Publications of William MacBean


  • MacBean, William. The constitution of Germany. By way of question and answer. Wherein is contain'd (together with explanatory notes) a succinct, historical account of the constitution in general, and its Principles, viz. The Imperial Capitulations. The Golden Bull. The Recesses of the Empire. The Public Peace, the Religious Peace, and the Peace of Westphalia. Of the Relation private Laws, or the Civil Law, have to the Constitution. Of the Election and Coronation of the Emperor. Of his Rights with respect to the whole Empire, and his peculiar Prerogatives. How a Vacancy may happen in the Imperial Throne. Of the Empress. Of the Election of King of the Romans. Of the Vicars of the Empire. Of the States of the Empire, and of the Matricula's. Of the peculiar Privileges of the Electoral College. Of the Territorial Jurisdiction of the States. Of the Succession to the immediate Fiess. Of the Guardianship of illustrious Persons. Of the Investiture of the Fiels. How the Jurisdiction of the States may be forfeited. O. London : printed for Josiah Graham, over-against St. Martin's Church in the Strand; and M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, 1743. ESTC No. T105454. Grub Street ID 158755.