Axford, John.
Philosophical & astrological rare secrets brought to light for the good of mankind: whereby wonderful effects may be performed by simpathy, in easng pains and aches, and curing the most difficult and desperate diseases, distempers, or wounds, incident to the bodies of mankind, herbs being gathered, and roots taken up, when the planet that governs them are angular and strong; they having then an inate triple and potential vertue more then they have at other times, both in physical and chyrurgial operations. With directions for the best times to gather herbs, for seven years, beginning April 1693. and ending October 1700. Read the following epistle and catalogue of diseases, &c. Galen, who is accounted, prince of physitians, faith, that although physick be a perfect science in it self, yet a physitian cannot be perfect in his work without the knowledge of astrology. Licensed according to order.
London : printed by T. Sowle at the Crooked-Billet in Holywell-Lane, in Shoreditch, 1693.
ESTC No. R25899.Grub Street ID 109279.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, vveights, measures, mentioned in the Bible; as shekels, talents, pieces of silver, silverlings, pence, &c. And what they are in value in gold and silver, according to English current mony. Being cast up from the one talent, to the three hundred and fifty thousand talents, in plain words; for the understanding of any that can read the Bible. Also, in what chapters and verse or verses they are to be found. Likewise, the weights and measures, how much they are of English. And, also, hard words of office and sects explained. Very useful for all that can read English. The like never done before.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, next door to the Meeting-house in White-hart-court in Gracious-street; and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, near the market, 1697.
ESTC No. R3328.Grub Street ID 115919.
Axford, John.
An epitomy, shewing when the Protestant religion began, why so call'd, the parts thereof. The three creeds, and wherefore people stand when one is said. How and when infant-baptism came to be used; and when and wherefore God-Fathers and God-Mothers (so call'd) came to be ordain'd, and the sign of the cross to be used; and when and how sprinkling came to be used instead of baptism. Also, the Presbyterians, and what they hold and what scriptures they produce. And the Independents, and the Baptists, what scriptures they produce. The Quakers, somewhat of their principles, and what scriptures they produce[.] By John Axford.
London : printed for the author, 1700.
ESTC No. R11103.Grub Street ID 59417.
Axford, John.
The merchants daily companion: or, the shop-keepers speculum, for the year 1700: being leap-year. Wherein is contained, all useful and necessary matter for a daily kallender; as also a very true, exact, and perfect account of all the carriers, waggoners, stage-coaches, &c. that come to London, Westminster and Southwark, from all parts of England and Wales; with the place they inn at, and the time of their setting out: all the carriers being lately, truly and rightly placed. To which is added, the day and place where goods may be sent by water to several parts of England. All curiously corrected and amended, from the gross mistakes that were made by Richard Ball last year; and this year, in his sheet, which is printed with the two schemes at the top. By John Axford, student in Physick and Astrology, for these forty years.
London : printed for the author, in the year 1700.
ESTC No. R232765.Grub Street ID 104437.
Axford, John.
An epithome of the Protestant religion: Shewing When the Name Protestant began, why the People were so call'd. Of the Three Creeds, and wherefore People stand up when one is said. How and when Infant-Baptism came to be used; and when and wherefore God-Fathers and God-Mothers (so call'd) came to be Ordain'd, and the Sign of the Cross to be used; and when and how Sprinkling came to be used instead of Dipping. Also, The Presbyterians, and what they hold, and what Scriptures they produce. And the Independants, and the Baptists, what Scriptures they produce. The Quakers, somewhat of their Principles, and what Scriptures they produce. By John Axford of Lacock in Wiltshire.
London : printed and sold by Henry Hills, in Black-Fryars, [1700 - 1701].
ESTC No. T91451.Grub Street ID 311292.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, ... By John Axford. .
The fifth edition..
London : printed for D. Mertan and J. Hamlton [sic], [1701?].
ESTC No. T36184.Grub Street ID 266148.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Bible: being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights measures, mentioned in the Bible, as Shekels, Talents, pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from one Talent to three hundred and fifty thousand Talents, in plain Words for the understanding of any that can read the Bible. Also in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise the Weights and Measures, how much they are English. And also, Hard Words of Office and Sects, and wherefore one part of the Bible is called Canonical, and the other Apocrypha, Explained. By John Axford. Very usefull for all that can read English, and for all Schollers; the like never done before. Prov. 9. 9. Instruct the wise and he will be wise: Teach a righteous man, and he will increase in knowledge. The sixth Edition. Licensed and Entere.
Glasgow: printed by Robert Sanders, One of His Maiesties Printers: for D. Mertain, 1701.
ESTC No. N17644.Grub Street ID 7109.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, as Shekels, Talents, pieces of Silver Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from One Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Talents, in plain Words; for the understanding of any that can read the Bible Also, in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise, the Weights and Measures, how much they are English. And also, Hard Words of Office and Sects, and wherefore one part of the Bible is called Canonical, and the other Apochrypha. Explained. By John Axford.
The second edition..
London?] : Printed for J. Butcher in Ludgate-Street, [1701?.
ESTC No. T130286.Grub Street ID 179446.
Axford, John.
Catastrophe Mundi: or, the various alterations and changes that have happened in the world since 46 years after the Creation, ... By John Axford, student in physick and astrology, above forty years.
London : printed and sold by J. Nutt, 1704.
ESTC No. N42601.Grub Street ID 28781.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, ... Also, in what chapters and verse or verses, they are to be found. ... By John Axford. ...
Edinburgh: re-printed and sold by James Watson, 1704.
ESTC No. T189464.Grub Street ID 224942.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explaination [sic] of the coyns, mony, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, ... By John Axford. .
The fifth edition..
London] : Printed by A.M. for J. Blare, [1705?.
ESTC No. T130287.Grub Street ID 179447.
Axford, John.
An account of time according to the Holy Scriptures, and common account. ... By J. Axford, .
London : printed and sold by Benj. Bragge, 1706.
ESTC No. N30937.Grub Street ID 19850.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible; as Shekels, Talents, pieces of Silver, Silverling, Mina, Gerah, Penny, &c. And what they are in Value, in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Also in this Edition, is counted what the Money, which is mentioned in the Holy Scripture, was in Value in those times, it being a Third part greater than it is now. Also, in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise the Weights and Measures, how much they are in English. And also, Hard Words of Office, Sects, Legion, Canonical, Apocrypha, Explained: Very useful for all Families, and Schools. Also a table of Numeration, for any to Learn, that cannot Number, the like never done before. By John Axford.
The sixth edition..
London : printed for the author, and sold by B. Bragge, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1707.
ESTC No. N32865.Grub Street ID 21437.
Axford, John.
An epitome of the Protestant religion: shewing when the name of Protestant began, why the people were so call'd. ... By John Axford, .
The third edition..
London : printed and sold by H. Hills, 1708.
ESTC No. N6915.Grub Street ID 50311.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Holy Bible. Being an explanation of the coins, money, weights, measures, mention'd in the Bible; as Shekels, Talents, Pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from one Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Talents in plain Words; for the Understanding of any that can Read the Bible. Also, in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise the Weights and Measures, how much are English. And also, hard Words of Offices and Sects, and wherefore one Part of the Bible is call'd Canonical, and the other Apocrypha, explai. By John Axford. Very useful for all that can Read English, and for all Schools; the like never done before.
Newcastle: printed and sold by John White, [1708?].
ESTC No. T130285.Grub Street ID 179445.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible ; as Shekels, Talents, Pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value, in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from One Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Talents, in Plain Words; for the understanding of any that can read the Bible. Also, in what Chapters and Verse or Verses they are to be found. Likewise, the Weights and Measures, how much are English. And also, Hard Words of Office and Sects, and wherefore one part of the Bible is called Canonical, and the other Apocrypha, Explain'd. By John Axford. Licensed and Entered according to Order,.
[Dublin]: London printed: and re-printed in Dublin for G. Grier at the Two Bibles near the Custom-House in Essex-Street, 1709.
ESTC No. N715.Grub Street ID 51710.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Bible : being an explanation of the coins, money-weights, and measures, mentioned in the Bible ; ...
Edinburgh: printed in the year MDCCX. And are to be had at the house or cellar of Francis Bowie vintner, [1710].
ESTC No. T122741.Grub Street ID 173328.
Axford, John.
Hidden things brought to light: for the increase of knowledge in reading the Holy Bible; being an explanation of the coins, measures, money, and weights, mentioned in the Bible ... By John Axford ...
Falkirk: printed by Daniel Reid, and sold by John Wilson, 1773.
ESTC No. N17645.Grub Street ID 7110.
Axford, John.
Explanation of the coins, money, weights, and measures, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, and Apocrypha, ... Likewise the Jewish weights and measures, ... mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. ... By the Rev. John Axford, D.D.
The seventh edition..
London : printed for Robert Turner, 1783.
ESTC No. N47842.Grub Street ID 32483.