Publications of (Charles). Cha Pickman


  • Pickman, (Charles). Cha. The tradesman's guide; or the chapman's and traveller's, best companion. Containing I. Two Alphabetical Lists of all the fix'd and moveable Fairs, Marts, and Statutes throughout England and Wales; the Days of the Month they begin on, and the Names of the Counties wherein they are kept. II. An Explanation of all the fix'd and moveable Feasts throughout the Year. III. A Description of the Highways and Roads, and Directions how to Travel from London to any Market-Town in England or Wales. IV. A Table of all the Market-Towns in England and Wales, with the Days on which they are kept. V. A large Alphabetical List of all the Stage-Coaches and Carriers; with the Signs of the Inns they come to, and the Days of their setting out. VI. The Rates of Carts, Watermen, Hackney-Coaches and Chairs; and where to complain in Case of Offence. Vii. A List of the Number of all the Members each Town and County sends to serve in Parliament. Viii. Tables of Interest, at 3, 4, 5 and 6 l. per Cent. from 5 s. to 100. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T107034. Grub Street ID 160106.