to that of God in them, with which they may come to fear him, and to depart from sin and evil. ... This is to go in the world among all that are called school.masters [sic] and school-mistresses, by G.F. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657]. ESTC No. R202199. Grub Street ID 79448.
  • Fox, George. The priests fruits made manifest. And the vanity of the world discovered. Who are given up to their hearts lust, to run out of one fashion into another. Also a few words to the city of London. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R207458. Grub Street ID 83841.
  • Fox, George. The priests and professors catechisme, for them to try their spirits; whether it be after the doctrine of godliness, or after the traditions of men, which are vainly puft up in their fleshly mindes: and that they may see themselves, and all people may see them; to be bot out of the power and true forme of godliness. By G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, near the west end of Pauls Church, 1657. ESTC No. R207465. Grub Street ID 83847.
  • Fox, George. A declaration of the ground of error & errors, blasphemy, blasphemers, and blasphemies; and the ground of inchantings and seducing spirits, and the doctrine of devils, the sons of sorcerers, and the seed of the adulterer, and the ground of nicromancy, which doth defile witches and wizards. How this is all from the spirit of God in the transgression of it; and all them that draw from the spirit of God, draw into it; and they that are lead by the spirit of God, are led from it to God, and to the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ. By G. F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-Spread-Eagle neer the West end of Pauls, 1657. ESTC No. R207487. Grub Street ID 83863.
  • Fox, George. A catechisme for children; that they may come to learn of Christ the light, the truth, the way, that leads to know the Father, the God of all truth. By G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-Spread Eagles at the west-end of Pauls, 1657. ESTC No. R208397. Grub Street ID 84647.
  • Fox, George. An epistle to all people on the earth; and the ignorance of all the world, both professors and teachers, of the birth that must be silent, and of the birth that is to speak, which declares God; and the difference betwixt silence and speaking. Shewing to all the people upon earth, that they may come to an understanding of themselves; and may know that Christ Jesus, the Light of the world, is their teacher to God, or their condemnation from him. Also shewing that it was the practice of many to wait in silence upon God, to hear his word, and know his voice. By G.F. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle neer the west-end of Pauls, 1657. ESTC No. R207508. Grub Street ID 83883.
  • Fox, George. To all the people who meet in the steeple-houses in England, and elsewhere. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657]. ESTC No. R36424. Grub Street ID 118704.
  • Fox, George. To you that are crying, what is become of our fore-fathers, if the light be the way which you be in, and what is become of the martyrs that suffered?. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons, [1657]]. ESTC No. R36429. Grub Street ID 118707.
  • Fox, George. Concerning good-morrow, and good-even; the worlds customs: but by the light which into the world is come, by it made manifest to all who be in the darkness. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1657. ESTC No. R207522. Grub Street ID 83895.
  • Fox, George. Here is declared the manner of the naming of children in the old time. without a priest sprinkling them with water, which now is, and hath been in these times, yet they have the Scriptures, but shews their contrary walking to Scripture. And also, the practice of the holy men of God by Scripture; how that God named Adam, and Adam gave names; and men and women gave names to children. And how angels was sent to some, to tell them what their names should be, vvithout god-fathers, or god-mothers, or sureties, or priests to sprinkle them with water. Which shevvs, they that have god-fathers, and god-mothers, and gossips, and use priests to sprinkle them, are contrary to Scripture and the practice of the holy men of God, as you may read in the follovving treatise. With an addition of the spevving, and vomiting, and drunkenness of all professions. Given forth by G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R36515. Grub Street ID 118784.
  • Fox, George. An answer to a paper which came from the papists lately out of Holland. Who goeth about to vindicate the Pope, Jesuits, and papists, who since the dayes of the Apostles have got up, which according to the scriptures of Christ and the Apostles they are not; ... And if any Papist in England, or Jesuit, Pope or Cardinal elsewhere, will go forth three or four weeks with a Quaker, with bread and water, and have no more of that then the Quaker hath; for you Papists have said that the Quakers deny fasting; so if you dare try this matter, then some of your side shall watc the Quaker, and some of the Quakers side shall watch you, and so we shall try if your bollics by not your god. G.F. London: Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R27992. Grub Street ID 111119.
  • Fox, George. The pearle found in England. This is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations. From the royall seed of God and heirs of salvation, called Quakers, who are the Church of the living God, built up together of living stones in England; a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world, that every one may turn into himself, and there feel it, and finde it. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R28004. Grub Street ID 111125.
  • Fox, George. John James, I hearing that thou doest make a noise up and down in the countrey amongst the ignorant, and hath spken reproachfully, and backbited the people of God, that by such as thee are in scorn called Quakers, here is a few queries for thee to answer in writing, and plainess of words, which if thou dost not, we shall spread them abroad and set them in places where thou comes. ... [[London]: Printed for M.W., [1658]]. ESTC No. R31685. Grub Street ID 114462.
  • Fox, George. To the Protector and Parliament of England. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle, neer the west end of Pauls, 1658. ESTC No. R202178. Grub Street ID 79428.
  • Fox, George. A reply to the pretended vindication of the answer to the Quakers 23. quæryes, subscribed by G.F. Which pretended vindication had no name to it, but was sent by Richard Heath a priest of Shrewsbury, unto John Millington. Read this book thorow, and you may find things in it that hath never been written nor printed. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R7860. Grub Street ID 128081.
  • Fox, George. The lavv of God, the rule for lavv-makers, the ground of all just laws, and the corruption of English lavvs and lawyers discovered. By G. Fox. London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread Eagle neer the west end of Pauls, 1658. ESTC No. R207702. Grub Street ID 84061.
  • Fox, George. The pearle found in England. This is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations. From the royall seed of God, and heires of salvation, called Quakers, who are the Church of the living God, built up together of living stones in England: a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world, that every one may turn into himself, and there feel it and find it. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R177299. Grub Street ID 69472.
  • Fox, George. The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Conncel [sic] of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571. All which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted. Furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, ... Also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents ... to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ. Also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility. Also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers. By George Fox. London: printed for T. Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R3577. Grub Street ID 118130.
  • Fox, George. A catechisme for children. That they may come to learne of Christ, the light, the truth, the way, that leads to know the Father, the God of all truth. By G. F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth neer Alders-gate, 1658. ESTC No. R220218. Grub Street ID 94636.
  • Fox, George. A warning to all the merchants in London. And such as buy and sell. With an advisement to them to lay aside their superfluity, and with it to nourish the poor. By G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R37831. Grub Street ID 120016.
  • Fox, George. To all that would know the vvay to the kingdome, whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms. A direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afar off; and to wait upon him for the true wisdom That you may know truth from errour, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers. London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread Eagle neer the west end of Pauls, 1658. ESTC No. R205423. Grub Street ID 82174.
  • Fox, George. An answer to Thomas Tillams book called, The seventh-day-sabbath: wherein it is shewed how that Christian sabbath is Christ who is the Lord of the day, who was before any day was made, and is the rest for man-servants and maid-servants and strangers, Jewes and Gentiles that believe in him, who gives rest unto the creation. And how the Jews Sabbath was a day given to them since the fall, a signe and a shadow, which Sabbath was the Lords which he rested on from his work, ... by G. F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R25089. Grub Street ID 108802.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the vvorld from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the grounds and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, (who profess themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659]. ESTC No. R205430. Grub Street ID 82181.
  • Fox, George. To the people of Uxbridge. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R29434. Grub Street ID 112411.
  • Fox, George. The serious peoples reasoning and speech with the worlds teachers and professors. By G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R28652. Grub Street ID 111703.
  • Fox, George. Surely the magistrates of Nottingham are blinde as though they had never [...] scriptures, have they cast a man into prison for saying the scriptures were not the living word? ... London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R177305. Grub Street ID 69476.
  • Fox, George. To the Parliament of the Comon-Wealth [sic] of England. Fifty nine particulars laid down for the regulating things, and the taking away of oppressing laws, and oppressors, and to ease the oppressed. By G. F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R203676. Grub Street ID 80768.
  • Fox, George. An answer to Doctor Burgess his book, entituled, A case concerning of buying bishop lands which he spread before the Parliament. Wherein he goes about to justifie, that tythes is the ministers of the gospels maintenance. London: Printed for Tho. Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R30466. Grub Street ID 113313.
  • Fox, George. The great mistery of the great whore unfolded: and antichrists kingdom revealed unto destruction. In answer to many false doctrines and principles which Babylons merchants have traded with, being held forth by the professed ministers, and teachers, and professors in England, Ireland, and Scotland, taken under their owne hands, and from their owne mouths, sent forth by them from time to time, against the despised people of the Lord called Quakers, who are of the seed of that woman, who hath been long fled into wildernes. Also an invasion upon the great city Babylon, with the spoling of her golden cup, and delicate merchandize, whereby she hath deceived the world and nations: and herein is declared the spoyling of her prey, in this answer to the multitude of doctrines held forth by the many false sects, which have lost the key of knowledge, and been o foot since the apostles dayes, called Anabaptists, Independents, Presbyters, Ranters, and many others; who out of their own mouths have ma. London: printed for Tho: Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R18020. Grub Street ID 71334.
  • Fox, George. A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers, declaring the grounds & reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, (who professe themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. [London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and mouth neer Aldersgate, [1659]]. ESTC No. R213321. Grub Street ID 88805.
  • Fox, George. Vires pontificorum fractæ. videlicet principia, & doctrinæ (quæ secundum mandatum Concilii Tridentini, ex authoritate Papæ Romani, prædicare juramento sunt obstricti, & quæ generali unltimo concilio in Rouen habito, anno, 1571. confirmata fuerunt) examinata, & confutata. Examinatio porro & confutatio principiorum & doctrinarum, ut a R.W. Papista in quidusdam [sic] literis nuperrime ex Belgia missis, essent tradita. Quibus additur & provocatio, Papæ Romano, & omnibus ei adhærentibus missa, ut ex omnibus territoriis suis quosdam Cardinales, Priores, vel Jesuitas deligerent, qui (ex parte sua, nostraque vigilando) panis, & vini consecrati probationem facerent, utrum gustum proprium, & saporem (etiam post consecrationem) non admittant, & corrumpantur, & ideo non sunt Christi corpus & sanguis. ... Quædam denique quæstiones, universis per totum terrarum orbem Papistis propositæ, ut eis responsa literis mandata reddant, mittant que ad illos, quos omnes sectæ in toto orbe vocant trementes, Ang. Londini: apud Thomam Simmons, 1659. ESTC No. R220304. Grub Street ID 94701.
  • Fox, George. The Lambs officer is gone forth with the Lambs message, vvhich is the vvitness of God in all consciences, to call them up to the bar, the judgement of the Lamb, in this his day which is come. To all the parish clerks, vicars, curates, and professors in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and elsewhere in the whole Christendome; for you all to come up to the Lambs bar, in this his day, and is to go into all the parishes aforesaid, to see if they can stand before the Lamb, to plead their cause, guilty, or not guilty, in this his day, who have had the Scriptures, but ou of the life which they were in that gave them forth. G.F. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R217934. Grub Street ID 92661.
  • Fox, George. A primer for the schollers and doctors of Europe, but especially to them in and about the (called) two famous universities in England, Oxford and Cambridge, to them, and every of them, whether tutors or schollers, batchellors and Masters of Arts, Batchellours of Divinity and Doctors of Divinity, or to any other member of that body, that hath sprung from these the two, so called, well heads of divinity, either such who keeps their station and trading there, or such who have learned their arts, sciences and trades there, and now improves them to their best advantage in the nation of England or elsewhere. Being a brief rehearsal of some of the words and terms which have for several ages been used, and now are used in their chief schools of learning and universities, contained in their seven liberal arts, ... By George Fox. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R5507. Grub Street ID 125943.
  • Fox, George. To those that have been formerly in authority, and have broken covenant with God & man. By G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins le Grand, [1660]. ESTC No. R28014. Grub Street ID 111129.
  • Fox, George. A word in the behalf of the King, that he may see who they are that honour all men, and love the brother-hood, that fear God, and honour the King, according as it is written in the scriptures of truth, see 1 Pet. 2.17. ... For who live in all manner of sin and wickednesse, drunkennesse, oaths, and uncleannesse, and ungodlinesse, these live out of Gods fear, so cannot honour the King. But they that depart from all manner of sin, ungodliness, unrighteousness, uncleanness, filthiness, swearing, are them that fear God, and honour the King; and also how that Christ ends the Jews law, by which they were to kill about religion such as were contrary-minded, ... yet you may see that Christ's command and doctrine was to love enemies, and they that do so are the true Christians. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins Le-Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R28017. Grub Street ID 111132.
  • Fox, George. Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying, in the law and in the gospel and concerning womens learning in silence, and also concerning womens not speaking in the church, as the Apostle said I permit not a woman to speak in the church; and what state they be in, &c. London : printed for M.W. [i.e. Mary Westwood], [1660. ESTC No. R181329. Grub Street ID 71966.
  • Fox, George. The pearle found in England this is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations. From the royall seed of God, and heires of salvation, called Quakers who are the church of the living God, built up together of living stones in England: a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world, that every one may turn into himselfe, and there feel it and find it. G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread Eagle and Windmill in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R31686. Grub Street ID 114463.
  • Fox, George. Scriptiunculæ quædam Anglico-Latinæ, magistratibus de insula Maltensi, et Imperatori Domus de Austria etiam et omnibus ejus principibus; Galliæ regi, et omnibus potestatibus sub ejus ditione: Hispanorum Regi, et denique Romano Pontifici, exhibitæ. Some papers given forth in English & Latine, to the magistrates of the Isle of Milita, and to the Emperour of the House of Austria, and to all the princes under him. To the King of France and to all the powers that be under him: to the King of Spain, and lastly to the Pope. By George Fox. Londini : pro Roberto Wilson, apud officinam ejus ad Aquilam Nigram in Marting l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R31687. Grub Street ID 114464.
  • Fox, George. An epistle general to them who are of the royal priest-hood and chosen generation. Given forth from the movings of the power and spirit of truth, and now made publick to be sent abroad among the saints scattered in old and New England, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Scotland Barbadoes, and Virginia, for them to read in the fear of the Lord. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth, neer Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R10556. Grub Street ID 58917.
  • Fox, George. A battle-door for teachers & professors to learn singular & plural; you to many, and thou to one: singular one, thou; plural many, you. Wherein is shewed ... how several nations and people have made a distinction between singular and plural. And first, in the former part of this book, called the English battle-door, may be seen how several people have spoken singular and plural; ... Also, in this book is set forth examples of the singular and plural about thou, and you, in several languages, divided into distinct battle-doors, or formes, or examples; ... and how emperors and others have used the singular word to one; and how the word you came first from the Pope. Likewise some examples, in the Polonian, Lithuanian, Irish and East-Indian, together with ... Sweedish, Turkish, ... tongues. In the latter part of this book are contained severall bad unsavory words, gathered forth of certain school-books, which have been taught boyes in England ... George. Fox. John Stubs. Benjamin Furley. London : printed for Robert Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-mil in Martins le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R7810. Grub Street ID 128038.
  • Fox, George. Several papers given forth: the heads of which are contained in the following table. By George Fox. London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R43175. Grub Street ID 124230.
  • Fox, George. Turcæ, et omnibus sub ejus ditione, ut hoc perlegant quod ad salvationem eorum spectat. To the Turk, and all that are under his supream, to read this over which concerns their salvation. Authore G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmil in Martins l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R224150. Grub Street ID 97868.
  • Fox, George. This is to all people who stumble at Gods commands. London] : Printed for Mary Westwood, in the year, 1660. ESTC No. R39546. Grub Street ID 121429.
  • Fox, George. To all the nations under the whole heavens: and to all those who have ministred the letter, and yet are ignorant, and have and have [sic] kept others in the ignorance both of the letter and spirit also. From those people who are despitefully called, Quakers, who tremble at the word of God in their hearts: to which word all the holy men of God have brought forth their testimony after the same manner, (and who are appeared in that which cannot be shaken) as the scriptures of the Old and New-Testament do eminently declare and set forth. G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R30384. Grub Street ID 113244.
  • Fox, George. Thirty of the priests errors published. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the Signe of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R233888. Grub Street ID 105309.
  • Fox, George. Cunctis Christi, Apostolorum sanctorumque verba docentibus & profitentibus. To all the professors & teachers of Christs words, and the apostles and saints. Authore G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins L'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R40414. Grub Street ID 122207.
  • Fox, George. Pro imperatore Chinensi, ac omnibus ejus regibus & principibus subordinatis. A populo Dei in Anglia, vocato Anglice Quakers. For the Emperour of China, and his subordinate Kings & princes. From the people of God in England, in English called Quakers. Authore G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmil in Martins L'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R177301. Grub Street ID 69474.
  • Fox, George. The promise of God proclamed; which is Christ the everlasting covenant of God to the Jews, Gentiles, and all people upon the earth, which God spake by his prophets, and was preached by the apostles, and by his servants and messengers sent forth since for Barbadoes, New-England, Virginia, the East and West Indies, and the south and north parts of the vvorld, to go to them all. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, 1660. ESTC No. R177302. Grub Street ID 69475.
  • Fox, George. Thirty of the priests errours published. London : printed for Rob. Wilson, at the signe of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-mil, in Martins Le grand, 1660. ESTC No. R470348. Grub Street ID 125087.
  • Fox, George. Our covenant with God and with all men is peace, and life, and light, and salvation to the ends of the earth, . London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R26718. Grub Street ID 109985.
  • Fox, George. The summ of such particulars as are charged against George Fox in the mittimus by which he stands committed; together with George Fox his answer to the said particulars. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R26723. Grub Street ID 109989.
  • Fox, George. A distinction between the phanatick spirit and the Spirit of God; and the fruits of each spirit as followeth. The fruits of the phanatick spirit is, rage, fury, madness, foolishness: And the fruits of the Spirit of God is, love, joy, peace, gentleness, righteousness, true judgement; and gives the true distinction, and the true understanding. And an antidote, which is to stop and lay the poyson, which hath been received and drunk in by people. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the signe of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R30472. Grub Street ID 113318.
  • Fox, George. Something in ansvver to the old Common-prayer-book, and for the information of those who are for it; which is much of it taken out of the old Mass-book. Both which are got up since the Apostles dayes: for them in meekness and patience to read over, consider and try by the Scriptures of truth, whether or no they are not degenerated from the Apostles. The Scriptures in all your books are owned in themselves, in the condition to which they were spoken, and him in whom they end, the life; but the imaginations of them no man can own that fears God; ... So this is an answer to something of the Common-prayer, which things we find not agreeable to the Scriptures, nor the Apostles, nor the true Church. . London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R35521. Grub Street ID 117928.
  • Fox, George. Here you may see what was the true honour amongst the Jewes, to magistrates, kings, fathers, mothers, masters, dames, and old men; which did not use the putting off the hat, nor scraping backwards the foot; and what was the honour they forbade; and what is the honour Peter speaks of, To honour all men, and to them that rule well, that was worthy of double honour: among whom, the putting off the hat was not used: which honour of Christians, since the apostles dayes, have turned to putting off the hat, and scraping backwards; but putting off the hat, or bonnet, or covering, was not used among the Jewes, nor in those parts of the world, though they were to honour and esteem, and respect all men, loving enemies. . London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-mill in Martins l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R35523. Grub Street ID 117929.
  • Fox, George. Something in answer to that book, called The church-faith: set forth by Independents and others; agreed upon by divine messengers, meeting at the Savoy, in London. And also to that book, intituled, The confession of faith, approved on by the Church of ScotlandDT. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R36422. Grub Street ID 118702.
  • Fox, George. A catechisme for children. That they may come to learn of Christ, the light, the truth, the way, that leads to know the Father, the God of all truth. By G. F. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R220221. Grub Street ID 94639.
  • Fox, George. Catechismus pro parvulis. Vt ij discant a Christo, luce, veritate, via, quæ ducit ad cognoscendum patrem, deum omnis veritatis. G. F. Londini : pro Roberto Wilson, apud officinam ajus ad Aquilam nigram in Martin le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R220226. Grub Street ID 94642.
  • Fox, George. Responsio ad chartam quandam, quæ veniebat a Papistis, nuperrime ex Hollandia. Quæ occupatur ad vindicandum Papam, Jesuitas, & Papistas qui a diebus Apostlorum exorti sunt, qui secundum Scripturas Christi & Apostolorum non sunt; neque possunt Papa vel Papistæ, vel ullus alias, illorum actiones per verba Christi & Apostolorum justificare, ut in hoc libro legere licet attendenti ad Christum, ... Et, an aliquis Papista in Anglia, vel Jesuita, Papa vel cardinalis alibi, velit pergere tres vel quatuor septimanas cum tremulo perpanem & aquam, & non plus ex iis frui, quam tremulus? Vos enim, Papistæ, dixistis tremulos abnegare jejunia; itaque si vos hujus materiæ audetis periculum facere, tum aliqui vestræ partis oservabunt [sic] tremulum, & partis tremulorum aliqui observabunt vos, & sic explorabimus, an ventres vestri non sint vester Deus? G. F. Londini : pro Roberto Wilson, apud officinam ejus ad Aquilam nigram in Martin le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R220242. Grub Street ID 94652.
  • Fox, George. To both Houses of Parliament. Friends, here is a few things for you to take into consideration. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth, neer Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R27372. Grub Street ID 110541.
  • Fox, George. To all that would know the way to the kingdome, whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms. A direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afar off; and to wait upon him for the true wisdome. That you may know truth from errour, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers. By G.F. The fourth edition corrected and amended.. London : printed for Robert Wilson at the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill, in Martins l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R28241. Grub Street ID 111329.
  • Fox, George. A few plain vvords by vvay of querie, and information to the teachers and people of the nation. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-mill, in Martins le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R31637. Grub Street ID 114418.
  • Fox, George. Cunctis, viam in regnum, noscere desiderantibus, sint vel in formis extra formas, vel omnibus formis superiores. Admonitio mentes vestras ut introrsum, ubi vox domini (quem quasi remotum, inscienter adoratis) audienda est, invertatis; illumque ibi vera pro sapientia expectare. Veritatem ab errore, verbum a litera, potentiam a forma, veras d[e]nique, a falsis, prophetas ut possitis decernere. Ab illis edita, quos mundus trementes, contemptim denominatur. Authore Georgio Fox. Londini : pro Roberto Wilson, apud officinam ejus ad aquilam ingram in Marting l'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R226222. Grub Street ID 99318.
  • Fox, George. Margarita in Anglia reperta pro pauperibus, afflictis, & dispersis, in gentibus exteris. A regali semine dei & salvationis hæredibus, quos dictitant quascos, qui sunt ecclesia dei viventis, coædificati ex vivis lapidibus in Anglíâ. Visitatio & unitio ad margaritam dei, quæ occulta latet in toto terrarum orbe; ut unusquisque in seipsum se convertat ibique illam sentiat & inveniat. G.F. London] : pro Roberto Wilson, apud officinam ejus ad aquilam nigram in Martin le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R226223. Grub Street ID 99319.
  • Fox, George. Concerning marriage: how God made them male and female in the beginning, and how he joyned them together, before they were drove from God into the Earth, and then the manner of marriage before the law, and then the marriage in the law, and the marriage amongst the Christians in the primitive times; and the marriage of the Apostate Christians, and Jews and Gentiles, where hardness of heart was, there men put a sunder: but where God joynes together, let none put a sunder, that is as it was in the beginning before man was driven from God into the Earth, out of the defiled bed in the dominion, in the unity with all saints, so not to be hid from them. London : printed, for Thomas Simmons, at the signe of the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1661. ESTC No. R27995. Grub Street ID 111120.
  • Fox, George. For the King, and both Houses of Parliament, sitting at Westminster, and for every member thereof to read. London : printed for Rorbet [sic] Wilson in Martins Le-Grand, near Aldersgate, [1661]. ESTC No. R181334. Grub Street ID 71969.
  • Fox, George. The line of righteousness and justice stretched forth over all merchants, &c. And an exhortation unto all Friends and people whatsoever, who are merchants, tradesmen, husband-men, or sea-men, who deal in merchandize, trade in buying and selling by sea or land, or deal in husbandry, that ye all do that which is just, equal and righteous in the sight of God and man one to another, and to all men; and that ye use just weights and just measures, and speak and do that which is true, just and right in all things; that so your conversations, lives, practices and tongues, may preach to all people, and answer the good, just and righteous principle of God in them all. In which ye may be serviceable unto God, and to the creation in your generation, and a blessing both to God and man. G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmil, in Martins Le Grand, 1661. ESTC No. R10554. Grub Street ID 58915.
  • Fox, George. An answer to the arguments of the Iewes, in which they go about to prove, that the Messiah is not come; in which answer it is proved, that the Messiah is, and hath been come about 1661. years; and theirs and other arguments of the Christians laid aside, which is not to the purpose. London : printed for M.W[estwood]., [1661. ESTC No. R21920. Grub Street ID 93769.
  • Fox, George. Some principles of the elect people of God who in scorn are called Quakers, for all people throughout all Christendome to read over, and thereby their own states to consider. By Geo. Fox. London : printed for Robert Wilson, 1661. ESTC No. R30378. Grub Street ID 113241.
  • Fox, George. A tous ceulx, qui voudront cognoistre la voye au roy avme: quoy quilz soyent es formes sans formes ou par dessus les formes. Vne direction pour tourner la pensée au dedans ou la voix de Dieu doit estre ouye, lequel vous adorez ignoramment comme de loing, & 'attendre de luy la uraye sapience. A fin que vous coignoissiés la verité d'auec l'erreur,la parole d'auec la lettre, la puissance d'auec la forme, et les vrays prophetes d'auec les faulx. Publié par ceulx lesquels le monde par mespris appele Quakers, cest a dire ceulx qui tremblent. Re-impriméà Londres: pour M.W., lané1661. ESTC No. R40965. Grub Street ID 122717.
  • Fox, George. For the Pope, Cardinals and Jesuites, and all the rest of his family of Papists: being a discovery of 74 errors which they walk in, contrary to their own translation of the Scriptures ... Also here is 77 proofs taken out of the Scriptures, which proves the Popes, Cardinals, Jesuites and Papists to be in the apostacy, from the apostles, and contrary to them, in life, doctrine and practice. And also herein is shewed, how that there is a recovery again out of their apostacy ... Likewise here is a challenge to the Pope, to give us some publick meeting in Germany, where the Pope hath not the sole power, to try his principles, doctrine and practice. Also some queries to the Papists. George Fox. London : printed for John White, and are to sold at the back-side of the Old Exchange, 1661. ESTC No. R40415. Grub Street ID 122208.
  • Fox, George. To the Pope and all his magistrates and the Protestants, here they and all Christendom may see the moderation of the heathen emperours to the Christians in the 650 years before there was a Pope, signified by their letters following in the behalf of the Christians liberty, which will rise up in judgement against the Popes and their emperours, and his magistrates, and most of the Protestants, as here you may see in the reading of their declarations, and the straitnesse of the orders of those called Christians now, and the largenesse of the heathens then, as concernin liberty in the spirit to worship God, and also here you may see the heathen were more moderate to the Christians, then the Christians, so called, are one to another. Taken out of the ten persecutions. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1661. ESTC No. R29527. Grub Street ID 112497.
  • Fox, George. A declaration to the Iews for them to read over, in which they may see that the Messiah is come, according to their own prophets, and Gabriel the angel. And according their own number of time and years, out of Daniel 9. By George Fox. London : printed for John White, at the backside of the old Exchange, 1661. ESTC No. R16562. Grub Street ID 64392.
  • Fox, George. Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying in the law and the gospel and concerning womens learning in silence, and also concerning womens not speaking in the church . London : Printed for M.W., [1661]. ESTC No. R30469. Grub Street ID 113315.
  • Fox, George. Truths triumph in the eternal power over the darke inventions of fallen man. G.F. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1661. ESTC No. R26725. Grub Street ID 109991.
  • Fox, George. The eternal, substantial truths of Gods kingdom, set above, and preferred before the traditions of men, and rudiments of the world, which the kingdom of God stands not in: in answer to a book, intituled, Charitable admonition, or good advice to the people called Quakers. Wherein is made manifest the ignorance and blindness of the author, notwithstanding he takes upon himself to instruct the Quakers, concerning baptism, and the Lords Supper. ... Tythes, customs, and ordinances of men, &c. All which things are spoken to for the information of the simple in heart, whose desires are after the knowledge of the living God, by G.F. London : printed for Robert Wilson, 1661. ESTC No. R28509. Grub Street ID 111570.
  • Fox, George. For the King, and both Houses of Parliament, sitting at Westminster, and for every member thereof to read. London : printed for Robert Wilson in Martins Le-Grand, near Aldersgate, [1661]. ESTC No. R40250. Grub Street ID 122073.
  • Fox, George. To all that professe Christianity, are these following particulars. Concerning their name of Christians. Loving enemies. The worship in spirit. Gospel-fellowship. Their many heads and baptismes. Their many churches. Their disagreeing about Scriptures interpretation. By G.F. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, 1661. ESTC No. R10507. Grub Street ID 58875.
  • Fox, George. Principia quædam illius electi a Deo populi, ironice nominati Quakers. Ut omnes per totum Christianismum legant, & animadvertant suas ipsorum conditiones. Exhibita per Georgium Fox. Londini : pro Roberto Wilson, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R220241. Grub Street ID 94651.
  • Fox, George. To all people in all Christendom concerning perfect love, pure wisdome and the holy faith, and who they are that banisheth them, and who they are that entertains them; and how Christendome hath not received this love and this faith to edifie and build them; but hath received envy, and wrath, which sets them on heaps one against another, so not receiving love, they cannot edifie, nor receiving faith they cannot build. Also concerning Christs flesh which was offered, and Adams flesh which was defiled, and concerning the outward offerings and sacifices, and in what they were held, and concerning the belief in the outward offerings, and concerning the belief in Christ the offering, and concerning Adam in the fall, and concerning Adam before he fell, and concerning Christ that doth never fall, and concerning the eating of Christs flesh, and drinking his blood, and who hath life, and who hath not. London] : Printed for M[ary]. W[estwood]., [1663. ESTC No. R29433. Grub Street ID 112410.
  • Fox, George. Friends, the matter concerning not putting off the hat at prayer, and when they give thanks to God, and when they give thanks to God, which hath been said by some it is heathenish, . London? : Ellis Hookes, 1663?. ESTC No. R470179. Grub Street ID 125081.
  • Fox, George. A general epistle to all Friends. All my dear Freinds [sic], and brethren who are of the royal seed of God, patience obtaine the victory that runs the race, and obtaines the Crown, . London] : Printed for M[ary]. W[estwood]., [1664. ESTC No. R229324. Grub Street ID 101833.
  • Fox, George. These queries are given forth for any, either preist [sic] or people to answer if they can. London?] : Printed for M[ary]. W[estwood]; [1665?. ESTC No. R483601. Grub Street ID 125331.
  • Fox, George. These queries are given forth for any, either priest or people to answer, if they can. London?] : Reprinted for E.L., [1670?. ESTC No. R17977. Grub Street ID 71043.
  • Fox, George. Cæsar's due rendred unto him according to his image and superscription; and God & Christs due rendred unto them according to their image and superscription. Also, the blind zeal of such discovered, as profess God & the Scriptures, who think they do God good service in the killing of his servants, of whom Christ hath given judgment, that they neither know the Father, nor the Son, nor their own spirits. And likewise such, who are the true Christian-Protestants and Reformed Church, according to the practice of the Apostles and primitive church, and who are not; and wh do own the true Protestant and apostolical doctrine in its purity. By G.F. London : s.n], Printed in the year 1679. ESTC No. R6839. Grub Street ID 127140.
  • Fox, George. Concerning the living God of truth and the world's god, in whom there is no truth. And also, how man and woman fell from the living God; and how the serpent became the god of the world. And how God was the teacher of man and woman, who made man and woman perfect: and when they forsook God's teaching, and followed the Serpent's teaching, they became unperfect. And how Christ cometh to destroy the Devil, and bring man and woman under God's teaching again, who taught them in the beginning. ... And how the Old Testament was read among the Jews in their mother-tongue; and so ought all the Christians to read the New Testament among the Christians in their mother-tongue. With some queries for all to consider of, in the latter-end of this book; and other remarkable things, which are too large to mention in the title-page. By George Fox. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lumbard-street, 1680. ESTC No. R29429. Grub Street ID 112407.
  • Fox, George. To the Great Turk, and his King at Argiers· Together with a postscript of George Pattison's taking the Turks, and setting them on their own shoar. London : printed for Ben. Clark, in George-yard, in Lumbard-street, 1680. ESTC No. R28611. Grub Street ID 111666.
  • Fox, George. The Protestant Christian-Quaker a sufferer by reliques of popery under all powers for thirty years last past, who have persecuted for religion, yet call the Holy Scriptures their rule, that justifieth no such practice. By George Fox. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lumbard-street, 1680. ESTC No. R30376. Grub Street ID 113240.
  • Fox, George. To the flock of Christ, every where to be read in their assemblies. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-yard in Lombard-street, bookseller, 1681. ESTC No. R215514. Grub Street ID 90536.
  • Fox, George. An epistle concerning the government of Christ and his peace, of vvhose kingdome, there shall be no end. By George Fox. London : printed for Benjamin Clark, in George-yard, in Lombard-street, 1681. ESTC No. R202070. Grub Street ID 79339.
  • Fox, George. An epistle to all planters and such who are transporting themselves into foreign plantations in America, &c,. London : printed for Ben. Clark in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1682. ESTC No. R27999. Grub Street ID 111121.
  • Fox, George. An epistle to all Christians to keep to yea, yea, and nay, nay, and to fulfil their words and promises. By G.F. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lonbard-street, bookseller, 1682. ESTC No. R28648. Grub Street ID 111698.
  • Fox, George. An epistle to the houshold of the seed of Abraham, and to every family in particular to read & practise. London : printed and sold by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-church-street, 1682. ESTC No. R28649. Grub Street ID 111699.
  • Fox, George. Something in ansvver to all such as falsly say, the Quakers are no Christians; who as yet have not proved themselves such Christians as they were in the Apostles days in life & practice, which they should have done before they had accused others. By George Fox. London : printed and sold by Andrew Sowle, at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane, near Shoreditch, 1682. ESTC No. R30380. Grub Street ID 113243.
  • Fox, George. A paper to Friends and others, against the pomps of the world, followed and used by many tradesmen in their vocations, contrary unto many of their suerties promises and vovvs. Friends, stand in the eternal power of God, witnesses for the eternal God against the devil and his works, and the world and the lusts, and pomps, and vanities of the world, which world the devil is god of. . London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1682/3. ESTC No. R470275. Grub Street ID 125084.
  • Fox, George. The devil was and is the old informer against the righteousDT. London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church Street, 1682. ESTC No. R30470. Grub Street ID 113316.
  • Fox, George. A paper for little children. Christ is the truth, Christ is the light, Christ is my way. Christ is my life. Christ is my saviour. Christ is my hope of glory. ... [London]: printed for M.W., [1682?]. ESTC No. R470511. Grub Street ID 125095.
  • Fox, George. Concerning the upright and good conversation of the saints in Christ and in Heaven. London : printed by John Bringhurst, printer and bookseller, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1682. ESTC No. R220231. Grub Street ID 94646.
  • Fox, George. An epistle to all Christians, Jews, and Gentiles, shewing how that God dwells not in their temples made with hands. London : printed for John Bringhurst, printer and stationer, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-Street, near Cornhil, 1682. ESTC No. R220233. Grub Street ID 94647.
  • Fox, George. A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family; commended to the consciences of all concerned. London : printed for John Bringhurst, printer and stationer, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, near Cornhill, 1682. ESTC No. R220305. Grub Street ID 94702.
  • Fox, George. An encouragement for all to trust in the Lord who hath the breath of all mankind, and their souls in his hand. And how that not a sparrow shall fall to the ground without the will of the Father. And that man and woman, who are of more value than many sparrows, cannot fal to the ground without the will of the Father. For Christ Jesus, by whom all things were made, who hath all power in heaven and earth given unto him, upholds all things by his word and power. Also here you may see, who they are that die in the Lord, and sleep in Jesus; and who they are that die in their sins. Also of the birth and death of Christ, how that he came into the world without the pomps and glory of the world, and how he denied them, and went out of the world without the pomps and glory of the world. G.F. London : printed for John Bringhurst, printer and stationer at the sign of the Book, in Grace-Church-Street, near Corn-hill, 1682. ESTC No. R31636. Grub Street ID 114417.
  • Fox, George. Concerning persecution in all ages to this day. And he that was born after the flesh, persecuted them that was born of the spirit; and even so it is now: yea, and all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. Mark, all them that will live Godly; not them that will live ungodly, out of Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. 3.12. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake. To the elect of God; and how that Christ hath sown his seed upon all grounds: and now their grounds will be tryed. The children of God, their heavenly shield, buckler, arms, armour and defence, which they had from God and Christ. G. Fox. London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1682. ESTC No. R15836. Grub Street ID 63737.
  • Fox, George. All friends everywhere this is the word of the Lord unto you all. London : John Bringhurst, 1683?. ESTC No. R27991. Grub Street ID 111118.
  • Fox, George. The state of the birth temporal & spiritual and the duty and state of a child, youth, young-men, aged-men and fathers in the truth. Also, shewing that children are the heritage of the Lord, and that he hath a glory in them. By George Fox. London : printed and sold by Andrew Sowle at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane, near Shoreditch, 1683. ESTC No. R28010. Grub Street ID 111127.
  • Fox, George. To all rulers and magistrates, to be tender and take heed of persecuting and imprisoning, and spoiling the goods of God's people, for obeying, serving, and worshipping the Lord God, that made them, and the heavens, and the earth, and all things therein by G. Fox. London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1683. ESTC No. R28012. Grub Street ID 111128.
  • Fox, George. Tythes, offerings, and first-fruits, commanded by the law in the Old Testament, is not Gospel, neither before the law nor after. And also circumcision and oathes, and swearing, and the Sabbath-days commanded by the law in the old time in the Old Testament, is not Gospel neither before the law, nor since in the glorious Gospel-day of Christ. And also the trial of the ministers and teachers, who are they that plant vineyards, and plow and thresh in hope, and keep a flock, and minister holy or spiritual things, &c. as the Apostles did in their days. By George Fox. London : Printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1683. ESTC No. R28015. Grub Street ID 111130.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right-spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. By G. Fox. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1683. ESTC No. R10555. Grub Street ID 58916.
  • Fox, George. Trying of spirits in our age now as in the apostles days by the spirit of Christ anointing within. Shewing also that the church of Christ hath the same authority and power from Christ their head to admonish, judge, reprove, and rebuke such as make a profession of the truth but do not walk and live in the truth. So that the Apostles did prove by the Old Testament, that Jesus was the Christ, and after that the church came to believe in Christ, they were to prove and examine themselves how that Jesus Christ was in them, except they were reprobates. Also the true church is not to know people in a speech or good words, or in a form of Godliness, or in conferences, but in words, or in a form of Godliness and to believe not every spirit, but to try the spirits whether they be of God, yea or nay, John 1. 4. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lombard-street, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R31693. Grub Street ID 114469.
  • Fox, George. The saints (or they that are born of the Spirit) their heavenly & spiritual vvorship, unity & communion, and the ministers of the spirit in the New Testament, preached the word of life which was in the beginning, which they had heard,seen and handled, and brought the church of Christ to the same word. And they brought the church of Christ to have fellowship with the Father and his Son. And concerning the supper that Christ calls his believers unto, after that he was arisen and ascended at the right hand of God. By G.F. London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the Sign of the book in Leaden-hall Mutton-Market, 1683. ESTC No. R28651. Grub Street ID 111702.
  • Fox, George. The cause why Adam & Eve were driven out of paradice, and the Jews out of their own land of Canaan, by George Fox. London : printed for Benjamin Clark, in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1683. ESTC No. R30467. Grub Street ID 113314.
  • Fox, George. The Devil was and is the old informer against the righteous·. London : printed by John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-Street, 1682/3. [i.e. 1683. ESTC No. R30471. Grub Street ID 113317.
  • Fox, George. The Devil was and is the old informer against the righteous·. London : printed by John Bringhust [sic], at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-Street, 1682/3. [i.e. 1683. ESTC No. R235652. Grub Street ID 106695.
  • Fox, George. A way to prevent the indignation [and] judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family; commended to the consciences of all concerned in the sight of God, for them to read, vveigh and consider in the fear and dread of the Lord. London : printed byor John Bringhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1683. ESTC No. R220306. Grub Street ID 94703.
  • Fox, George. A word of admonition to such as wander from the anointings and teachings, and from the Father and the Son. As also concerning the Supper of the Lord, before he was crucified; and his marriage supper after he was risen and ascended. And who are they that declare the generation of Christ distinct from the generation of natural Adam; and the reason why all became not the sons and daughters of God that are called Christians; with many other precious instructions. Shewing also how the Jews wandered from the commands of God, and how the Jews and Christians are wandered from the same Holy Ghost, and the communion as they were in that gave forth the Scripture. Here is likewise Gods promises to Cain after he had disobeyed, if he did well he should be accepted. Lastly, here is the true Christians righteousness, which must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, or there is no entring God's Kingdom. By George Fox. London : printed for Thomas Howkins, in George-yard in Lombard-street, 1684. ESTC No. R28018. Grub Street ID 111133.
  • Fox, George. Several plain truths manifested and declared from the spirit of God, and born testimony to by Christ, the Apostles and Scriptures of truth. I. Concerning Mount-Sion. II. A distinction betwixt wars and armour in the Old Testament and the New. III. Concerning Cain. IV. Concerning uniformity and conformity. V. The authority of the Church of Christ. VI. Concerning exhorting and admonishing. VII. Concerning such as cry against orders, &c. By G.F. London : printed and sold by Andrew Sowle at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane, Shoreditch, 1684. ESTC No. R215080. Grub Street ID 90190.
  • Fox, George. Concerning such as have forbidden preaching or teaching in the name of Jesus, and such as are ashamed to confess Him before men, and call not on the name of the Lord, &c. London : printed for Thomas Howkins in George-Yard in Lumbard-street, [1684]. ESTC No. R220228. Grub Street ID 94643.
  • Fox, George. This is to all the prisoners and sufferers, for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his worship. And ye know that the word of God is not bound. London : printed by J.B., 1684. ESTC No. R220253. Grub Street ID 94657.
  • Fox, George. An exhortation to all people, to pureness, cleanness, and holiness, and faithfulness to the Lord. By G.F. London : printed by John Bringhurst, 1685. ESTC No. R30368. Grub Street ID 113238.
  • Fox, George. To all kings, princes, rulers, governours, bishops and ciergy [sic], that profess Christianity in christendom being a distinction between the laws, commandments and ordinances of the higher powers, for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well: and the ordinances, doctrines and commands of men concerning religion and worship, which are not to be touched, tasted nor handled: and the hand-writing of ordinances among the Jews, which Christ hath blotted out. By G.F. London : printed by John Bringhurst in Leaden-Hall, 1685. ESTC No. R35518. Grub Street ID 117926.
  • Fox, George. Concerning the pure and undefiled religion that was set up above sixteen hundred years ago. Which all that do own God and Christ are to walk in. London : printed by John Bringhurst in Leaden-hall, 1685. ESTC No. R17153. Grub Street ID 65731.
  • Fox, George. La primitive ordination et succession des eveques, diacres et pasteurs qui sont dans l'eglise de Christ. Il est ecrit en st. Jean au chap. 17. au v. 8. London?] : imprim'ee au le Unan, 1686. ESTC No. R215786. Grub Street ID 90752.
  • Fox, George. Concerning the apostate Christians that think to do miracles by dead mens bones, &c. Of praying to the saints that are dead, and asking counsel of the dead, and praying for the dead. Concerning purgatory, and making a God or Christ of the element of bread and wine. Concerning the traditions the Jews taught, which made the word and commandment of God of none effect, and the traditions the apostate Christians teach people to follow, and set up above the scriptures of truth. How Christ is the true rock and not Peter: and that he is the head of the true Church and so to be held by his members. The antiquity of the cross of Christ, which was and is acknowledged to be the power of God by his true Church. London : printed by Andrew Sowle, 1688. ESTC No. R215078. Grub Street ID 90188.
  • Fox, George. A testimony for God's truth: first, concerning new & heavenly Jerusalem, and Jerusalem from below. Secondly, concerning Christ the great mountain that fills the whole earth. Thirdly, how man and woman was created in the image of God, and to be help-meets one to another. Fourthly, how every one ought to improve the talent God gives them, to his glory, and their eternal happiness. By George Fox. London] : Printed by A. Sowle, at the Three Keys, in Nags-Head-Court, in Grace-Church-Street, over-against the Conduit, 1688. ESTC No. R215788. Grub Street ID 90754.
  • Fox, George. Concerning the apostate Christians that think to do miracles by dead mens bones, &c. Of praying to the saints that are dead, and asking counsel of the dead, and praying for the dead. Concerning Progatory [sic], and making a God or Christ of the element of bread and wine. Concerning the traditions the Jews taught, which made the word and commandment of God none effect, and the traditions the apostate Christians teach people to follow, and set above the scriptures of truth. How Christ is the true rock and not Peter: and that he is the head of the true Church and so to be held by his members. The antiquity of the cross of Christ, which was and is acknowledged to be the power of God by his true Church. London: printed by Andrew Sowle, 1688. ESTC No. R35528. Grub Street ID 117931.
  • Fox, George. An ansvver to the speech or decalration [sic] of the great Turk, Sulton Mahomet. Which he sent to Leopold Emperor of Germany. And is a defence of the true Christian religion against the said Turks antichristian speech. And a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ. This was written, by George Fox, five years since, being 1683. And is it now a true prophesie, and fulfilled on the Great Turk Sulan Mahomet? who was removed and put out of his high throne the year 1687. With allowance. London] : Printed, and sold, by A. Sowle, at the Three Keys in Nags-Head Court in Grace-Church-Street, over against the Conduit, 1688. ESTC No. R37826. Grub Street ID 120013.
  • Fox, George. The true Christians distinguished from such as go under the name of Christians. With a short epistle concerning the Holy Scriptures of truth. As also concerning Christ the offering, and such as are chosen in Christ, and have their names written in the book of life before the foundation of the world. By G.F. London : printed for Thomas Northcott in George-Yard in Lombard-Street, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R215789. Grub Street ID 90755.
  • Fox, George. Spiritualis necnon divina salutatio, in qua omnes qui profitentur Christianitatem, cordibus nimirum contriti, regnum coeleste, justitiamque ejus quaerentes, ut hasce quae sequuntur sectiunculas in timore Dei, quo videlicet emissae sunt, perlegant; invitantur. Quibus, ut & omni humano generi, sicut in hoc soeculo foelicitatem, ita in futuro salutem aeternam exoptat & apprecatur Georgius Fox. Londini : Impensis Thomae Northcott, in area Georgina, in vico vulgo vocato Lumbard street, 1690. ESTC No. R15843. Grub Street ID 63744.
  • Fox, George. Divina ac coelestis salutatio ad omnes tenero seu contrito corde Christianos, regnum scilicet Dei justitiamque ejus quærentes; Quos rogo & obsecro ut hasce, quæ sequuntur, lineolas in eodem Dei amore perlegere dignentur, in quo eæ ipsis à me missæ, qui omni humano generi, sicuti in hoc seculo felicitatem, ita in futuro æternam salutem apprecor & exopto Georgius Fox. Londini : impensis Thomæ Northcott, in Area Georgina, in vico vulgo vocato Lumbard-straet, 1690. ESTC No. R188071. Grub Street ID 76104.
  • Fox, George. A spiritual or heavenly salutation to all the tender-hearted in Christendom, that are seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousness therof, which I desire and intreat them to read over these following lines, in the love of God, in which they are sent to them from him that desires the good of all mankind here, and their eternal happiness hereafter. George Fox. London : printed for Thomas Northcoot [sic] in George-yard in Lumbard-street, 1690. ESTC No. R36423. Grub Street ID 118703.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things very useful and necessary, both for young and old to read and learn. By G.F. and E.H. Enlarged by A S. London] : Printed, and sold by T.S[owle]. at the Crooked-Billet in Holywell-Lane, in Shoreditch, 1691. ESTC No. R40417. Grub Street ID 122209.
  • Fox, George. Several treatises worthy of every true Christians serious consideration. The contents of which follow page 1. Written by G.F. London : printed for Thomas Northcott, in George-Yard in Lombard-Street, 1691. ESTC No. R1263. Grub Street ID 60788.
  • Fox, George. The arraignment of popery, being a short collection taken out of the chronicles and other books of the state of the church in the primitive times. I. The state of the papists; how long it was before the universal pope and mass was set up; and the bringing in their rudiments, traditions, beads, images, purgatory, tythes, and inquisitions. II. A relation of their cruelties they acted after the pope got up, being worse than the Turk and heathen: New Rome proving like Old. III. What the people of England worshiped before they were Christians. IV. To which is added, The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. With several other things, very profitable for all that fear God, to read, try and give judgment by the spirit of truth, against the worship of the beast and whore. By G.F. and E.H. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Grace-Church-street, [1695?]. ESTC No. R35531. Grub Street ID 117934.
  • Fox, George. To all that would know the way to the kingdom, whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms. A direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as a-far off; and to wait upon him for the true wisdom. That you may know truth from error, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers, 1653. By G. F. The fifth edition with additions.. London : printed for Thomas Northcott, in George-Yard, in Lombard-street, 1691. ESTC No. R220254. Grub Street ID 94658.
  • Fox, George. A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox; who departed this life in great peace with the Lord, the 13th of the 11th month, 1690. The first volume. London : printed for Thomas Northcott, in George-Yard, in Lombard-Street, M DC XCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R3344. Grub Street ID 116058.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English with several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old to read and learn / by G.F. and E.H. ; enlarged by A.S. London] : Printed and sold by T. Sowle .., 1694. ESTC No. R40253. Grub Street ID 122076.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old to read and learn. By G. F. and E. H. Enlarged by A. S. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, next door to the Meeting-House in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street; and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, near the Market, 1697. ESTC No. R220237. Grub Street ID 94649.
  • Fox, George. A collection of many select and Christian epistles, letters and testimonies. Written on sundry occasions, by that ancient, eminent, faithful Friend and minister of Christ Jesus, George Fox. The second volume. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street, and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-street, 1698. ESTC No. R15883. Grub Street ID 63781.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old to read and learn. By G.F. and E.H. Enlarged by A.S. London : printed and sold by T[ace]. Sowle, in the White-hart-court in Gracious-street, 1700. ESTC No. R181336. Grub Street ID 71970.
  • Fox, George. Quaker veracity: or, the last will of their great apostle George Fox, as it was all written by his own hand, ... Publish'd to convince the world, that he who made this will, and cou'd not write one line of true English, is not the author of any one page in all those books which the Quakers have impudently publish'd under his name. London : printed and to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1701. ESTC No. N34565. Grub Street ID 22932.
  • Fox, George. The last will, of George Fox, the Quakers great apostle; as it was all written by his own hand, and is now lying in the Prerogative-Office, by Doctors-Commons, London: attested by three eminent Quakers, whose names are under-mentioned; with a copy of the affidavit in Latin, taken out of the said office, signed by Thomas Wellham, deputy of the Registary. Containing two columes; that on the left-hand, being the original, in his false English and spelling; the other on the right-hand, put into true English, the original being unintelligible. Published to convince the world, that he who made this will, and cou'd not write one line of true English, (and yet pretended high skill in the learned languages, witness his battledoor and primer to the two universities; who said in his battledoor, all languages were no more to me than dust, who was, before languages were) is not the author of any one page in all those books, which the Quakers have impudently publish'd under his name. London : Printed for, and sold by W. Haws, at the Rose in Ludgate-street, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T105286. Grub Street ID 158644.
  • Fox, George. Gospel family-order, being a short discurse [sic] concerning the ordering of families, both of whites, blacks and Indians. [Twelve lines of Scripture texts] By G.F. [Philadelphia]: Reprinted [by Reinier Jansen], in the year 1701. ESTC No. W12460. Grub Street ID 321731.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right-spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. By G. Fox. Re-printed at Philadelphia: by Reinier Jansen, 1702. ESTC No. W24701. Grub Street ID 334650.
  • Fox, George. Gospel-Truth demonstrated, in a collection of doctrinal books, given forth by that Faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, George Fox: containing principles, essential to Christianity and salvation, held among the people called Quakers. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T146465. Grub Street ID 193105.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful Things, very Useful and Necessary, both for Young and Old to Read and Learn. By G. F. and E. H. Enlarged by A. S. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1706. ESTC No. N18414. Grub Street ID 7889.
  • Fox, George. A journal, or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry, of that Ancient, Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox; Who departed this Life in great Peace with the lord, the 13th of the 11th Month, 1690. The First Part. London : printed and sold by J. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1709. ESTC No. T61219. Grub Street ID 286923.
  • Fox, George. An epistle by way of caution, to shopkeepers, merchants, and factors. London] : Printed in 1674. and reprinted for a more general service in, 1710. ESTC No. T32800. Grub Street ID 263478.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English With several delightful Things, very Useful and Necessary, both for Young and Old to Read and Learn. By G.F. and E.H. Enlarged by A.S. Dublin: printed by William Wilmot, on the Blind-Key, for Samuel Fuller Bookseller at the Globe in Meath-Street, 1726. ESTC No. T118277. Grub Street ID 169829.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. By G. Fox. [Philadelphia]: Re-printed at Philadelphia, by B. Franklin, 1737. ESTC No. W24699. Grub Street ID 334646.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. By G. Fox. Printed at Boston: by Rogers & Fowle, 1743. ESTC No. W24700. Grub Street ID 334649.
  • Fox, George. To all that would know the way to the kingdom: whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms. A direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afar off; and to wait upon him for the true wisdom: that you may know truth from error, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by one of those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers, in the year 1653, George Fox. Bristol: reprinted by Sam. Farley, 1746. ESTC No. N64635. Grub Street ID 46621.
  • Fox, George. A journal or historical account of the life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love, in the work of the ministry, of that Ancient, Eminent, and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark. Sold by Luke Hinde, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, and the booksellers in London and Westminster, M.DCC.LXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T61752. Grub Street ID 287363.
  • Fox, George. A journal or historical account of the life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love, in the work of the ministry, of that Ancient, Eminent, and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark. Sold by Luke Hinde, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, and the booksellers in London and Westminster, M.DCC.LXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T61208. Grub Street ID 286912.
  • Fox, George. A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark. Sold by Luke Hinde, and the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1765. ESTC No. T221332. Grub Street ID 244681.
  • Fox, George. Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English. With several other things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. By G. Fox. Newport [R.I.]: Printed by S. Southwick, M,DCC,LXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. W13009. Grub Street ID 322320.
  • Fox, George. A looking-glass for the Jews: wherein they may clearly see that the Messiah is come, by the prophets in the Old Testament (above sixteen hundred years since) and the manifest testimonies since. And also, they may see their own blindness and ignorance of their own prophets, and of the Messiah unto this day. By which my desire is, they may turn to him, that their eyes may be opened, that they may see him whom they have pierced. Written by George Fox, in the year of our Lord, 1674. [Philadelphia]: London, printed: Philadelphia: re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, 1784. ESTC No. W20697. Grub Street ID 330397.
  • Fox, George. The arraignment of popery; being a collection from the most approved and acceptable authors, who have written upon the state of the church in the primitive times. Containing I. The state of the Papists; how long it was before the universal Pope and mass were set up; likewise the exact time when, and end for which, they brought in their other rudiments, traditions, beads, images, purgatories, tythes, and inquisitions. II. A relation of the cruelties acted after the Pope got up, being worse than the Turk or Pagan; new Rome proving like old. III. What the people of England worshipped before they were Christians. IV. The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church. V. Various other articles, equally profitable and useful for the Christian world. Originally published in the year 1679, by G. F. and E. H. Now republished with notes by the Rev. John Morris, and a recommendatory preface by the Rev. T. Priestley, Minister of Jewin-Street, London. London : printed for the editor, and sold by J. Mathews, no. 18, Strand; J. S. Jordan, no. 166, Fleet-Street; J. Lackington, Chiswell-Street; J. Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street; Stearns, no. 12, Clement's-Inn-Passage, Clare-Market; and by all other Booksellers, MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T127060. Grub Street ID 176905.