Publications of Alexander Mounslowe


  • Mounslowe, Alexander. An almanacke and prognostation for this present yeare of our Lorde, 1561, wherein the entrie of the seuen plantetes into euery signe of the zodiake, ... with the motion of the moone and the placing of the seuen planetes with certaine notable fixed starres of the first and second honor or magnitude, ..., in the middes of heaven or in the seueth-house. Moreouer the variable alteration of the chaunges and quarters of every ... be expressed. To whiche I have added the rising and setting cosmice, dellace, of diuers noble starres with the sun, through out all the. 12. moneths of this yeare, not omitting certaine ... and rare influences of the planetes, whiche haue not bene hetherto usualy set furth in any ephimerides or any almanacke. Places and set furth by Alender Mounslowe, and referred to the meridiane of Oxforde. [London: T. Marsh?; 1560-61?]. ESTC No. S90184. Grub Street ID 149628.
  • Mounslowe, Alexander. The Progno[stication] made for the yeare of [...] God, nowe present. 1576. [London]: Imprinted in Pow[les Church] yarde by Richarde W[atkins & J. Roberts ..., 1576]. ESTC No. S90185. Grub Street ID 149629.