Publications of William Clark


  • Clark, William. The province of midwives in the practice of their art: instructing them in the timely knowledge of such difficulties as require the assistance of men, for the preservation of mother and child. ... By William Clark, M.D. ... [Bath]: Printed for William Frederick, in Bath; and sold by M. Cooper, London, 1751. ESTC No. T46063. Grub Street ID 274255.
  • Clark, William. A medical dissertation concerning the effects of the passions on human bodies; First published in Latin, at Leyden, on the 31st of July, 1727, for acquiring the honour and privilege of doctor in physick, by the approbation of the university; and now republished in English, with a preface, the aphorisms or sanctorius to which it refers, and some notes illustrating the subject. By William Clark, M.D. intra-licentiate of the College of Physicians in London. London : Printed for W. Frederick in Bath; and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-noster Row, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T39098. Grub Street ID 268453.
  • Clark, William. An essay to discover the visible marks of Christ's church, according to the testimony of Holy writ. By William Clark, M. D. Late of Colchester. Colchester: printed by W. Keymer, M.DCC.LXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. T102705. Grub Street ID 156398.