Publications of Samuel Tailboys


  • Tailboys, Samuel. A nevv lachrymentall and funerall elegy: or, a distillation of Great Brittaine's teares, shed for the vnexpected and sudden death of the tresvertuous and most glorious Prince Lodovvicke, Duke of Richmond and Lenox. Who departed this transitory life, at his chamber in White-Hall, on Munday morning, being the 16. day of February 1624. being the same day appointed and intended by him to haue attended and gone with our soueraigne lord, King Iames; Prince Charles his Highnesse, and other the nobilitie, in robes of scarlet, to the honourable House of Parliament, which by reason of his death, was then put off till the 19. day of February following. Printed at London: by B. Alsop, dwelling at the signe of the Dolphin in Distaffe Lane, 1624. ESTC No. S124894. Grub Street ID 144192.