Publications of Pasqual Joseph Anton


  • Anton, Pasqual Joseph. Grammatica Española, que con el mas breve, y mas claro methodo manuduce â un Inglès al cabal conocimiento de tan diffusa lengua. Dedicala â la Exma Sa mi Señora la Duquesa de Shreusbury, Dn. Pasqual Joseph Anton. Maestro de Lenguas en Londres. = A Spanish grammar: which is the shortest, plain, and most easy method to instruct an English man in the true knowledge of that extensive language. Dedicated to Her Grace the Dutchess of Shrewsbury, &c. By Dn. Pasqual Joseph Anton. Master of Languages in London. London : printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar, and Thomas Ward in the Inner-Temple Lane, 1711. ESTC No. N18078. Grub Street ID 7551.