Publications of Virgil


  • Virgil. [Bucolica Virgilij cum commento familiari.]. [Londini: VV. de VVorde, 1529 (12 mr.)]. ESTC No. S95695. Grub Street ID 153630.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera. Variourm autorum annotationibus illustrata. Londini: typis Guil. Du-Gard usque ad pag. 197. sumptibus Societatis Stationariorum, 1657. ESTC No. R186035. Grub Street ID 74874.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera. Variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. Londini: typis Guil. Du-Gard usque ad pag. 197. Sumptibus Societatis Stationarioram, 1657. ESTC No. R222533. Grub Street ID 96504.
  • Virgil. Vergiliana poesis que latinitatis norma est et propulsatis [and] elimatis [sic] omnibus mendis felici gaudet exordio. [London]: [by R. Pynson]Venalis extat Lot w[ ] [ ]ui Scorgii signo in vico nu[ ]pato fletestrete urta simina scti Du[n]stant, [ca. 1515]. ESTC No. S124909. Grub Street ID 144208.
  • Virgil. Les faictz merueilleux de virgille. Imprimez nouuelement. [Imprimees nouuelleme[n]t a Paris: pour Iehan sainct Denis libraire demourant in la Rue neufue Nostre Dame a lenseigne sainct Nycolas [and for W. de Worde, London, ca. 1525.]]. ESTC No. S96212. Grub Street ID 153936.
  • Virgil. The .xii. bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgill translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel [and] unkil to the Erle of Angus. Euery buke hauing hys perticular prologe. Imprinted at Londo[n: By William Copland], 1553. ESTC No. S119190. Grub Street ID 138833.
  • Virgil. The fourth boke of Virgill, intreating of the loue betwene Aeneas & Dido, translated into English, and drawne into a strau[n]ge metre by Henry late Earle of Surrey, worthy to be embraced. Imprinted at London: by John Day, for William Awen, dwellyng in Pater noster rowe, at the sygne of the Cocke, [1554]. ESTC No. S125720. Grub Street ID 144954.
  • Virgil. The seuen first bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill, conuerted in Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer Esquier, sollicitour to the king and quenes maiesties, attending their honorable cou[n]saile in the marchies of Wales. [Imprinted at London: By Ihon Kyngston, for Richard Iugge, dwellyng at the north doore of Poules Churche, at the signe of the Bible], Anno. 1558. xxviij. Maij. ESTC No. S119232. Grub Street ID 138874.
  • Virgil. The nyne fyrst bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil conuerted into Englishe vearse by Thomas Phaer Doctour of Phisike, with so muche of the tenthe booke, as since his death coulde be founde in vnperfit papers at his house in Kilgarran forest in Penbroke shyre. Printed at London: By Rouland Hall, for Nicholas Englande, 1562. ESTC No. S119233. Grub Street ID 138875.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera. De integro collatis probatissimæ fidei exemplaribus, q[ue] diligentissim restituta, ac doctissimis scholijs & annotationibus Pauli Manutij in margine ascriptis, illustrata. [London]: Excusum apud Henricum Bynneman, Anno Domini. 1570. ESTC No. S120963. Grub Street ID 140573.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera. De integro collatis probatissimæ fidei exemplaribus, ?q diligentissim restituta, ac doctissimis scholijs & annotationibus Pauli Manutij in margine ascriptis, illustrata. [London]: Excusum apud Henricum Bynneman, Anno Domini. 1572. ESTC No. S119632. Grub Street ID 139272.
  • Virgil. The whole .xii. bookes of the Æneidos of Virgill. Whereof the first .ix. and part of the tenth, were conuerted into English meeter by Thomas Pha'r Esquire, and the residue supplied, and the whole worke together newly set forth, by Thomas Twyne Gentleman. There is added moreouer to this edition, Virgils life out of Donatus, and the argument before euery booke. There is added moreouer to this edition, Virgils life out of Donatus, and the argument before euery booke. Imprinted at London: by Wyllyam How, for Abraham Veale, dwelling in Poules Churchyearde, at the signe of the Lambe, 1573. ESTC No. S119243. Grub Street ID 138885.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes Breuissimæ in margine adscriptæ. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilius imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: ex typographia Joannis Kyngstoni, M.D.LXXVI. [1576]. ESTC No. S125593. Grub Street ID 144828.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes Brevissimæ in margine adscriptæ. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilious imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: Excudebat H. Middletonus, impensis I. H[arrison], 1580. ESTC No. S113924. Grub Street ID 133649.
  • Virgil. Thee first foure bookes of Virgil his Aeneis translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother po'tical diuises theretoo annexed. Imprinted at Leiden in Holland: By Iohn Pates, Anno M.D.LXXXII. [1582]. ESTC No. S111544. Grub Street ID 131363.
  • Virgil. The first foure bookes of Virgils Æneis, translated into English heroicall verse, by Richard Stanyhurst: with other po'ticll [sic] deuises thereto annexed. At London: Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman dwelling in Thames streate neare vnto Baynardes Castell, Anno Domini, 1583. ESTC No. S111556. Grub Street ID 131373.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes brevissimæ in margine adscriptae. Homeri loca magis insignia, quae Virgilius imitatus est. Georgii Fabritii chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: Excudebat H. Midletonus, impensis I. H[arrison I], 1583. ESTC No. S112561. Grub Street ID 132317.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pavli manvtii annotationes brevissimæ in margine adscriptae. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilivs imitatus est. Georgii Fabritii chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: excudebat H. Midletonus, impensis I. H[arrison], 1584. ESTC No. S95686. Grub Street ID 153621.
  • Virgil. The .xiii. bookes of Æneidos. The first twelue beeinge the woorke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirtenth the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse to the fyrst thirdpart of the tenth booke, by Thomas Pha'r Esquire: and the residue finished, and now the second time newly setforth for the delite of such as are studious in poetrie: by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. Imprinted at London: by William How, for Abraham Veale, dwelling in Paules Church yeard, at the signe of the Lambe, 1584. ESTC No. S119272. Grub Street ID 138914.
  • Virgil. The Bucoliks of Publius Virgilius Maro, prince of all Latine poets; otherwise called his pastoralls, or shepeherds meetings. Together with his Georgiks or ruralls, otherwise called his husbandrie, conteyning foure books. All newly translated into English verse by A.F. Imprinted at London: by T[homas] O[rwin] for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the black Beare, 1589. ESTC No. S119261. Grub Street ID 138903.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis poemata. Nouis scholiis illustrata, quæ Henr. Steph. partim domi nata, partim virorum doctissimorum libris excerpta dedit. Cætera quæ hæc secunda editio exhibet, pagina tertia recensentur. Londini: excudebat vidua Thomæ Orwinni, 1593. ESTC No. S95687. Grub Street ID 153622.
  • Virgil. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelue being the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer Esquire: and the residue finished, and now newly set forth for the delight of such as are studious in poetrie: by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1596. ESTC No. S119316. Grub Street ID 138959.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera Pauli Manutij annotationes breuissimæ in margine adscriptæ ; Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilius imitatus est ; Georgij Fabricij Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: Excudebat Felix Kingston, 1597. ESTC No. S2943. Grub Street ID 147260.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera. Pauli Manutij annotationes breuissimæ in margine adscriptæ. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilius imitatus est. Georgij Fabricij Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: Excudebat Felix Kingston, 1597. ESTC No. S123203. Grub Street ID 142719.
  • Virgil. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelve beeing the worke of the diuine poet, Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse, to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer Esquire: and the residue finished, and now newly set forth for the delight of such as are studious in poetrie: by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in physicke. London: printed by Tho. Creede, dwelling in the Old Chaunge, at the signe of the Eagle and Childe, neare Old Fish-streete, 1600. ESTC No. S95694. Grub Street ID 153629.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes breuissimæ in margine adscriptae. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilius imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: apud Robertum Dexter, ad insigne Serpentis ænei, in C?meterio diui Pauli, 1602. ESTC No. S95688. Grub Street ID 153623.
  • Virgil. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first tvvelue beeing the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse, to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer Esquier: and the residue finished, and now newly set forrh [sic] for the delight of such as are studious in poetrie: by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Phisicke. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1607. ESTC No. S119318. Grub Street ID 138961.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis poemata, cum optimis, quae nunc exstant, & fide dignissimis exemplaribus collata, & correcta. Quibus brevissimae ex iisdem exemplaribus excerptae annotationes in margine adscriptae sunt. Rerum & verborum memorabilium amplissimus index. Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart Bibliopôla, 1612. ESTC No. S95692. Grub Street ID 153627.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes brevissimæ in margine ad scriptae. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilivs imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: [per R. Field] ex typographia Societatis Stationarum, 1613. ESTC No. S95689. Grub Street ID 153624.
  • Virgil. Pub. Vergilii Maronis opera, scholiis doctissimis marginalibus illustrata, cum verborum & rerum indice. Londini: [R. Field and unidentified Continental press] Ex typographia Societatis Stationariorum, 1616. ESTC No. S113207. Grub Street ID 132947.
  • Virgil. The destruction of Troy, or The acts of Aeneas. Translated out of the second booke of the Æneads of Virgill, that peerelesse prince of Latine poets. With the Latine verse on the one side, and the English verse on the other, that the congruence of the translation with the originall may the better appeare. As also a centurie of epigrams, and a motto vpon the Creede, thereunto annexed. By Sr Thomas Wrothe, Knight. London: printed by T[homas] D[awson] and are to be sold by Nicholas Bourne, at the Royall Exchange, 1620. ESTC No. S119258. Grub Street ID 138900.
  • Virgil. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelue being the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro; and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse, to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer, Esquire: and the residue finished, and now newly set forth, for the delight of such as are studious in poetry, by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, by the assignement of Clement Knight, 1620. ESTC No. S119320. Grub Street ID 138963.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Vigrilii Maronis. Pauli Manvtii annotationes brevissimæ in margine ad scriptae. Homeri loca magis insignia, quæ Virgilius imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis obseruationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Londini: ex typographia societatis Stationariorum, 1622. ESTC No. S95690. Grub Street ID 153625.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Georgicks Englished. by Tho: May Esqr. Lo[ndon]:: printed [by Humphrey Lownes] for Tho: Walkley in Brittains Burse, 1628. ESTC No. S119392. Grub Street ID 139031.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Georgicks Englished. by Tho: May Esqr. Lo:: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes] for Tho: Walkley in Brittains Burse, 1628. ESTC No. S119396. Grub Street ID 139035.
  • Virgil. Virgils Eclogues translated into English: by W.L. Gent. London: Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse-street, 1628. ESTC No. S119264. Grub Street ID 138906.
  • Virgil. Publ. Virgilii Maronis poemata, cum optimis, quae nunc exstant, & fide dignissimis exemplaribus collata, & correcta. Quibus brevissimae exiisdem exemplaribus excerptae annotationes, in margine adscriptae sunt. Rerum & verborum memorabilium amplissimus index. Aberdoniae: Excudit Edvardus Rabanus, Impensis Davidis Melvil, 1629. ESTC No. S95693. Grub Street ID 153628.
  • Virgil. The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned laureat-prince of Latine-poets; translated into English deca-syllables, by Iohn Vicars. 1632. [Cambridge: printed by T. Buck and] are to be sold by Ni: Alsop at the Angell in Popes head ally [, London, 1632]. ESTC No. S111557. Grub Street ID 131374.
  • Virgil. Opera P. Virgilii Maronis. Pauli Manutii annotationes brevissimæ in margine adscriptæ. Homeri loca magis insignia, quae Virgilius imitatus est. Georgii Fabricii chemnicensis observationes Virgilianæ lectionis. Cantabrigiæ: Ex Academiæ celeberrimæ typographeo, 1632. ESTC No. S112563. Grub Street ID 132319.
  • Virgil. Virgils Eclogues, vvith his booke De apibus, concerning the governement and ordering of bees: translated grammatically, and also according to the proprietie of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well permit. Written chiefly for the good of schooles, to be used according to the directions in the preface to the painfull schoole-master, and more fully in the booke called Ludus literarius, or the grammer-schoole, chap. 8. London: Printed by [Eliot's Court Press for] the assignes of Thomas Man, Paul Man, and Ionah Man, 1633. ESTC No. S119387. Grub Street ID 139027.
  • Virgil. Dido and Aeneas the fourth booke of Virgils Aeneis now Englished by Robert Stapylton Esqr. [London]: Printed for William Cooke at Furnivalls Inn gate in Holborne, [1634?]. ESTC No. S119374. Grub Street ID 139014.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera Bucolica, Georgica, Æneis, Notis admarginalibus illustrata à Thoma Farnabio. Londini: excudebat Felix Kyngston, impensis Roberti Allot, 1634. ESTC No. S95691. Grub Street ID 153626.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Bucolicks Engished [sic]. VVhereunto is added the translation of the two first satyrs of Iuvenal. By Iohn Bidle. London: printed by I[ohn]. L[egat]., 1634. ESTC No. S119265. Grub Street ID 138907.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for John Crook, 1649. ESTC No. R34729. Grub Street ID 117240.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis' opera variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. [Cambridge]: Excus: Cantabrigiæ, [1650?]. ESTC No. R28375. Grub Street ID 111451.
  • Virgil. The vvorks of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby. London: printed by Thomas Maxey for Andrew Crook, at the green-Dragon in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1650. ESTC No. R34730. Grub Street ID 117241.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated, adorn'd with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. London: printed by Thomas Warren for the author, and are to be had at his house in Kings-head Court in Shoe-lane, 1654. ESTC No. R18606. Grub Street ID 74890.
  • Virgil. The destruction of Troy, an essay upon the second book of Virgils Æneis. Written in the year, 1636. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, at his shop at the sign of the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R796. Grub Street ID 128169.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera per Johannem Ogilvium edita et sculpturis æneis adornata. Londini: typis Thomæ Roycroft, Impressa An. Dom. MDCLVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R23590. Grub Street ID 106864.
  • Virgil. The passion of Dido for Æneas. As it is incomparably exprest in the fourth book of Virgil. Translated by Edmund Waller & Sidney Godolphin, Esqrs. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Armes in St Paul's Church-yard, 1658. ESTC No. R594. Grub Street ID 126330.
  • Virgil. An essay upon two of Virgil's Eclogues, and two books of his Æneis (if this be not enough) towards the translation of the whole. By James Harrington. London: printed by T.C. for Thomas Brewster at the sign of the three Bibles at the west end of Pauls, 1658. ESTC No. R37211. Grub Street ID 119454.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneis: the third, fourth, fifth and sixth books. Translated by James Harrington. London: printed by J. Cottrel, for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R7960. Grub Street ID 128170.
  • Virgil. Æneas his descent into Hell: as it is inimitably described by the prince of poets in the sixth of his Æneis. Made English by John Boys of Hode-Court, Esq; together with an ample and learned comment upon the same, wherein all passages criticall, mythological, philosophical and historical, are fully and clearly explained. To which are added some certain pieces relating to the publick, written by the author. London : Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, living in Thames street over against Banards Castle, 1661. ESTC No. R200370. Grub Street ID 77911.
  • Virgil. Æneas his descent into Hell: as it is inimitably described by the prince of poets in the sixth of his Æneis. Made English by John Boys of Hode-Court, Esq; together with an ample and learned comment upon the same, wherein all passages critical, mythological, philosophical and historical, are fully and clearly explained. To which are added some certain pieces relating to the publick, written by the author. London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1661. ESTC No. R17266. Grub Street ID 66465.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera. Variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. Londini : typis Sarah Griffin usque ad pag. 148. sumptibus Societatis Stationariorum, 1661. ESTC No. R187002. Grub Street ID 75443.
  • Virgil. Æneas his errours, or his voyage from Troy into Italy. An essay upon the third book of Virgils Æneis. By John Boys of Hode Court, Esq;. London : printed by T.M. for Henry Broome, at the Gun in Ivy-lain, 1661. ESTC No. R26490. Grub Street ID 109796.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera per Johannem Ogilvium edita, et sculpturis æneis adornata. Londoni : typis Thomæ Roycroft, prostant apud Guil. Wells, & Rob. Scott ad insignia Principis in vico Little-Britain dicto, 1663. ESTC No. R745. Grub Street ID 127715.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera. Variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. Londini : typis J.M. pro Societate Stationariorum, Anno Domini, 1664. ESTC No. R220949. Grub Street ID 95178.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro. London? : J. Langley, 1665?. ESTC No. R186039. Grub Street ID 74875.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby. London : printed for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1665. ESTC No. R35228. Grub Street ID 117655.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera, variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. Editio nova emendatior, in qua filum narrationis (juniorum potissimùm gratiâ) pausis frequentioribus debit'sque periodis discriminatur.. Londini : typis J.F. pro Societate Stationariorum, Anno Domini 1667. ESTC No. R220950. Grub Street ID 95180.
  • Virgil. The vvorks of Publius Virgilius Maro translated, adorned with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby Esq; master of His Majesties revells in the kingdom of Ireland. The second edition.. London : printed by Thomas Roycroft for the author, 1668. ESTC No. R34731. Grub Street ID 117242.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera, variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata, editio nova emendatior: in qua filum narrationis (juniorum potissim~um gratiâ) pausis frequentioribus debitísque periodis discriminatur. Londini : typis E. Tyler, & R. Holt, pro Societate Stationariorum, anno domini 1672. ESTC No. R187667. Grub Street ID 75849.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro: translated, adorned with sculptures, and illustrated with annotations: by John Ogilby, esq; His Majesties cosmographer, and geographique printer. The third edition.. London : printed by the author, for Peter Parker and Thomas Guy, and are to be sold at their shops, at the Leg & Star over against the Royal Exchange, & at the Cornershop in Little Lombard-street and Cornhill, 1675. ESTC No. R219483. Grub Street ID 94012.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera cum notis Thomæ Farnabii. Londini : typis Guil Rawlins, pro R. Scott, T. Basset, J. Wright & R: Chiswell, M.DC.LXXVII [1677]. ESTC No. R220289. Grub Street ID 94687.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera variorum autorum annotationibus illustrata. Edition nova emedatior: in qua filum narrationis (juniorum potissimim gratiâ) pausis frequentoribus debitisque periodis discriminatum.. Londini : typis E. Tyler, & R. Holt, pro Societate Stationariorum, anno Domini 1679. ESTC No. R217143. Grub Street ID 91967.
  • Virgil. The passion of Dido for Æneas. As it is incomparably exprest in the fourth book of Virgil. Translated by Edmund Waller & Sidney Godolphin, Esqrs. London : Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1679. ESTC No. R219245. Grub Street ID 93808.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Opera, cum annotationibus Johannis Min-ellii. Londini : apud Johannem Gellibrand, bibliopolum Londinensem, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R220293. Grub Street ID 94691.
  • Virgil. Publ. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica & Georgica post optimas editiones nunc primum emendatata : notis ac scholiis selectissimis varionum illustrata. Londini : Impensis Johannis Gay, Anno Domini 1684. ESTC No. R23588. Grub Street ID 106862.
  • Virgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro translated by John Ogilby. & adorn'd wth [sic] sculptur I. Drapentier sculp.t [sic]. London] : Sold by Tho: Guy at ye Oxford Arms on ye west side of the Royall Exchang, 1684. ESTC No. R35229. Grub Street ID 117656.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu. Jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Imprimatur. C. Alston, R.P.D. Hen. Episc. Lond. à sacris. April. 17. 1686. Londini : impensis T. Dring, G. Wells, & A. Swalle, M.DC.LXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R28896. Grub Street ID 111921.
  • Virgil. The first book of Virgils Æneis. Made English. Licensed, Sept. 30. 1687. Ro. L'Estrange. London : printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R32923. Grub Street ID 115581.
  • Virgil. The fourth book of Virgil; translated by a person of quality. London : printed for Richard Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1692. ESTC No. R797. Grub Street ID 128179.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis' opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem.. Londini : Typis M.C. impensis viduæ & hæredum T. Dring & G. Wells, 1695. ESTC No. R28376. Grub Street ID 111452.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem.. Londini : impensis A. Swalle, & T. Childe, ad insigne Monocerotis, in C.meterio Paulino, M.DC.XCVI [1696]. ESTC No. R212927. Grub Street ID 88466.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and Æeneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. Adorn'd with a hundred sculptures. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges-Head in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple-Gate, MDCXCVII. [1697]. ESTC No. R26296. Grub Street ID 109629.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. Adorn'd with a hundred sculptures. London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges-Head in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple-Gate, MDCXCVII. [1697]. ESTC No. R221907. Grub Street ID 95981.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals Georgics, and AEneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. Adorn'd with a hundred sculptures. The second edition.. London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges-Head in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple-Gate, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R35230. Grub Street ID 117658.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Cantabrigiæ: typis academicis, impensis Jacobi Tonson Bibliopolae Londin., MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T139222. Grub Street ID 187093.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Cantabrigiæ: typis academicis, prostant apud Corn. Crownfield, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T139211. Grub Street ID 187081.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera, cum annotationibus Johannis Minelii. Editio altera correcta & à mendis purgata.. Londini : apud bibliopolas Londinenses, 1703. ESTC No. N39645. Grub Street ID 26938.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii opera. Accurante Nic. Heinsio ... Edinburgi: ex ttypographœo Georgii Mosman, anno Dom., 1704. ESTC No. N39644. Grub Street ID 26937.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii, Maronis opera. Dublini: excudebat Andreas Crook, 1707. ESTC No. T171634. Grub Street ID 209244.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Londini : apud J. Nicholson, J. Sprint & B. Tooke, 1707. ESTC No. T121645. Grub Street ID 172403.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, Jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Londini : Apud S. Smith & B. Walford, T. Child, & D. Midwinter, Bibliopolas, MDCCVII. [1707]. ESTC No. T170289. Grub Street ID 208006.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. Adorn'd with above a hundred sculptures. The third edition.. London : printed by Jacob Tonson at Grays-Inn Gate, MDCCIX. [1709]. ESTC No. T64661. Grub Street ID 289648.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated into English verse. By the Right Honourable Richard late Earl of Lauderdale. London : printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Cross-Keys, between the Two Temple-Gates, in Fleetstreet, [1709]. ESTC No. T139423. Grub Street ID 187273.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Editio altera.. Londini : excudebat Johan. Pickard, pro Societate Bibliopolarum, 1710. ESTC No. N39727. Grub Street ID 27005.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneis, translated into Scottish verse, by The Famous Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. A new edition. Wherein the many errors of the former are corrected, and the Defects supply'd, from an excellent Manuscript. To which is added a large glossary, Explaining the Difficult Words: Which may serve for a Dictionary to the Old Scottish Language. And to the whole is prefix'd an exact account of the author's life and writings, from the best Histories and Records. Edinburgh: printed by Mr. Andrew Symson, and Mr. Robert Freebairn, and sold at their Shops, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T139442. Grub Street ID 187294.
  • Virgil. [P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem.]. Londini? : apud J. Nicholson, J. Sprint & B. Tooke?, 1710?. ESTC No. T148425. Grub Street ID 194783.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Londini : apud J. Tonson, A. & J. Churchill, J. Nicholson, J. Sprint, T. Childe, R. Knaplock, B. Tooke, & D. Midwinter, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T139777. Grub Street ID 187612.
  • Virgil. Proposals for publishing a translation of Virgil's Æneids in blank verse. Together with a Specimen of the Performance. By N. Brady, D. D. &c. London : printed for the author, MDCCXIII. [1713]. ESTC No. T42940. Grub Street ID 271625.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneis translated into blank verse. By Nicolas Brady, . London : printed for the author, 1714. ESTC No. T50917. Grub Street ID 278454.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera typis excusa novâ methodo; ... operâ & curâ, nec non sumptibus Gulielmi Binaldi. Dublinii: typis Aaronis Rhami, anno 1715. Prostant autem hic venales libri; non solm apud editorem, prædictum Gulielmum Binaldum & etiam apud omnes Dublinienses bibliopolas: nec non Londini, apud fratres Awnshamum & Johannem Churchill, [1715]. ESTC No. N20628. Grub Street ID 10019.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Londini : ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts. MDCCXV. Cum Privilegio, [1715]. ESTC No. T139212. Grub Street ID 187082.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated into English verse. By the Right Honourable Richard, late Earl of Lauderdale. The second edition. ... London : printed by W. Bowyer for Bernard Lintott, at the Cross-Keys, between the Temple-Gates in Fleetstreet, [1716?]. ESTC No. T139421. Grub Street ID 187271.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneis translated into blank verse. By Nicolas Brady, D. D. Rector of Clapham, and Minister of Richmond in Surry. London : printed for Bernard Lintott betwixt the two Temple Gates in Fleetstreet, 1716. ESTC No. T50918. Grub Street ID 278455.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. Adorn'd with above a hundred sculptures. The fourth edition.. London : printed by Jacob Tonson in the Strand, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T64521. Grub Street ID 289530.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æeneis translated into blank verse. By Nicholas Brady, D. D. Rector of Clapham, and Minister of Richmond in Surrey. Volume II. London : printed for Robert Gosling, at the Mitre and Crown in Fleet-Street, 1717. ESTC No. T50919. Grub Street ID 278456.
  • Virgil. The AEneis of Virgil, translated into blank verse: by Joseph Trapp, M.A. Professor of poetry in the University of Oxford. London : [s.n.], printed in the year MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T139438. Grub Street ID 187289.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Londini : apud J. Tonson, A. & J. Churchill, J. Nicholson, J. Sprint, T. Childe, R. Knaplock, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, & J. Osborne, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T139778. Grub Street ID 187613.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. The fifth edition.. London : printed for Jacob Tonson, 1721. ESTC No. T65120. Grub Street ID 290037.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. Dublinii: ex officina Georgii Grierson, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T177916. Grub Street ID 214840.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi Regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. Londini : apud J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, B. Took, D. Midwinter, J. Tonson, J. Robinson, J. Osborne, & A. Ward, MDCCXXII [1722]. ESTC No. T77122. Grub Street ID 299335.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera, cum annotationibus Johannis Minelii. Dublinii: ex officinâ Georgii Grierson, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T139437. Grub Street ID 187288.
  • Virgil. The fourth book of virgil's &neid. Being the entire episode of the loves of Dido and !!neas. Translated into English verse. To which are added the following poems, viz. I. On his grace the Duke of Marlborough. II. On her grace the Dutchess of Montague, written in the year, 1710. III. Another on the same, written in the year 1714. IV. An ode to a young lady. By Mr. Sherburn. London : Printed for J. Pemberton, at the Buck against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1723. ESTC No. T40115. Grub Street ID 269237.
  • Virgil. Virgil's husbandry, or an essay on the Georgics: being the second book translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical, and rustick. London : sold by William and John Innys, at the West End of St. Paul's, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T67053. Grub Street ID 291714.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Nunc emendatiora. Dublinii: ex officinâ Georgii Grierson, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T139220. Grub Street ID 187091.
  • Virgil. Virgil's husbandry, or an essay on the Georgics: being the second book translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical, and rustick. The second edition.. London : sold by William and John Innys, at the West End of St. Paul's MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. N22147. Grub Street ID 11512.
  • Virgil. Virgil's husbandry, or an essay on the Georgics: being the first book. Translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical, and rustick. London : sold by William and John Innys, at the West End of St. Paul's, and John Pemberton, in Fleet-Street, MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T67052. Grub Street ID 291713.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneis translated into blank verse. By Nicolas Brady, ... Volume III. London : printed for Robert Gosling, 1726. ESTC No. N55658. Grub Street ID 39080.
  • Virgil. Virgil's AEneis translated into blank verse. By Nicolas Brady, ... Volume IV. London : printed for Robert Gosling, 1726. ESTC No. N55659. Grub Street ID 39081.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Londini : apud J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. & B. Sprint, D. Midwinter, J. Osborn & T. Longman, R. Robinson, B. Motte, & A. Ward, 1727. ESTC No. N19427. Grub Street ID 8847.
  • Virgil. An essay on Virgil's Æneid. Being a translation of the first book. By Christopher Pitt, A. M. Late Fellow of New-College in Oxford. London : printed for A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Hinchliffe at Dryden's Head under the Royal-Exchange, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T139432. Grub Street ID 187283.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and AEneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. The sixth edition.. London : printed for Jacob Tonson in the Strand, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T139775. Grub Street ID 187610.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English blank verse. With large explanatory notes, and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp D. D. . London : printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, W. Hinchliffe, T. Astley, S. Austen, L. Gilliver, and R. Willock, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T139433. Grub Street ID 187284.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica. In ordinem prosaicum disposita unà cum vocabulario explicativo; Verborum Thematis, Regimine & Significatione; Scansionis Tabul?, Hexametri Carminis Legibus, & quibusdam, quae occurrunt, Figuris Rhetoricis. In usum juventutis. Curâ et studio Joannis Stirling A.M. Londini : typis Joannis Willis & Josephi Boddington, in Vico dicto Tower-Street, MDCCXXXII, [1732]. ESTC No. T67149. Grub Street ID 291794.
  • Virgil. Publius Virgilius Maro. Edinburgi: apud Robertum Freebarnium, Typographum Regium, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T139224. Grub Street ID 187095.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera, annotationibus Johannis Minelii. Editio altera, correcta, & à mendis purgata.. Londini : typis J. Wilde, impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1716. ESTC No. T226618. Grub Street ID 248134.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera, cum annotationibus Johannis Minelii. Editio altera, correcta, & à mendis purgata.. Londini : typis A. Wilde, impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1733. ESTC No. N37309. Grub Street ID 25270.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilij Maronis Bucolica in ordinem prosaicum disposita; una cum vocabulario explicativo; verborum thematis, regimine & significatione; Scansionis Tabula, Hexametri Carminis Legibus, & quibusdam, quae occurrunt, Figuris Rhetoricis. In Usum Juventutis. Curâ & studio Joannis Stirling, A.M. Londini : impensis T. Astley, ad Insigne Rosae in Coemeterio D. Pauli. MDCCXXXIII. (pretium 1 s), [1733]. ESTC No. T139774. Grub Street ID 187609.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English blank verse. With large explanatory notes, and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp, D. D Lately Fellow of Wadham College, and Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. The second edition, corrected, and in the notes much enlarged.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, W. Hinchliffe, W. Bickerton, T. Astley, S. Austen, L. Gilliver, and R. Willock, MDCCXXXV [1735]. ESTC No. T123800. Grub Street ID 174127.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, ... jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem a. 1722. Londini : apud J. J. & P. Knapton, R. Knaplock, D. Midwinter, B. Sprint, W. Innys, & R. Manby, R. Robinson, B. Motte, A. Ward, & T. Longman, 1735. ESTC No. T170291. Grub Street ID 208009.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English blank verse. With large explanatory notes, and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp, . The third edition, corrected, and in the notes much enlarged.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, W. Hinchliffe [and 5 others in London], 1735. ESTC No. N25888. Grub Street ID 15246.
  • Virgil. The second book of Virgil's Æneid. In four cantos, with notes. London] : Printed by J. Hughs, for the author, [1736. ESTC No. T47284. Grub Street ID 275250.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Æneid. Translated by Mr. Pitt. Vol. I. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and c. Hitch; W. Hinchliffe; and L. Gilliver, 1736. ESTC No. N65898. Grub Street ID 47702.
  • Virgil. An introduction of the ancient Greek and Latin measures into British poetry. Attempted in the following Pieces, viz. A Translation of Virgil's first Eclogue. A Translation of Virgil's fourth eclogue. Jacob and Rachel: a pastoral. With a preface in vindication of the attempt. London : printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T130326. Grub Street ID 179476.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English blank verse. With large explanatory notes, and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. Lately Fellow of Wadham College, and Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. Vol. I. Dublin: printed for G. Risk, G. Ewing, and W. Smith, Booksellers in Dame-Street, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. N25890. Grub Street ID 15249.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica: or, Virgil's Bucoliks... The second edition. By John Stirling. London : Printed for the author; and sold by T. Astley, 1737. ESTC No. N64199. Grub Street ID 46231.
  • Virgil. In the press, P. Virgilii Maronis opera: with the following improvements, in a method intirely new, ... For the use of schools. By John Stirling, . London] : Printed for the author; and sold by T. Astley, at the Rose, over-against the North-door of St. Paul's, [1737. ESTC No. T182863. Grub Street ID 219305.
  • Virgil. The fourth book of virgil's aeneid. In four cantos, with notes. London] : Printed by T. Aris, for the author, [1739?. ESTC No. N18811. Grub Street ID 8243.
  • Virgil. The first Æneid of Virgil, translated into blank verse. By Alexander Strahan, Esq;. London : printed for George Strahan at the Golden Bal against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T139444. Grub Street ID 187296.
  • Virgil. The second book of Virgil's Aeneis, translated into English prose. By J.H. Schoolmaster in East-Calder. Edinburgh: printed by W. Cheyne, and sold by A. Martin and G. Crawfoord, and J. Barry and A. Stalker in Glasgow, 1740. ESTC No. T2220. Grub Street ID 245076.
  • Virgil. The Æneid of Virgil. Translated by Mr. Pitt. In two volumes. . London : printed for R. Dodsley. And sold by Mr. Hitch; Mr. Hinchliffe; Mr. Clements at Oxford; Mr. Crownfield and Thurlbourne at Cambridge; and Mr. Leake at Bath, 1740. ESTC No. T139441. Grub Street ID 187293.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A. 1722. Londini : impensis H. Knaplock, D. Midwinter, W. Innys & R. Manby, M. Robinson, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton, J. Clarke (duck-Lane) T. Longman, J. Hodges, C. Bathurst, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T139758. Grub Street ID 187596.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum eclogæ decem: or, Publius Virgilius Maro's ten eclogues of Bucolicks: made exceedingly easy, and rendered familiar, by the private tutor. The words being reduced to their natural order of construction, and a very close and literal translation; with accents to regulate the pronunciation in both languages; together with a geographical, poetical, and historical index; the arguments of the several pastorals; and marginal letters referring to a scanning table for measuring the verse of every line. For the use of schools, and private gentlemen. By a young adventurer in the classical way, upon the plan of Doctor Stirling and others. London : printed for the author, and sold by Mr. Davis, bookseller, in Piccadilly, [between 1740 and 1755?]. ESTC No. T139761. Grub Street ID 187600.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. London : printed for the editor, by Richard Reily, in Little-Britain, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T67044. Grub Street ID 291706.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, nunc primum edita ad hoc exemplar, interpretatione et notis illustrata, opera et studio Thomæ Cooke. Londini : impensis Jacobi Hodges sub Insigne Speculi juxta ... vulgo vocatum London-Bridge, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T153790. Grub Street ID 198015.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: or the works of Virgil: with the following improvements, Viz. I. The Words of the Author are placed in their natural and grammatical Order, in the lower Part of the Page; and such Words are supplied as by an Ellipsis are omitted, and yet are necessary to make the Connection and Sense compleat. II. The more remarkable Rhetorical Figures are pointed out, and placed at the Bottom of the Page as they occur. III. A Scanning Table, by which every Verse of the Author may be scanned, the marginal Letter opposite to each Verse referring to the same Letter in the Table. IV. An Historical and Geographical Index, giving an Account of the Persons and Places mentioned in the Author. V. The most remarkable Phrases, Periphrases and Proverbial Sayings, are render'd into proper English. For the use of schools. By John Stirling , M. A. Vicar of Great Gaddesden in Hertfordshire; and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Gordon. London : printed for T. Astley, at the Rose, over-against the North-Door of St. Paul's, M.DCC.XII. [1741]. ESTC No. N19449. Grub Street ID 8868.
  • Virgil. Virgil's Pastorals translated into English prose; as also his Georgicks, with such notes and reflexions as make him appear to have wrote like an excellent farmer. To which is added, an appendix, shewing Scotland's chief and principal worldly interest. By James Hamilton Schoolmaster in East-Calder. Edinburgh: printed by W. Cheyne, in Craig's Closs opposite to the Cross. Sold by J. Traill and G. Crawford, Booksellers in the Parliament-Closs; and by J. Barry bookseller in Glasgow, 1742. ESTC No. T139770. Grub Street ID 187607.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction in the opposite page; and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical Notes, in English, from the best Commentators both Ancient and Modern, beside a very great number of notes intirely new. For the Use of Schools as well as of Private Gentlemen. In two volumes. . London : printed for Joseph Davidson, at the Angel in the Poultry, Cheapside, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T92021. Grub Street ID 311827.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Ex recensione Alexandri Cuningamii scoti, cujus emendationes subjiciuntur. Edinburgi: apud G. Hamilton & J. Balfour, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T139221. Grub Street ID 187092.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Ex recensione Alexandri Cuningamii scoti, cujus emendationes subjiciuntur. Edinburgi: apud G. Hamilton & J. Balfour, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T139223. Grub Street ID 187094.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. Illustrated with copper plates. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University at Cambridge. Dublin: printed for A. Exshaw, at the Bible on Cork-Hill, C. Wynne, at the Parrot in Caple-Street, C. Connor, at Pope's head Essex-Gate, and Oli. Nelson at Milton's head in Skinner-Row, Booksellers, M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T171598. Grub Street ID 209213.
  • Virgil. The æneid of Virgil. Translated by Mr. Pitt. London : printed by J. Hughs, in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. For Robert Dodsley at Tully's Head in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743] [i.e. 1744?]. ESTC No. T139414. Grub Street ID 187263.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera. Londini : typis J. Brindley, 1744. ESTC No. T139210. Grub Street ID 187080.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Dublinii: e typographia Academiæ, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T139218. Grub Street ID 187088.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. Dublinii: ex typographia Academiæ, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T139219. Grub Street ID 187089.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. The second edition.. London : printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T67045. Grub Street ID 291707.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A. 1722. Londini : impensis W. Innys, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Shuckburgh, B. Barker, J. Pote, C. Bathurst, J. & J. Rivington, A. Clarke, & M. Cooper, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T139418. Grub Street ID 187267.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse; by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. The seventh edition.. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T139422. Grub Street ID 187272.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction on the same page; and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical Notes, in English, from the best Commentators both Ancient and Modern, beside a very great number of notes entirely new. For the Use of Schools as well as of Private Gentlemen. In two volumes. . The second edition. ... London : printed for Joseph Davidson, at the Angel in the Poultry, Cheapside, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. N25893. Grub Street ID 15252.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum eclogae decem. The Bucolicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. London : printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T139419. Grub Street ID 187268.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: or The works of Virgil: With the following improvements, viz. I. The words of the author are placed in their natural and grammatical order, in the lower part of the page; and such words are supplied as by an ellipsis are omitted, and yet are necessary to make the connection and sense compleat. II. The more remarkable rhetorical figures are pointed out, and placed at the bottom of the page as they occur. III. A scanning table, by which every verse of the author may be scanned, the marginal letter opposite to each verse referring to the same letter in the table. IV. An historical and geographical index, giving an account of the persons and places mentioned in the author. V. The most remarkable phrases, periphrases and proverbial sayings, are render'd into proper English. For the use of schools. By John Stirling, D.D. vicar of Great Gaddesden in Hertfordshire; and chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Gordon. London printed : With His Majesty's royal licence and privilege, for Thomas Astley, and sold by R. Baldwin, Jun. at the Rose in Pater-noster Row, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N63630. Grub Street ID 45765.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum eclogae decem. The Bucolicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. The second edition.. London : printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T139762. Grub Street ID 187601.
  • Virgil. The georgics of Virgil. Attempted in English verse, &c. London : printed for R. Dodsley at Tully's-Head in Pall-mall; and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row, and W. Owen, at Homer's-Head, Temple-Bar, 1750. ESTC No. T40798. Grub Street ID 269830.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, illustrata, ornata, et accuratissime impressa. Tom. I. Londini : Impensis J. et P. Knapton, in Vico Ludgate, et Gul. Sandby, in Vico Fletano, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T139415. Grub Street ID 187264.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. ... Dublinii: impensis J. Leathley, G. & A. Ewing, W. Smith, G. Faulkner, T. Moore, & I. Kelly, 1752. ESTC No. T225949. Grub Street ID 247662.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis opera, ad P. Maasvicii editionem castigata. Accessit rerum ac verborum in Virgilio observandorum index accuratissimus. ... Londini [i.e. Amsterdam]: prostant apud Joannem Brindley, 1753. ESTC No. T153786. Grub Street ID 198011.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in Latin and English. The original text correctly printed from the most authentic editions, collated for this purpose. The AEneid translated by the Rev. Mr. Christopher Pitt, the Eclogues and Georgics, with notes on the whole; by the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton. With several new observations by. Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Spence, and others. Also a dissertation on the sixth book of the AEneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of AEneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Japis, by the late Dr. Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester. And, three essays on pastoral, didactic, and epic poetry, by the editor. In four volumes. London : printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-mall, 1753. ESTC No. N25883. Grub Street ID 15241.
  • Virgil. The first six books of Virgil's Æneid. Translated into blank verse, by Alexander Strahan, Esq;. London : printed for T. Payne; and A. Strahan, 1753. ESTC No. N17594. Grub Street ID 7060.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A.D. 1722. Huic demum editioni accesserunt plurimæ novæ tabulæ æneæ niidissime sculptae, ut etiam index accuratissimus, ante editis longe locupletior. Londini : impensis W. Innys & S. Richardson, J. & P. Knapton, T. & T. Longman, C. Hitch & L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. Shuckburgh, B. Barker, J. Pote, C. Bathurst, J. & J. Rivington, W. Johnston, & M. Cooper, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T139439. Grub Street ID 187290.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in Latin and English. ... The Æneid translated by ... Christopher Pitt. The Eclogues and Georgics, with notes ... by ... Joseph Warton: with several new observations by M. Holdsworth, M. Spence, and others. Also, a dissertation on the sixth book of the Æneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of Æneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Japis, by ... Dr. Atterbury, ... And, three essays ... by the editor. In four volumes. ... Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, 1753. ESTC No. T177537. Grub Street ID 214467.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in Latin and English. ... The Æneid translated by ... Christopher Pitt, the Eclogues and Georgics, with notes ... by ... Joseph Warton. With several new observations by Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Spence, and others. Also, a dissertation on the sixth book of the Æneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of Æneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Japis, by ... Dr. Atterbury, ... And, three essays ... by the editor. In four volumes. . London : printed for R. Dodsley, 1753. ESTC No. T139776. Grub Street ID 187611.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in Latin and English. ... The Æneid translated by ... Christopher Pitt. The Eclogues and Georgics, with notes ... by ... Joseph Warton: with several new observations by Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Spence, and others. Also, a dissertation on the sixth book of the Æneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of Æneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Japis, by ... Dr. Atterbury, ... And, three essays ... by the editor. In four volumes. ... Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, 1753. ESTC No. N63349. Grub Street ID 45536.
  • Virgil. A description of the passage of AEneas through the infernal regions, or poetical hell of the old Romans: explaining a print designed by Mr. Ralph Markham. Illustrated from the Polymetis, and supported by proper authorities from Virgil. London : printed for R. Baldwin. Sold also (Where the points are deliver'd) by Mr. Jolliffe; Mr. Sayer, printseller; Mr. Dickenson, printseller; and Mr. Griffiths. Subscribers may also be supplied at Mr. Lem's, wine merchant, [1754]. ESTC No. T121799. Grub Street ID 172558.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica et Æneis ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. [Birmingham: printed by John Baskerville, 1754]. ESTC No. T189183. Grub Street ID 224745.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction on the same page; and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical Notes, in English, from the best Conmentators both Ancient and Modern, beside a very great number of notes entirely new. For the Use of Schools as well as of Private Gentlemen. In two volumes. The third edition, revised and corrected ... London : printed by assignment from Joseph Davidson, for C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Fuller, J. Robinson, T. Trye, J. Beecroft, R. Baldwin, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and G. Keith, M.DCC.LIV [1754]. ESTC No. N22148. Grub Street ID 11513.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. The third edition.. London : printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's-Inn, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T67046. Grub Street ID 291708.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera. Vol.1. Londini : editit, aerique tabulas incidit, Johannes Pine, Bluemantle, Regiae Majestatis sigillorum sculptor capitalis, etc., MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T139214. Grub Street ID 187084.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Vol. I. Edinburgi: apud G. Hamilton & J. Balfour. Academiae typographos, M,DCC,LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T139217. Grub Street ID 187087.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English blank verse. With large explanatory notes, and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. Lately Fellow of Wadham College, and Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. . The fourth edition, corrected, and in the notes much enlarged.. London : printed for W. Meadows, in Cornhill; and S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. N22149. Grub Street ID 11514.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Birminghamiae: typis Johannis Baskerville, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T131451. Grub Street ID 180437.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Ex editione Petri Burmanni. Glasguae: in aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis Academiae Typograph, M.DCC.LVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T139215. Grub Street ID 187085.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A.D. 1722. Huic demum editioni accesserunt plurimæ novæ tabulæ ... ut etiam index accuratissimus,. Londini : impensis C. Hitch and L. Hawes, S. Shuckburgh, B. Barker, J. Pote, C. Bathurst [and 9 others in London], 1759. ESTC No. T139209. Grub Street ID 187078.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis; ad optimas editiones castigata. Edinburgi: excudebant E. & J. Robertson. Prostant venales apud G. Crawfurd, J. Brown, A. Donaldson, Gul. Gray, 1761. ESTC No. T171342. Grub Street ID 208971.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Edinburgi: apud W. Ruddiman, J. Richardson. & Socios, 1762. ESTC No. N52708. Grub Street ID 36695.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil. In English verse. The Æneid translated by ... Christopher Pitt. The Eclogues and Georgics, with notes ... by ... Joseph Warton. With several new observations by Mr. Holdsworth, ... and others. Also, a dissertation ... by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of Æneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Iapis, by ... Dr. Atterbury, ... And, three essays ... by the editor. In four volumes. . London : printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1763. ESTC No. T139427. Grub Street ID 187277.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, ... With the Latin text and order of construction in the same page; and ... a very great number of notes entirely new. ... In two volumes. The fourth edition. Revised and corrected ... London : printed by assignment from Joseph Davidson, for J. Fuller, J. Beecroft, J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, [and 5 others in London], 1763. ESTC No. N25894. Grub Street ID 15253.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. . London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T181472. Grub Street ID 218030.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: containing his pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. In three volumes. . London : printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1763. ESTC No. T126668. Grub Street ID 176584.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A.D. 1722. Huic demum editioni accesserunt plurimæ novæ tabulæ æneæ nitidissimè sculptæ, ut etiam index accuratissimus,. Londini : impensis C. Bathurst, J. Rivington, J. Pote, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes W. Clarke & R. Collins, [and 9 others in London], 1765. ESTC No. N19428. Grub Street ID 8848.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, Englished by Robert Andrews. Birmingham: printed by John Baskerville for the author, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T139446. Grub Street ID 187298.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. Birminghamiæ: typis Johannis Baskerville, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T139213. Grub Street ID 187083.
  • Virgil. The georgics of Virgil translated by Thomas Neville, A. M. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University; for W. Thurlbourn & J. Woodyer, in Cambridge; sold by J. Beecroft, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; and T. Cadell, in the Strand, London, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T67049. Grub Street ID 291710.
  • Virgil. The æneid of Virgil. Translated into blank verse, by Alexander Strahan, Esq; . London : printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand; and T. Payne, at the Mews-Gate, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T139431. Grub Street ID 187282.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit ind[e]x accuratissimus, . Londini : impensis C. Bathurst, J. Rivington, J. Pote, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, & R. Collins, [and 8 others in London], 1769. ESTC No. N37818. Grub Street ID 25729.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden, Esq; in three volumes. ... Glasgow: printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1769. ESTC No. T139417. Grub Street ID 187266.
  • Virgil. Virgilii Maronis opera nunc emendatiora. Glasgow: ex officinâ Georgii Grierson, et Mac'queen, 1770. ESTC No. T179033. Grub Street ID 215848.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction in the same page and ... notes, in English, ... For the use of schools ... [Dublin]: London: printed by assignment from Joseph Davidson, for J. Beecroft, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, and Co. And Dublin: re-printed for James [Exshaw?, 1770?]. ESTC No. T212388. Grub Street ID 239571.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Birminghamiae: typis Johannis Baskerville, MDCCLVII. [1757] [1770?]. ESTC No. T131452. Grub Street ID 180438.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, ... With the Latin text and order of construction in the same page; and ... a very great [number] of notes entirely new. ... In two volumes. The fifth edition. Revised and corrected ... London : printed by assignment from Joseph Davidson, for J. Beecroft, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Fuller, [and 10 others in London], 1770. ESTC No. N22150. Grub Street ID 11516.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Dublinii: impensis W. & W. Smith, G. Faulkner, J. Exshaw, & T. Ewing, 1771. ESTC No. N62167. Grub Street ID 44563.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, ... With the Latin text and order of construction in the same page; and ... a very great number of notes entirely new. For the use of schools as well as of private gentlemen. In two volumes. [Dublin]: London: printed by assignment from Joseph Davidson, for J. Beecroft, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, and Co. and, Dublin: re-printed for James Williams, 1771. ESTC No. T212564. Grub Street ID 239680.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Dublinii: impensis J. Exshaw, T. Ewing, W. Smith, & W. Wilson, 1772. ESTC No. N19429. Grub Street ID 8849.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. In four volumes. . London : printed for J. and F. Rivington; Hawes, Clarke, and Collins; W. Johnston; T. Caslon; S. Crowder [and 10 others in London], 1772. ESTC No. T139440. Grub Street ID 187292.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden, Esq; ... Edinburgh: printed for A. Kincaid and W. Creech, and J. Balfour, 1773. ESTC No. T145015. Grub Street ID 191813.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, . Londini : impensis C. Bathurst, J. Rivington, J. Pote, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, T. Caslon, [and 7 others in London], 1773. ESTC No. N19430. Grub Street ID 8851.
  • Virgil. The georgics of Virgil translated by Thomas Nevile, M.A. Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University; for J. Woodyer, in Cambridge; sold by J. Beecroft, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall; and T. Cadell, in the Strand, London, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. N30663. Grub Street ID 19589.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden, Esq. In three volumes. ... Glasgow: printed by Robert & Andrew Foulis, 1775. ESTC No. T139416. Grub Street ID 187265.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Glasguae: excudebant R. Chapman et A. Duncan, MDCCLXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T139425. Grub Street ID 187275.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Glasguae: excudebant R. Chapman et A. Duncan, MDCCLXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T222616. Grub Street ID 245468.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden, Esq; In three volumes. Vol. I. Edinburgh: printed for Alexander Donaldson; No. 48, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London; and at Pope's Head, Edinburgh, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T181139. Grub Street ID 217732.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Londini : impensis J. F. & C. Rivington, T. Longman, & T. Cadell, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T139216. Grub Street ID 187086.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu. jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, antè editis longè locupletior. Londini : impensis C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, J. Pote, T. Caslon, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Stuart, W. Ginger, R. Baldwin, G. Robinson, W. Goldsmith, T. Evans, and J. Wallis, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T139779. Grub Street ID 187614.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Ex editione Petri Burmanni. Tomus Primus. Glasguae: in aedibus academicis, excudebat Andreas Foulis, Academiae Typographus, M.DCC.LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. N22205. Grub Street ID 11572.
  • Virgil. Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgics of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. Illustrated with copper plates. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Dublin: printed by John Exshaw, No. 86. Dame-Street, M.DCC.LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T67047. Grub Street ID 291709.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in Latin and English. The Æneid translated by ... Christopher Pitt; the Eclogues and Georgics, with notes ... by ... Joseph Warton. With several new observations, by Mr. Holdsworth, ... and others. Also, a dissertation ... by Mr. Warburton. On the shield of Æneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the character of Iapis, by ... Dr. Atterbury, ... And, three essays ... by Mr. Joseph Warton. In four volumes. The third edition, with considerable improvements. ... London : printed for J. Dodsley, 1778. ESTC No. T139413. Grub Street ID 187262.
  • Virgil. An elegy, in a riding house. In imitation of Virgil's first pastoral. Written in the year 1776. London : printed for J. Robson and Co., 1778. ESTC No. T139424. Grub Street ID 187274.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera; or, the works of Virgil: with the following improvements, viz.I. The words of the author are placed in their natural and grammatical order, in the lower part of the page; and such Words are supplied as by an Ellipsis are omitted, and yet are necessary to make the Connection and Sense complete. II. The more remarkable Rhetorical Figures are pointed out, and placed ata the Bottom of the Page as they occur. III. A Scanning Table, by which every Verse of the Author may be scapned, the marginal Letter opposite to each Verse referring to the same Letter in the Table. IV. An Historical and Geographical Index, giving an Account of the Persons and Places mentioned in the Author. V. The most remarkable phrases, Periphrases and Proverbial Sayings, are rendered into proper English. For the use of schools. By John Stirling, D. D. Late Vicar of Great Gaddesden in Hertfordshire, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Gordon. A new edition.. London : printed for J. Rivington and sons; S. Crowder; B. Law; T. Caslon; G. Robinson; and R. Baldwin, MDCCLXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. T139429. Grub Street ID 187279.
  • Virgil. The georgics of Virgil, translated into English blank verse by William Mills. London : printed for the author, by W. Richardson, in the Strand ; and sold by James Robson, Bookseller, in New Bond-Street, MDCCLXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T67050. Grub Street ID 291711.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden, Esq. In three volumes. Aberdeen: printed and sold by John Boyle, [1780?]. ESTC No. T177563. Grub Street ID 214491.
  • Virgil. The first four eclogues of Virgil: translated into English verse. By J. Tytler. Edinburgh: printed by the author; and sold by C. Elliot, 1781. ESTC No. T183006. Grub Street ID 219451.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, . Londini : impensis C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, J. Pote, J. Caslon, T. Longman, [and 7 others in London], 1781. ESTC No. N41615. Grub Street ID 27964.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. . London : printed for C. Bathurst, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, B. Law, T. Cadell, E. Johnston, W. Nicoll, G. Robinson, J. Robson, W. Flexney, J. Knox, R. Baldwin, J. Johnson, and T. Evans, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T126918. Grub Street ID 176780.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. . London : printed for C. Bathurst, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Caslon, J. Robson, B. Law, G. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. Johnson, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, J. Debrett, W. Flexney, T. Evans, and J. Macqueen, M DCC LXXX II. [1782]. ESTC No. T177561. Grub Street ID 214489.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicon liber primus et secundus. The first and second Georgic, attempted in blank verse. Accedit ode Hebraea cum versionibus metrica prosaque. London] : Printed by W. Richardson, in the strand, London; and C. Punchard, Ipswich. Sold by W. Owen, Temple-Bar, and C. Dilly, Mansion-House, Street, London; C. Punchard, Ipswich; and J. Rackham, Bury St. Edmund's, M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783. ESTC No. N39768. Grub Street ID 27034.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Ex editione Petri Burmanni. Glasguae: in aedibus academicis, excudebat Andreas Foulis, Academiae Typographus, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T126176. Grub Street ID 176205.
  • Virgil. The eclogues of Virgil, translated into English verse, by the Rev. William Graham, Rector of Stapleton, in Cummbeland [sic]. Carlisle: sold by F. Jollie, and B. Law, London, [1785?]. ESTC No. N65926. Grub Street ID 47725.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, ... With the Latin text and order of construction on the same page; and ... a very great number of notes entirely new. ... In two volumes. A new edition. ... London : printed by assignment, from Joseph Davidson, for W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, [and 10 others in London], 1785. ESTC No. N25895. Grub Street ID 15254.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, . Londini : typis M. Brown. Impensis C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, J. Pote, T. Longman, B. Law, [and 7 others in London], 1785. ESTC No. N19446. Grub Street ID 8865.
  • Virgil. The second book of Virgil's Æneid; translated into English verse by John Morrison, Of the Grammar-School, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton: printed by J. Smart, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T47285. Grub Street ID 275251.
  • Virgil. The fourth book of Virgil's Aeneid, translated into English verse by John Morrison, Of the Grammar-School, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton: printed by J. Smart; and sold by W. Lowndes, Fleet-Street, London; and Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T139420. Grub Street ID 187270.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, . Londini : ex officina M. Brown. Impensis J. F. & C. Rivington; T. Longman; B. Law; W. Stuart; W. Ginger; [and 8 others in London], 1787. ESTC No. N19447. Grub Street ID 8866.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis; ad optimas editiones accurate expressa. Edinburgi: veneunt apud Carolum Elliot; et apud C. Elliot & Socios, Londini, 1788. ESTC No. T229108. Grub Street ID 249149.
  • Virgil. The whole genuine works of Virgil, ... All carefully translated from the original Latin. ... Illustrated with ... notes, ... Embellished with ... copper-plates, ... The whole revised, corrected, and improved by William Henry Melmoth, . London : printed for Alex. Hogg; and sold by all other booksellers and newscarriers in town and country, [1788?]. ESTC No. T139428. Grub Street ID 187278.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Georgicon lib. IV. Illustrabat, explicabat, emendabat, Gilbertus Wakefield, A. B. Et Coll. Jesu Apud Cantab. Nuper Socius. Cantabrigiæ: typis academicis excudebat J. Archdeacon, ubi veneunt apud J. & J. Merrill; Londini apud J. Deighton, No. 274. Holborn; et J. Fletcher, Oxon., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T143018. Grub Street ID 190146.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, in English verse. The Aeneid translated by the Rev. Mr. Christopher Pitt, the Eclogues and Georgics by the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton. In three volumes. London : printed for J. Dodsley, 1790. ESTC No. T218877. Grub Street ID 243246.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, ... With the Latin text and order of construction on the same page; and ... a very great number of notes entirely new. ... In two volumes. A new edition. ... London : printed by assignment, from Joseph Davidson, for J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly J. Johnson, [and 9 others in London], 1790. ESTC No. N25896. Grub Street ID 15255.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione & notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, Soc. Jesu, jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Dublinii: impensis J. Exshaw, & P. Wogan, M.DCC.XC. [1790]. ESTC No. T139759. Grub Street ID 187597.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse by Mr Dryden. In four volumes. With elegant copper-plates. Volume I. Perth: printed by R. Morison Junior, for R. Morison and Son, Booksellers, Perth; and G. Mudie, Edinburgh, M,DCC,XCI. [1791]. ESTC No. N25897. Grub Street ID 15256.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, . Londini : ex officina M. Brown. Impensis J. F. & C. Rivington; T. Longman; B. Law; T. Pote; W. Stuart; [and 8 others in London], 1791. ESTC No. N19448. Grub Street ID 8867.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil, translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. For the use of schools, as well as of private gentlemen. Edinburgh: printed for A. Guthrie, 1791. ESTC No. T177564. Grub Street ID 214492.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. . London : printed for J. Rivington and Sons, J. Robson, B. Law, T. Vernor, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. Johnson, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, W. Flexney, P. Macqueen, C. and G. Kearsley, and L. Wayland, MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T139430. Grub Street ID 187281.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata, a Chr. Gottl. Heyne, Georgiae Augustae Prof. ET Bibliothecario M. Britann. Regi A Consil. Aul. Accedit index uberrimus. Editio tertia emendatior et auctior. ... Londini : typis T. Rickaby: impensis T. Payne, B. & J. White, R. Faulder, & J. Edwards, MDCCXCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T139434. Grub Street ID 187285.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata, a Chr. Gottl. Heyne, ... Accedit index uberrimus. Editio tertia emendatior et auctior. ... Londini : typis T. Rickaby: impensis T. Payne, B. & J. White, R. Faulder, & J. Edwards, 1793. ESTC No. T139435. Grub Street ID 187286.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata, a Chr. Gottl. Heyne, Georgiae Augustae Prof. ET Bibliothecario M. Britann. Regia Consil. Aul. Accedit index uberrimus. Editio tertia emendatior et auctior. ... Londini : typis T. Rickaby; impensis T. Payne, B. et J. White, R. Faulder, et J. Edwards, 1793. ESTC No. T139436. Grub Street ID 187287.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilius Maro in usum scholarum, ad londinensem Heynii editionem exactus: excisis disquisitionibus excursibus, et notarum iis, quæ ad juniorum commoditatem minus pertinere videbantur. Londini : typis, T. Rickaby, impensis T. Payne, B. & J. White, R. Faulder, & J. Edwards, MDCCXCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T139772. Grub Street ID 187608.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilius Maro in usum scholarum, ad londinensem Heynii editionem exactus: excisis disquisitionibus excursibus, et notarum iis, quæ ad juniorum commoditatem minus pertinere videbantur. Londini : typis, T. Rickaby, impensis T. Payne, B. & J. White, R. Faulder, & J. Edwards, 1793. ESTC No. N68547. Grub Street ID 49916.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu. Jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, ant`r editis long`e locupletior. Londini : Typis M. Brown. Impensis F. & C. Rivington; T. Longman; B. Law; T. Pote; W. Stuart; W. Ginger; R. Baldwin; G.G. & J. Robinson; W. Goldsmith; T. Evans; W. Richardson; G. &T. Wilkie, & Scatcherd & Whitaker, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T213242. Grub Street ID 240134.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction on the same page; and critical, historical, geographical, and classical notes, in English, from the best commentators both ancient and modern beside a very great number of notes entirely new. For the use of schools, as well as of private gentlemen. In two volumes. A new edition. .... London : printed by assignment, from Joseph Davidson, for T. Longman, B. Law and Son, C. Dilly, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, W. Otridge, T. Evans, F. and C. Rivington, Vernor and Hood, S. Hayes, Ogilvy and Speare, W. Lowndes, and W. Bent, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. N22950. Grub Street ID 12308.
  • Virgil. The æneid of Virgil, translated into blank verse by James Beresford, Fellow Of Merton College, Oxford. London : printed for J. Johnson, ST. Paul's Church Yard, 1794. ESTC No. T139426. Grub Street ID 187276.
  • Virgil. The episode of Aristaeus, translated from the fourth book of the Georgics of Virgil; by the Honorable Percy Clinton Smythe. Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, No. 5, New Buildings, Sackville-Street, MDCCXCV. [1795]. ESTC No. T67054. Grub Street ID 291715.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into English verse, by John Dryden. In four volumes. . London : printed for Martin and Bain, 1795. ESTC No. N25899. Grub Street ID 15258.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera, locis parallelis ex antiquis scriptoribus et annotationum delectu illustrata in usum juventutis. Accedunt tabulæ geographicæ, et index Maittairianus. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1795. ESTC No. T139443. Grub Street ID 187295.
  • Virgil. The works of Virgil: translated into literal English prose; with some explanatory notes. By Caleb Alexander, A.M. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts: by Leonard Worcester, for David West, of Boston, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. W29723. Grub Street ID 340007.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Edinburgi: typis Jacobi Mundell. Glasguæ: prostant apud Jac. Mundell, 1796. ESTC No. N37803. Grub Street ID 25721.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustrabat Gilbertus Wakefield, . Londini : impensis Kearsley [typis T. Bensley], 1796. ESTC No. T139445. Grub Street ID 187297.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustrabat Gilbertus Wakefield, . Londini : impensis Kearsley [typis T. Bensley], M.DCC.XCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T232436. Grub Street ID 257534.
  • Virgil. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu. Jussu christianissimi Regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. Huic editioni accessit index accuratissimus, antè editis longè locupletior. Londini : typis M. Brown. Impensis G. et G. Ginger; G.G. & J. Robinson; R. Baldwin: G.J. et J. Richardson; F. & C. Rivington; G. Wilkie; J Scatcherd; J. Walker; T.N. Longman; B. Law; T. Boosey; Pote et Williams, MDCCXCVIII. [1798]. ESTC No. N9923. Grub Street ID 54799.
  • Virgil. The pastoral songs of P. Virgil Maro. To which are added, poems sentimental and descriptive. By John Miller Russell, A.M. Published according to act of Congress. Boston.: Printed by Manning & Loring, 1799. ESTC No. W27581. Grub Street ID 337692.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera: ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendata, et interpunctione nova saepius illustrata; cura Joannis Hunter, LL. D. in Academia Andreapolitana Litt. Hum. Prof. Tom. I. Andreapoli: in aedibus academicis excudebat Jacobus Morison, Academiae Typographus, M.DCC.XCIX. [1799]. ESTC No. T168852. Grub Street ID 206719.
  • Virgil. The eclogues of Virgil. Translated by John Jefferys. Edinburgh: printed by Mundell & Son, 1799. ESTC No. T187462. Grub Street ID 223426.
  • Virgil. Publius Virgilius Maro. Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. . Londini : apud A. Dulau & Co. [T. Bensley, printer, London] Soho-Square, MDCCC. [1800]. ESTC No. T138814. Grub Street ID 186682.
  • Virgil. Publius Virgilius Maro. Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. . Londini : apud A. Dulau & Co. [T. Bensley, printer, London] Soho-Square, MDCCC. [1800]. ESTC No. T138815. Grub Street ID 186683.
  • Virgil. The georgics of Virgil translated: by William Sotheby. Esq. F. R. S. and A. S. S. London : printed for J. Wright, Piccadilly. [by S. Gosnell], 1800. ESTC No. T67051. Grub Street ID 291712.
  • Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita. Glasguæ: in ædibus academicis, excudebat Jacobus Mundell, Academiae Typographus, pro Mundell et Filio, Edinburgi, 1800. ESTC No. T139760. Grub Street ID 187599.