Falck, N. D.
The ready observator; or an infallible method for determining the latitude at sea: by altitudes of the sun, At any Time of the Day, either Fore-Noon or After-Noon, Independant of a Meridional Observation. The Whole rendered peculiarly easy for Practice, and annexed with a compleat and correct Sett of all the necessary Tables; Viz. Logarithmic Solar Tables, Sun's Declination, Natural Sines, Secants Less Radius, and Logarithms. By N. D. Falck.
London : printed for the author and sold by Wells [i.e. Welles] and Grosvenor, Stationers, No. 11, in Cornhill; by the mathematical instrument-makers, and all booksellers in the sea-port-towns in Great Britain, 1771.
ESTC No. T58755.Grub Street ID 284842.
Falck, N. D.
A treatise on the venereal disease. In three parts. I. An Anatomical and Physiological description of the genital parts of both sexes. II. An Aetiological enquiry into the various stages of the venereal disease. III. A True and Rational method of cure. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. By N. D. Falck, surgeon.
London : printed for the author, and sold by B. Law, in Ave Maria Lane, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
ESTC No. T60470.Grub Street ID 286324.
Falck, N. D.
A treatise on the venereal disease. In three parts. I. An Anatomical and Physiological description of the genital parts of both sexes. II. An Aetiological enquiry into the various stages of the venereal disease. III. A true and rational method of cure. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. By N. D. Falck, M.D.
The second edition..
London : printed for B. Law, S. Crowder, E. and C. Dilly, R. Baldwin, G. Robinson and T. Evans in the Strand, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T60471.Grub Street ID 286325.
Falck, N. D.
The seaman's medical instructor, in a course of lectures on accidents and diseases incident to seamen, in the various climates of the world. Calculated for Ships that carry no Surgeon. The Whole delivered in a plain Language, and founded on a long and successful Experience. By N. D. Falck, M.D.
London : printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T60472.Grub Street ID 286326.
Falck, N. D.
A philosophical dissertation on the diving vessel projected by Mr. Day, and sunk in Plymouth Sound; Containing, I. An Historical Account of Mr. Day, and the Scheme. II. The Construction of the Vessel. III. The Operation of the Sinking Experiment. IV. A Philosophical Investigation of the Failure of the Experiment. V. The Endeavours made use of in Weighing the Vessel. To which is added, an appendix, Shewing the Various Methods of Weighing Ships in general. The Whole illustrated with Two Copper Plates. By N. D. Falck, M.D.
London : printed for the author; and sold by B. Law, Ave Mary Lane; E. and C. Dilly, Poultry; and J. Walter, Charing Cross, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T101514.Grub Street ID 155392.
Falck, N. D.
An account and description of an improved steam-engine: Which will, with the same Quantity of Fuel, and in an equal Space of Time, raise above double the Quantity of Water than any Lever Engine of the same Dimensions. Illustrated with a Coper-Plate. By N.D. Falck, M.D.
London : printed for B. Law in Ave Maria Lane, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T58801.Grub Street ID 284890.
Falck, N. D.
A treatise on the medical qualities of mercury. In three parts. I. On the natural properties of Mercury, and its operation in the animal oeconomy. II. On the principal preparations of Mercury. III. On the medical qualities of Mercury in various diseases. By N. D. Falck, M.D.
London : sold by B. Law in Ave-Mary-Lane, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T59680.Grub Street ID 285675.
Falck, N. D.
The ready observator; or an infallible method for determining the latitude at sea: By Altitudes of the Sun, At any Time of the Day, either Fore-Noon or After-Noon, Independant of a Meridional Observation. The Whole rendered peculiarly easy for Practice, and annexed with a compleat and correct Sett of all the necessary tables; By N. D. Falck, M.D.
The second edition, with an appendix..
London : printed for J. Mount, T. Page and W. Mount, on Tower Hill, 1778.
ESTC No. T59664.Grub Street ID 285664.
Falck, N. D.
Guardian of health. Vol. I. In three parts. I. A description of the human body, ... II. Of the animal oeconomy ... III. Of regimen, diet, and rules of preserving health. By N. D. Falck, M.D.
London : printed for B. Law, 1778.
ESTC No. N17921.Grub Street ID 7394.