Publications of Samuel Clarke


  • Clarke, Samuel. The saints nose-gay. Or, A posie of 741. spirituall flowers. Both fragrant and fruitfull, pleasant and profitable. Collected and composed by Samvel Clark. Pastor of the Church in Alcester. London: printed by I.D. for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop, entring into Popes-head Alley, out of Lumbard-street, 1642. ESTC No. R23711. Grub Street ID 107569.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Englands covenant proved lavvfull and necessary also at this time, both by Scripture and reason. Together with sundry answers to the usuall objections made against it. By S.C. preacher at B.F. London: printed for Henry Overton in Popes-head Alley, 1643. ESTC No. R1753. Grub Street ID 68232.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Englands covenant proved lawfull & necessary also at this time, both by Scripture and reason. Together, vvith sundry answers to the usuall objections made against it. By S.C. preacher at B.F. London: printed for Henry Overton in Popes-head Alley, 1643. ESTC No. R11225. Grub Street ID 59533.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A mirrour or looking-glasse both for saints and sinners: wherein, by many memorable examples is set forth, as Gods exceeding great mercies to the one, so his severe judgements against the other. Whereunto are also added many examples of the heathens, not unmeet to bee knowne of Christians, and some late examples not formerly printed. Collected out of the antient fathers, ecclesiasticall writers, moderne divines, the chronicles of severall countries, and other authors of good credit. By Sa. Clarke preacher of Gods Word in Bennet Fink, London. London: printed by Ric. Cotes, for John Bellamy, at the signe of the three Golden Lions in Cornehill, neare the Royall Exchange, 1646. ESTC No. R208361. Grub Street ID 84616.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The second part of the marrow of ecclesiastical history: containing the lives of many eminent Christians, which have lived since the primitive times to this present age, divided into two books: wherof the first contains the lives of Christian emperors, kings, and soveraign princes: the second contains the lives of Christians of an inferiour rank. Book. I. By Samuel Clark, pastor of Bennet Fink, London. London: printed for Robert White, and William Wilson, 1650. ESTC No. R206470. Grub Street ID 82988.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The marrow of ecclesiastical historie, contained in the lives of the fathers, and other learned men, and famous divines, which have flourished in the Church since Christ's time, to this present age. Faithfully collected out of several authors, and orderly disposed, according to the centuries wherein they lived. Together with the livelie effigies of most of the eminentest of them cut in copper. By Samuel Clark pastor of Bennet-Fink. London: printed by William Du-gard, dwelling in Suffolk-lane, anno Domini M.DC.L. [1650]. ESTC No. R223828. Grub Street ID 97593.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The marrow of ecclesiastical historie, conteined in the lives of the fathers, and other learned men, and famous divines, which have flourished in the Church since Christ's time, to this present age. Faithfully collected out of several autors [sic], and orderly disposed, according to the centuries wherein they lived. Together with the livelie effigies of most of the eminentest of them cut in copper, by Samuel Clark pastor of Bennet-Fink. London: printed by William Du-gard, dwelling in Suffolk-lane, anno Domini M.DC.L. [1650]. ESTC No. R206289. Grub Street ID 82825.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The second part of the marrow of ecclesiastical history. containing the lives of Christians of inferiour ranks. London: Printed by Robert White, 1650. ESTC No. R42570. Grub Street ID 123851.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A generall martyrologie, containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ from the creation to our present times. Whereunto are added, The lives of sundry modern divines, famous in their generations for learning and piety, and most of them great sufferers in the cause of Christ. By Sa. Clarke, pastor of Bennet Fink London. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Thomas Underhill and John Rothwell in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little north-door, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R1990. Grub Street ID 77461.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A martyrologie, containing a collection of all the persecutions which have befallen the Church of England since the first plantation of the Gospel to the end of Queen Maries reign. Whereunto are added the lives of Jasper Coligni Admiral of France, who was slain in the massacre of Paris. And of Joane Queen of Navarre, who died of poyson a few dayes before that bloody massacre. Togeher [sic] with the lives of ten of our English divines, famous in their generations for learning, piety, parts, and for their sufferings in the cause of Christ. By Samuel Clarke, pasto of Bennet Fink London. London: printed by T. Ratcliffe and E. Mottershed, and are to be sold by John Browne at the guilded Acorn, neer the little north-doore in Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R24228. Grub Street ID 108033.
  • Clarke, Samuel. An item against sacriledge: or, Sundry queries concerning tithes. Wherein is held forth, the propriety and title that ministers have to them. The mischiefs which would ensue if tithes were brought into a common treasury, and ministers reduced to stipends. The danger of gratifying the petitioners against tithes, and all imposed maintenance. Collected, and composed by one that hath no propriety in tithes. London: printed by Abraham Miller for Thomas Vnderhill at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, near the little North-door, 1653. ESTC No. R207132. Grub Street ID 83554.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life of Tamerlane the Great, with his wars against the great Duke of Moso, the King of China, Bajazet the great Turk, the Sultan of Egypt, the King of Persia, and some others, carried on with a continued series of success from the first to the last. Wherein are rare examples of heathenish piety, prudence, magnanimity, mercy, liberality, humility, justice, temperance, and valour. London: printed by T.R. and E.M. for Tho: Underhill, at the signe of the Bible in Pauls Church-yard, neer the little north-door, 1653. ESTC No. R3775. Grub Street ID 119957.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The marrow of ecclesiastical history, consisting of two parts. The first contains the lives of the fathers, schoolmen, first reformers, and modern divines, famous in their generations for piety, learning, and painfulness in their places. The second contains the lives of the most eminent Christian emperors, kings, and soveraign princes: as also of other holy persons which have lived since the primitive times to our present age. By Samuel Clark pastor of Bennet Fink, London. London: printed by Robert White for William Roybould, and are to be sold at the Unicorn in Pauls-Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R223907. Grub Street ID 97661.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The marrow of ecclesiastical history, contained in the lives of one hundred forty eight fathers, schoolmen, first reformers, and modern divines which have flourished in the Church since Christ's time to this present age: faithfully collected, and orderly disposed according to the centuries wherein they lived: together with the lively effigies of most of the eminentest of them cut in copper. The second edition enlarged in most of the lives, with the addition of nine lives which were not in the former. By Samuel Clark pastor of Bennet Fink, London. London: printed for T.U. and are to be sold by William Roybould at the Unicorn in Pauls-Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R27842. Grub Street ID 110980.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The first part of the marrow of ecclesiastical history, contained in the lives of one hundred forty eight fathers, schoolmen, first reformers, and modern divines which have flourished in the Church since Christ's time to this present age: faithfully collected, and orderl disposed according to the centuries wherein they lived: together with the lively effigies of most of the eminentest of them cut in copper. The second edition enlarged in most of the lives, with the addition of nine lives which were not in the former. By Samuel Clark pastor of Bennet Fink, London. London: printed by Robert White for William Roybould, and are to be sold at the Unicorn in Pauls-Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R229618. Grub Street ID 102069.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A mirrour or looking-glasse both for saints, and sinners, held forth in about two thousand examples: wherein is presented, as Gods wonderful mercies to the one, so his severe judgments against the other. Collected out of the most classique authors both ancient, and modern, with some late examples observed by my self. Whereunto are added, the wonders of God in nature; and the rare, stupendious, and costly works made by the art, and industry of man. As the most famous cities, structures, statues, cabinets of rarities, &c. which have been, or are in the world. By Sa. Clark, pastor in Bennet Fink, London. London: printed for Tho. Newberry, and are to be sold at his shop at the three Golden Lions in Corn-hill by the Royal-Exchange, 1654. ESTC No. R22652. Grub Street ID 99523.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Christian good-fellowship: or, Love, and good vvorks, held forth in a sermon preached at Michael's Cornhill London, before the gentlemen, natives of Warwickshire, at their feast, November the 30. 1654. By Samuell Clarke pastor of the Church in Bennet Fink London. London: printed for Thomas Underhill at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R26025. Grub Street ID 109383.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A mirrour or looking-glasse both for saints and sinners, held forth in some thousands of examples; wherein is presented, as Gods wounderful mercies to the one, so his severe judgments against the other. Collected out of the most classique authors, both ancient, and moder with some late examples observed by my self, and others. Whereunto are added a Geographical description of all the countries in the known world: as also the wonders of God in nature; and the rare, stupendious, and costly works made by the art, and industry of man. As the most famous cities, temples, structures, statues, cabinets of rarities, &c. which have been, or are now in the world. By Sa. Clark, Pastor in Bennet Fink, London. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for Tho. Newberry, and are to be sold at his shop at the three Golden Lyons, in Corn-hill near the Royall-Exchange, 1657. ESTC No. R26027. Grub Street ID 109385.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A geographicall description of all the countries in the known vvorld. As also of the greatest and famousest cities and fabricks which have been, or are now remaining: together with the greatest rivers, the strangest fountains, the various minerals, stones, trees, hearbs, plants, fruits, gums, &c. which are to bee [sic] found in every country. Unto which is added, a description of the rarest beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, and serpents which are least known amongst us. Collected out of the most approved authors, and from such as were eye-witnesses of most of the things contained herein. By Sa: Clarke, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Bennet Finck, London. London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for Thomas Newberry, at the three Lions in Cornhill, over against the Conduit, MDCLVII [1657]. ESTC No. R36024. Grub Street ID 118369.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Englands remembrancer, containing a true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances: the one from the Spanish invasion in Eighty eight: the other from the hellish Powder Plot: November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgement of God upon the papists, by the fall of the house in Black-Friers London, upon their fifth of November, 1623. Collected for the information and benefit of each family, by Sam. Clark pastor in Bennet Fink. [London]: Printed by J. O[wsley]. for John Rothwel at the Fountain in Cheapside, 1657. ESTC No. R24226. Grub Street ID 108031.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A caution against sacriledge: or, sundry queries concerning tithes. Wherein is held forth the propriety, and title that ministers have to them. The mischiefs which would ensue if tithes were brought into a common treasury, and ministers reduced to stipends. The danger of gratifying the petitioners against tithes, and all imposed maintenance. And something of the spirit and end of their actings. Collected, and composed by one that hath no propriety in tithes, and humbly tendred to this present Parliament. London: printed by Abraham Miller for Thomas Underhill at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1659. ESTC No. R208217. Grub Street ID 84491.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Golden apples. Or Seasonable and serious counsel from the sanctuary to the rulers of the earth, held forth in the resolution of sundry questions, and cases of conscience about divisions, schisms, heresies, and the tolleration of them. Collected out of the writings of the most orthodox, and judicious divines, both Presbyterians, and Independents. By Sa. Clarke, pastor in Bennet Fink. London: printed by Tho. Ratcliffe, for Tho. Underhill at the Blue Anchor in Pauls Churchyard, 1659. ESTC No. R209888. Grub Street ID 86105.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Medulla theologiæ: or The marrovv of divinity, contained in sundry questions and cases of conscience, both speculative, and practical; the greatest part of them collected out of the works of our most judicious, experienced, and orthodox English divines. The rest are supplied by the authour. By Sa. Clarke, pastor of the church in Bennet Fink, London. London: printed by Thomas Ratcliff, for Thomas Underhill, at the Blue Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R1963. Grub Street ID 77208.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A generall martyrologie, containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ from the creation to our present times, both in England and other nations. Whereunto are added two and twenty lives of English modern divines, famou in their generations for learning and piety, and most of them great sufferers in the cause of Christ. As also the life of the heroical Admiral of France, slain in the Parisian massacre, and of Joane Queen of Navar, poisoned a little before. By Sa. Clarke, pastor in Bennet Fink, London. The second edition, corrected and enlarged; having the two late persecution[s] inserted: the one in Piemont: the other in Poland.. London : printed by Tho. Ratcliffe, for Thomas Underhill and John Rothwell in Saint Pauls Church-yard near the little north-door, MDCLX. [1660]. ESTC No. R24836. Grub Street ID 108585.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The lives of two and twenty English divines, eminent in their generations for learning, piety, and painfulnesse in the work of the ministry, and for their sufferings in the cause of Christ. Whereunto are annexed the lives of Gaspar Coligni, that famous Admirall of France slain in the Parisian massacre; and of Joane Queen of Navarr, who died a little before. By Samuel Clarke pastor of Bennet-Fink London. London : printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Thomas Underhill and John Rothwell in Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R36026. Grub Street ID 118371.
  • Clarke, Samuel. An antidote against immoderate mourning for the dead. Being a funeral sermon preached at the burial of Mr. Thomas Bewley junior, December 17th. 1658. By Sa. Clarke, pastor in Bennet Fink, London. London : printed by E.M. for George Calvert, at the Half Moon in Pauls Church-yard, neer the little North-door, 1659 [i.e. 1660]. ESTC No. R208174. Grub Street ID 84457.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A collection of the lives of ten eminent divines, famous in their generations for learning, prudence, piety, and painfulness in the work of the ministry. Whereunto is added, the life of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sueden [sic], who first reformed religion in that kingdome, and of some other eminent Christians. By Sa. Clarke, preacher of the Gospel in St Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller, at the Guilded Acorn near the little north-door in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R13987. Grub Street ID 62041.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The wicked life, and wofull death of Herod the Great, a stranger by nation, yet by the Romans made king of the Jews. Taking in also the story of the Jews during all the time of his reign, which was about 37 years: whereof thirty five were before the incarnation of Christ and two after. Whereby much light is given to many passages in the evangelists: and at which time that prophesie of old Jacob was fulfilled: the scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet, till Shilo come. Gen. 49. 10. By Sa. Clarke, sometime pastor in St Bennet-Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the sign of the Gilded-Acron [sic] in St Pauls Churchyard near the little north door, 1664. ESTC No. R23712. Grub Street ID 107570.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life of Tamerlane the Great, with his wars against the Duke of Mosco, the King of China, Bajazet the great Turk, the Sultan of Egypt, the King of Persia, and some others, carried on with a continued series of success from the first to the last. Wherein are rare examples of heathenish piety, prudence, magnanimity, mercy, liberality, humility, justice, temperance, and valour. By Sa. Clarke, late pastor in St. Bennet Fink, London. London : printed by J.H. for Simon Miller, at the Star and Bible at the west end of St. Pauls Church, [1664]. ESTC No. R223858. Grub Street ID 97619.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire; represented by the golden head of that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by the lion with eagles wings; Dan. 7. 4. As also of Cyrus the Great, the first founder of the empire of the Medes, and Persians; represented by the breast, and arms of silver in that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by a bear; Dan. 7. 5. And by a ram with two horns; Dan. 8. 3, 20. He was the deliverer of Gods Israel out of Babylon, the seventy years of their captivity being expired. By both of these, much light is given to many of the prophesies of Isay, Jeremy, Esekiel, and Daniel. By Sa. Clarke, sometime minister in St Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the Gilded Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1664. ESTC No. R15232. Grub Street ID 63186.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The blessed life, and meritorious death of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; from his conception to his cross, and from his cross to his crown. Together with the series, and order of his ministery, and miracles, as they are recorded by the four Evangelists, wherein what i wanting in one is supplied out of the other. By Sam. Clarke, sometime pastor in St Bennet-Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the sign of the Gilded-Acron [sic] St Pauls Churchyard near the little north door, 1664. ESTC No. R15233. Grub Street ID 63187.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Pompey the Great. With all his glorious victories and triumphs. As also the life and death of Artaxerxes Mnemon, one of the great Persian emperours. By Sa. Clarke sometime pastor in St. Bennet Finck London. London : printed for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little North Door, 1665. ESTC No. R43101. Grub Street ID 124180.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Hannibal the great captain of the Carthaginians, who maintained wars against all the power of Rome for eighteen years together in Italy. As also the life and death of Epaminondas the great captain of the Thebans, who was famous both for his virtues an valour. By Sa. Clarke sometime pastor in St Bennet Finck, London. London : printed for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1665. ESTC No. R10270. Grub Street ID 58660.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Alexander the Great, the first founder of the Grecian empire represented by the brazen belly of that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by a leopard with four wings, Dan. 7. 6. and by a he-goat, with a great horn between his eyes, Dan. 8. 5. As also the life and death of Charles the Great, commonly called Charlemagne, the first founder of the French empire. By Sa. Clarke, sometime minister in St Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the Gilded Acorn in St Pausl Church-yard, near the little north door, 1665. ESTC No. R19861. Grub Street ID 77421.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Cyrus the Great, the first founder of the empire of the Medes, & Persians; represented by the breast, and arms of silver, in that image, Dan.2.32. and by a bear, Dan.7.5. and by a ram with two horns, Dan.8.3,20. And the deliverer of the Israelites out of Babylon, the seventy years of their captivity being expired. Whereby much light is given to many of the prophesies of Isay, Jeremy, Ezekiel, and Daniel. By Sa. Clarke, sometime minister in St Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the Gilded Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little North Door, 1665. ESTC No. R171377. Grub Street ID 65646.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The lives & deaths of such worthies who by their prudence, policy, and power have purchased, and procured to themselves the surnames of Great whose names are set down in the following page. By Sa. Clarke sometime Pastor in St. Bennet Finck London. London : printed by A.M. for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little North Door, 1665. ESTC No. R231500. Grub Street ID 103540.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A briefe and yet exact, and accurate description of the present state of the great & mighty empire of Germany, both touching the formes of their civil government, and profession in religion. Taken by a diligent and faithfull surveyor of it, with much paines travelled ove that whole country to informe himself and others of these things. Now published by Sa. Clarke, somtime pastor in St. Bennet Fink, London, for the publick good. London : printed by A.M. for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1665. ESTC No. R37719. Grub Street ID 119934.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The blessed life, and meritorious death of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; from his conception to his cross, and from his cross to his crown. Together with the series, and order of His ministery, and miracles, as they are recorded by the four evangelists, wherein what i wanting in one is supplied out of the other. The second edition. By Sam. Clarke, sometime pastor inSt Bennet-Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the sign of the Gilded-Acron [sic] in St. Paul's Churchyard near the little north doore, 1665. ESTC No. R213202. Grub Street ID 88704.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire; represented by the golden head of that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by the lion with eagles wings; Dan. 7. 4. As also of Cyrus the Graet [sic], the first founder of the Empire of the Medes, and Persians; represented by the breast, and arms of silver in that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by a bear; Dan. 7. 5. and by a ram with two horns; Dan. 8. 3, 20. He was the deliverer of Gods Israel out of Babylon, the seventy years of their captivity being expired. By both of these, much light i given to many of the prophesies of Isay, Jeremy, Esekiel, and Daniel. By Sa. Clarke, sometimes minister in St. Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Miller at the Gilden Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1665. ESTC No. R213203. Grub Street ID 88705.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of Julius Cæsar, the first founder of the Roman empire. As also the life and death of Augustus Cæsar in whose raign our Blessed Lord, and Saviour Jesus Chrit [sic] was borne. By Sa. Clarke sometime pastor in St. Bennet Finck London. London : printed for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St Pauls Church-yard, near the little North Door, 1665. ESTC No. R19882. Grub Street ID 77443.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A true, and faithful account of the four chiefest plantations of the English in America. To wit, of Virginia. New-England. Bermudus. Barbados. With the temperature of the air: the nature of the soil: the rivers, mountains, beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, trees, plants, friuts, & c. As also, of the natives of Virginia, and New-England, their religion, customs, fishing, huntings, &c. Collected by Samuel Clarke, sometimes pastor in Saint Bennet-Fink, London. London : printed for Robert Clavel, Thomas Passenger, William Cadman, William Whitwood, Thomas Sawbridge, and William Birch, 1670. ESTC No. R17743. Grub Street ID 69540.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A geographical description of all the countries in the known world. As also of the greatest and famousest cities, and fabricks which have been, or are now remaining: whereunto are now added, an alphabetical-description of all the counties in England, and Wales; and of th four chiefest English plantations in America. Together with the rarest beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, and serpents which are least known amongst us. Collected out of the most approved authors, and from such as were eye-witnesses of most of the things contained herein. By Sa. Clarke, late pastor of the Church of Christ in Bennet Finck, London. London : printed by Tho. Milbourn for Robert Clavel, Tho. Passinger, William Cadman, William Whitwood, Tho. Sawbridge, and William Birch, 1671. ESTC No. R11364. Grub Street ID 59658.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of the valiant and renowned Sir Francis Drake, his voyages and discoveries in the West-Indies, and about the world; with his noble and heroick acts. By Samuel Clark late minister of Bennet Fink. London. London : printed for Simon Miller, at the Star, at the west end of S. Pauls, 1671. ESTC No. R14030. Grub Street ID 62078.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A mirrour or looking-glass both for saints, and sinners, held forth in some thousands of examples; wherein is presented, as Gods wonderful mercies to the one, so his severe judgments against the other. Collected out of the most classique authors, both ancient, and modern with some late examples observed by my self, and others. Whereunto are added a Geographical description of all the countries in the known world: as also the wonders of God in nature; ... As the most famous cities, temples, structures, statues, cabinets of rarities, &c. which have been, or are now in the world. The first volumne. By Sa. Clark, sometime pastour in Bennet Fink, London. The fourth edition very much enlarged: ... wherein all the counties in England and Wales are alphabetically described: together with the cities, and most remarkable things in them: as also the four chief Englis plantations in America. London : printed by Tho. Milbourn for Robert Clavel, Tho. Passinger, William Cadman, William Whitwood, Tho. Sawbridge, and William Birch, 1671. ESTC No. R24991. Grub Street ID 108718.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliuerances: one from the Spanish Invasion in 88. The other from the hellish Powder Plot: November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the papists, by the fall of the house in Black-Friers London, upon their fifth of November, 1623. Collected for the information and benefit of each family, by Sam. Clark, formerly pastor in Bennet Fink. London : printed for J. Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles, being the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, next to Cornhill, 1671. ESTC No. R15231. Grub Street ID 63185.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life & death of William, surnamed The Conqueror: King of England, and Duke of Normandy. Who dyed anno Christi, 1087. By Samuel Clarke, late minister of Bennet-Finck, London. London : printed for Simon Miller at the signe of the Star, at the west end of St Pauls, 1671. ESTC No. R19248. Grub Street ID 77025.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A description of the seaventeen provinces commonly called the Low-Countries (the present stage of action) as also of the rivers, cities, commodities, strong towns, forts, and other things remarkable therein. London : Printed for William Birch, 1672. ESTC No. R26605. Grub Street ID 109896.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The life and death of the thrice noble and illustrious Edvvard surnamed, The Black Prince, son to our victorious King Edward the Third, by whom he was made the first Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Garter. By Samuel Clark sometime Pastor of St. Bennet-Fink, London. London : printed for William Birch, at the Blew Bible, at the lower-end of Cheap-side, at the corner of Bucklers-bury, 1673. ESTC No. R19883. Grub Street ID 77444.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A looking-glass for persecutors; containing multitudes of examples of God's severe, but righteous judgments, upon bloody and merciless haters of his children in all times, from the beginning of the world to this present age. Collected out of the sacred Scriptures, and other ecclesiastical writers, both ancient and modern. By Sam. Clarke, minister. London : printed for William Miller, at the sign of the Gilded Acorn, near the little north door in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1674. ESTC No. R12590. Grub Street ID 60754.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A looking-glass for persecutors; containing multitudes of examples of God's severe, but righteous judgments, upon bloody and merciless haters of his children in all times, from the beginning of the world to this present age. Collected out of the Sacred Scriptures, and other ecclesiastical writers, both ancient and modern. By Sam. Clarke, Minister. The second edition.. London : printed for William Miller, at the sign of the Gilded Acorn, near the little north door in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1675. ESTC No. R28562. Grub Street ID 111622.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The marrow of ecclesiastical history, divided into two parts: the first, containing the life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; with the lives of the ancient fathers, school-men, first-reformers, and modern divines. The second, containing the lives of Christian emperors, kings and sovereign princes. Whereunto are added the lives of inferiour Christians, who have lived in these latter centuries. And lastly, are subjoyned the lives of many of those, who by their vertue and valor obtained the sir-name of Great. Divers of which, give much light to sundry places of Scripture; especially to the prophecies concerning the four monarchies. Together with the lively effigies of the most eminent of them cut in copper. The third edition, corrected and somwhat enlarged. By Samuel Clark, Pastor of St. Bennet Fink, London. London : printed [by J.R.] for W[illiam]. B[irch]. and are to be sold by Tho. Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-luces in Little-Britain, and by William Birch at the Peacock at the lower-end of Cheapside, 1675. ESTC No. R12009. Grub Street ID 60226.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The lives & deaths of most of those eminent persons who by their virtue and valour obtained the sirnames of Magni, or the Great. Whereof divers of them give much light to the understanding of the prophecies in Esay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, concerning the three first monarchies. And to other Scriptures concerning the captivity, and restauration of the Jews. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. By Samuel Clark, minister of the gospel. London : printed by J.R. for W.B. and are to be sold by Tho. Sawbridge, at the three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, and by W. Birch, at the Peacock at the lower end of Cheap-side, 1675. ESTC No. R36025. Grub Street ID 118370.
  • Clarke, Samuel. England's rememb[rancer] a true and full narra[tive] of those two never to be forg[otten] deliveran[ces], one from the Spanish invasion [in 88], the other from the hellish powder pl[ot] November 5, 1605 : whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal [judgment] of God upon the papists by the [fall of the] house in Black Fryers London [upon their] fifth of November, 1623 / collected for the information and b[enefit of each fa]mily by Sam. Clark. Lon[don]: Printed for J. Hancock, [1676]. ESTC No. R26026. Grub Street ID 109384.
  • Clarke, Samuel. England's remembrancer, a true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances: one from the Spanish invasion in 88. the other from the hellish Powder Plot, November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the papists, by the fall of the house in Black-Fryers London, upon their fifth of November, 1623. Collected for the information and benefit of each family, by Sam. Clark, formerly pastor in Bennet Fink. London : printed for J. Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles, in Popes-Head Alley, next to Cornhill, 1677. ESTC No. R24835. Grub Street ID 108584.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The lives of thirty-two English divines, famous in their generations for learning and piety, and most of them sufferers in the cause of Christ. Together, with the lives of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sweden; Jaspar Coligni, Admiral of France (who was slain in the massacre of Paris); and of Joan, Queen of Navar, who died a few dayes before that bloody massacre. You have also, lively represented, the effigies of some of the eminent divines, in copper-plates. The third edition, corrected, and enlarged. By Samuel Clarke, late Pastor of St. Bennet = Fink, London. London : printed for William Birch, at the Peacock at the Lower-end of Cheap-side, 1677. ESTC No. R11415. Grub Street ID 59703.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A looking-glass for good women to dress themselves by: held forth in the life & death of Mrs. Katherine Clarke, who dyed, anno Christi, 1675. late wife of Mr. Samuel Clarke, minister. London : printed for William Miller, at the Gilded Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, over against the little north door, 1677. ESTC No. R223051. Grub Street ID 96955.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A general martyrologie, containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions vvhich have befallen the church of Christ, from the creation, to our present times; wherein is given an exact account of the Protestants sufferings in Queen Maries reign. Whereunto is added The lives of thirty two English divines, famous in their generations for learning and piety; ... Together, with the lives of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sweden; Jaspar Coligni, Admiral of France ... and Joan Queen of Navarr ... Likewise, of divers other Christians who were eminent for prudence and piety. ... You have also, lively represented, the divers manners of those cruel, horrid, and inhumane sufferings, ... in copper-plates. The third edition, corrected, and enlarged. By Samuel Clarke, late pastor of St. Bennet Fink, London. London : printed for William Birch, at the Peacock at the lower-end of Cheap-side, 1677. ESTC No. R14425. Grub Street ID 62449.
  • Clarke, Samuel. England's remembrancer, a true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances: one from the Spanish invasion in 88. the other from the hellish Powder Plot, November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the papists, by the fall of the house in Black Fryers, London, upon their fifth of November, 1623. The fourth edition, to which is newly added a brief account of the late horrid plot discovered, 1678. With a relation of other popish cruelties; here and beyond-seas. Collected for the information & benefit of each family, by Sam, [sic] Clark, formerly pastor in Bennet Fink. London : printed for J. Hancock. and are to be sold at the three Bibles, in Popes-Head Alley next to Cornhil 1679. ESTC No. R222842. Grub Street ID 96773.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth. Containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with: the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad; the several attempts of the papists upon her life; the excommunications of Rome; Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists; the several victories she gained; and more particularly that in 1588; with all the other remarkable occurrences of that time. By S. Clark. Illustrated with pictures of some considerable matters, curiously ingraven in copper plates. London : printed for Henry Rodes, next door to the Bear Tavern, near Bride Lane, in Fleet-street, 1682. ESTC No. R13609. Grub Street ID 61696.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Aurea Legenda, or Apothegms, sentences, and sayings of many wise and learned men, useful for all sorts of persons. Collected out of many authors by Sa. Clark, sometimes pastor in B.F. London : printed for Nathanael Ranew at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R223906. Grub Street ID 97660.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The lives of sundry eminent persons in this later age. In two parts, I. Of divines. II. Of nobility and gentry of both sexes. By Samuel Clark, somtimes pastor of Bennet Fink, London. Printed and reviewed by himself just before his death. To which is added his own life, and the lives of the Countess of Suffolk, Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, Mr. Richard Blackerby, and Mr. Samuel Fairclough, drawn up by other hands. London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgate-street, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R5310. Grub Street ID 125765.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The history of the glorious life, reign, and death, of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth. Containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with: the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad, the several attempts of the papists against her life; the excommunications of Rome; Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists; the several victories she gained; and more particularly that in 1588; with all the other remarkable occurrences of that time. By S. Clark. The second edition corrected. To which is now added, an account of the many troubles she suffered before she came to the crown. Illustrated with pictures of the most considerable matters, curiously engraved on copper plates.. London : printed for H. Rhodes next door to the Bear Tavern, near Bride-lane in Fleet-street, 1683. ESTC No. R40842. Grub Street ID 122599.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world. Or A compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, islands, cities and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa and America: in their scituation [sic], product, manufactures, and commodities, geographical and historical With an account of the natures of the people, in their habits, customes, warrs, religions and policies, &c. As also of the rarities, wonders and curiosities, of fishes, beasts, birds, rivers, mountains, plants, &c. With several remarkable revolutions, and delightful histories. Faithfully collected from the best authors, by S. Clark. London : printed for Hen. Rhodes next door to the Swan Tavern, near Brides-Lane, in Fleet-Street, 1689. ESTC No. R26606. Grub Street ID 109897.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world. Or a compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, islands cities and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa and America: in their situation, product, manufactures, and commodities, geographical and historical. With a account of the natures of the people, in their habits, customs, wars, religions and policies, &c. As also of the rarities, wonders and curiosities, of fishes, beasts, birds, rivers, mountains, plants, &c. With several remarkable revolutions, and delightful histories. By S. Clark. The second edition.. London : printed for Hen. Rhodes at the Star the corner of Brides-lane, Fleet-Street, 1696. ESTC No. R231689. Grub Street ID 103678.
  • Clarke, Samuel. Three practical essays viz. On baptism, confirmation, repentance. Containing instructions for a holy life: with earnest exhortations, especially to young persons, drawn from the considerarion [sic] of the severity of the discipline of the primitive church. By Samuel Clark, M.A. chaplain to the right reverend father in God John Lord Bishop of Norwich: and fellow of Caius College in Cambridge. London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R11363. Grub Street ID 59657.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world. Or a compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, ... and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa and America: ... With an account of the natures of the people, ... As also, of the rarities, wonders and curiosities, ... By S. Clark. The second edition.. London : printed for Hen. Rhodes, [1708]. ESTC No. N50074. Grub Street ID 34190.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world. Or, a compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, ... and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa and America: ... With an account of the natures of the people, ... As also, of the rarities, wonders and curiosities, ... By S. Clark. London : printed for Henry Rhodes, 1708. ESTC No. N42053. Grub Street ID 28406.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world: or, a compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, ... and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... With an account of the natures of the people, ... As also, of the rarities, wonders and curiosities, ... By S. Clark. London : printed for H. Rhodes, 1712. ESTC No. T174168. Grub Street ID 211264.
  • Clarke, Samuel. England's remembrancer, a true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances: one from the Spanish Invasion in 88. The other from the hellish Powder Plot, November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added, the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the Papists, by the fall of the house in Black Friars, London, ... November, 1623. The fifth edition. Collected for the information and benefit of each family, by Samuel Clark,. London : printed for J. Hancock, 1713. ESTC No. N7354. Grub Street ID 52290.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A new description of the world: or, a compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, ... and towns ... With an account of the natures of the people ... as also of the rarities, wonders and curiosities ... By S. Clark. London : printed for H. Rhodes, 1719. ESTC No. N42070. Grub Street ID 28423.
  • Clarke, Samuel. A general martyrology, containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the Church of Christ, from the creation, to our present times: wherein is given an exact account of the Protestant sufferings in Queen Mary's reign. Whereunto IS Added, A large Collection of Lives of great Persons, eminent Divines, and singular Christians, famous in their generations for Learning and Piety; and most of them Sufferers in the cause of Christ. Together, With the Lives of Gustavus Ericson King of Sweden, Jasper Coligni Admiral of France, who was slain in the Massacre of Paris, and Joan Queen of Navarr, who died of Poison a few days before that bloody Massacre. Likewise of divers other Christians who were eminent for Prudence and Piety. By Samuel Clarke, late Pastor of St. Bennet-Fink, London. Glasgow: printed by J. Galbraith and Company, Paul's Closs Above The Cross, M,DCC,LXX. [1770]. ESTC No. N18257. Grub Street ID 7735.
  • Clarke, Samuel. The gunpowder treason; being a remembrances to England, of that ancient deliverance from that horrid plot hatched by the bloody Papists, 1605. Tending to revive the memory of the 5th of November, to every family in this nation. ... By Samuel Clark, ... Now revised and published at the request of many friends; with a poem, ... by William Taylor. London] : Printed for William Taylor, and sold at No.98, Fore Street, and by the booksellers and news carriers of London and Westminster, 1775. ESTC No. T14206. Grub Street ID 189555.