Inett, John.
A sermon preached at the assizes held in WarwickDT August the first, 1681. By John Inett M.A. late of Vniversity College in Oxon. now vicar of Nun-Eaton in Warwick-shire.
London : printed by M. Flesher for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681.
ESTC No. R9088.Grub Street ID 129200.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. The first containing meditations and prayers affixed to the days of the week; together with many occasional prayers for particular persons. The second for more persons than one, or a whole family, for every day of the week together with many occasional prayers. The third containing a discourse of the nature and necessity of the Holy Sacrament; together with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. By John Inett, M.A. chanter of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
London : printed by J. Rawlins, for M. Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, and J. Lawson in the Bale at Lincoln, 1688.
ESTC No. R221614.Grub Street ID 95743.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. The first containing meditations and prayers affixed to the days of the week; together with many occasional prayers for particular persons. The second, for more persons than one, or a whole family, for every day of the week; together with many occasional prayers. The third, containing a discourse of the nature and necessity of the Holy Sacrament, together with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. To which is added, a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other time in Lent; for Good-Friday, and any day of publick fasting. By John Inett, M.A. Chanter of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed by J. Richardson, for M. Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, 1691.
ESTC No. R7573.Grub Street ID 127829.
Inett, John.
A guide to repentance. Or, The character and behaviour of the devout Christian in retirement. Psal. 119. 54, 60. I called my own ways to remembrance, ... commandments. By John Inett, M.A. chanter and residentiary of the cathedral church of Lincoln.
London : printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, and T. Walker in Lincoln, 1692.
ESTC No. R215993.Grub Street ID 90936.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. The first containing meditations and prayers affixed to the days of the week; together with many occasional prayers for particular persons. The second for more persons than one, or a whole family, for every day of the week together with many occasional prayers. The third containing a discourse of the nature and necessity of the Holy Sacrament; together with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. To which is added. A prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other time in Lent; for Good-Friday, and any day of publick fasting. The third edition corrected. By John Inett, M.A. chanter of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
London : printed by J. Richardson, for M. Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, 1696.
ESTC No. R231890.Grub Street ID 103814.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. The first, containing meditations and prayers affixed to the days of the week; together with many occasional prayers for particular persons. The second, for more persons than one, or a whole family, for every day of the week; together with many occasional prayers. The third, containing a discourse of the nature and necessity of the Holy Sacrament; together with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. To which is added, a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other time in Lent; fo Good-Friday, and any day of publick fasting. The fourth edition corrected. By John Inett, M.A. Chanter of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
London : printed for M[atthew]. Wotton at the Three Daggers, in fleetstreet, 1700.
ESTC No. R178642.Grub Street ID 70316.
Inett, John.
Origines anglicanæ: or, a history of the English church. Beginning where Bishop Stillingfleet has ended his History of the British church. ... By John Inett, .
London : printed by T. H. for M. Wotton, 1704-10.
ESTC No. T147046.Grub Street ID 193637.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian: in three parts. ... To which is added, a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, ... The sixth edition, corrected. By John Inett, .
London : printed for M. Wotton, 1707.
ESTC No. T204133.Grub Street ID 234483.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian: in three parts. The first, containing meditations and prayers affixed to the days of the week; together with many occasional prayers for particular persons. The second, for more persons than one, or a whole family, for every day of the week: together with many occasional prayers. The third, containing a discourse of the nature and necessity of the holy sacrament; together with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. To which is added, a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other time in Lent; for Good-Friday, and any day of publick fasting. The seventh edition, corrected. By John Inett, D.D. chanter and residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, and chaplain in ordinary to Her Majesty.
London : Printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street, 1710.
ESTC No. T166496.Grub Street ID 204718.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian: In three parts. I. Containing meditations and prayers for every day of the week; with many occasional prayers for particular persons. II. For families, for every day of the week; with many occasional prayers. III. A discourse of the nature and necessity of the Holy Sacrament; with meditations thereon, prayers and directions for the worthy receiving thereof. Also a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other time in lent; for Good-Friday, and any day of publlck fasting. The eighth edition, corrected. To which is now added, a guide to repentance: or, The character and behaviour of the devout Christian in retirement. By John Inett, D.D. chantet and residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, and chaplain in ordinary to Her Majesty.
London : Printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street, 1714.
ESTC No. T166494.Grub Street ID 204716.
Inett, John.
A guide to repentance: or, the character and behaviour of the devout Christian in retirement. The fifth edition. By John Inet, D. D. Chanter and Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty.
London : printed for J. Wolton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street, 1720.
ESTC No. T111701.Grub Street ID 163911.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian: in three parts. ... Also, a prayer for Ash-Wednesday, ... The tenth edition, corrected. To which is now added, a guide to repentance: ... By John Inett, .
London : printed for M. Wotton, 1720.
ESTC No. N66052.Grub Street ID 47840.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. I. Containing meditations and prayers for every Day of the Week; with many Occasional Prayers for particular Persons. II. For Families for every Day of the Week; with many Occasional Prayers. III. A Discourse of the Nature and Necessity of the Holy Sacrament; with Meditations thereon, Prayers and Directions for the worthy receiving thereof. Also, A Prayer for Ash-Wednesday, or any other Time in Lent; for Good-Friday, and any Day of Publick Fasting. The eleventh edition, corrected. To which is added, A guide to repentance: Or, The Character and Behaviour of the Devout Christian in Retirement. By John Inett D. D. Chanter and Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty.
London : printed for T. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street, 1723.
ESTC No. T111702.Grub Street ID 163912.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. I. Containing Meditations and Prayers for every Day of the Week; with many Occasional Prayers for particular Persons. II. For Families for every Day of the Week; with many Occasional Prayers. III. A Discourse of the Nature and Necessity of the Holy Sacrament; with Meditations thereon, Prayers and Directions for the worthy Receiving thereof. Also, A Prayer of Ash-Wednesday, or any other Time of Lent; for Good-Friday, and any Day of Publick Fasting. The twelfth edition, corrected. To which is added a guide to repentance: Or, The Character and Behaviour of the Devout Christian in Retirement. By John Inett, D. D. Late Chanter and Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty.
London : printed for T. Wotton, at the Three Daggers and Queen's-Head in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XXVIII. [1728].
ESTC No. T128234.Grub Street ID 177865.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. I. Containing meditations and prayers for every day of the week; ... The fourteenth edition, corrected. To which is added, A guide to repentance: ... By John Inett, .
London : printed for D. Midwiter; A. Ward; and sold by S. Brit; and J. Clarke, 1741.
ESTC No. T104516.Grub Street ID 158032.
Inett, John.
A guide to the devout Christian. In three parts. I. Containing meditations and prayers for every day of the week; ... The sixteenth edition, corrected. To which is added, A guide to repentance: ... By John Inett, .
London : printed for H. Woodfall, J. Beecroft, B. Dod, J. Rivington, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, and R. Withy, 1764.
ESTC No. N17903.Grub Street ID 7374.