Greaves, William, of Fulbourne.
Reasons, humbly submitted to the Honourable members of both Houses of Parliament, for introducing a law, to prevent unnecessary and vexatious removals of the poor; thereby to reduce parish expences, BY Letting The Poor live where they can best earn their Bread.
Cambridge: printed and sold by Fletcher and Hodson: sold also by S. Crowder, in Paternoster-Row, London, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T128395.Grub Street ID 177985.
Greaves, William, of Fulbourne.
Reasons humbly submitted to the Honourable members of both Houses of Parliament, for introducing a law, to prevent unnecessary and vexatious removals of the poor; Thereby to Reduce Parish Expences, by Letting the Poor live where they can best earn their Bread, till they Become Chargeable.
Cambridge: printed by Francis Hodson, 1775, Reprinted 1780.
ESTC No. T107093.Grub Street ID 160164.