Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn..
The pocket conveyancer; or attorney's useful companion: containing variety of the most approved precedents, both special and common; particularly calculated for the Use of Attornies and their Clerks, and all Gentlemen of the Law. Also Very necessary for Gentlemen, Landlords, Tenants, Stewards, Masters, Servants, Apprentices, &c. As it consists of the most useful Precedents of Agreements. Appointments. Assignments. Awards. Bargains and Sales. Bills of Sale. Bonds. Covenants. Declarations of Trust. Deeds of Gift. Defeazances. Discharges. Disclaimer. Exchanges. Pines. Grants. Leases. Letters of Attorney. Letters of Licence and Composition, Memorials, Mortgages. Partitions. Partnership. Recoveries. Releases. Revocation. Separation. Settlements. Uses. Wills, &c. &c. Compiled from the best Authors who have written on these Subjects. The second edition, with the addition of many excellent original precedents. In two volumes. By a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. .
London : printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to His Majesty; for W. Owen, No. 11. Fleet-Street; W. Flexney, Corner of Southampton Buildings, Holborn; and G. Robinson, No 25, Pater-Noster-Row, 1773.
ESTC No. T107701.Grub Street ID 160715.