Publications of Edward Fallowes


  • Fallowes, Edward. Fallowes, 1636. A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1636. and from the creation, 5585. Being bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated especially for the latitude and meridian of the ancient shire-towne of Nottingham: and may very well serve for most parts of great Brittaine. Longitude 24. degrees, 6. minutes. Latitude 52. degrees, 54. minutes. By Edvvard Fallovves, well-vviller to the mathematicks. London: printed by E[liz.]. A[llde]. for the Company of Stationers, [1636]. ESTC No. S125180. Grub Street ID 144437.
  • Fallowes, Edward. Fallowes. 1637. A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1637. Being the first after leape yeere. And from the creation, 5586. Calculated especially for the latitude and meridian of the ancient shire-town and borough of Nottingham: and may very well serve for most parts of great Brittaine. Longitude 24. degrees, 6. minutes. Latitude 52. degrees, 54. minutes. By Edward Fallouues, well-willer to the mathematicks. In plaine English tearmes, written, for the weake or meanest understanding, yet serviceable for the finest wits and best capacities. London: printed by R. Oulton, for the Company of Stationers, [1637]. ESTC No. S123560. Grub Street ID 143046.
  • Fallowes, Edward. Fallows 1639 a new almanack and prognostication, for the year of our Lord God, 1639, being the third after leap-yeere, and after the 27 of March the 15 yeere of the raigne of our soveraigne lord King Charles : calculated for the meridian of the well governed citie of Couentree, and may serve generally for the most part of Great Brittaine, the pole being amounted above the horizon 52 deg. 54 min. by Edward Fallows ... London: Printed by I. Norton for the Company of Stationers, [1639]. ESTC No. S2421. Grub Street ID 146809.
  • Fallowes, Edward. Fallowes 1640 an almanack, for the yeare of our Lord God, 1640, being bissextile or leape yeare, and after the 27 of March the 16. yeare of the raigne of Our Soveraigne Lord King Charles : calculated for the meridian, of the ancient, famous, and well governed shire-towne o Derby, and may very well serve for most parts of Great Brittaine, where the longitude is 24 degrees, 6. minutes, and the latitude is found 52. degrees 54. minutes / by Edward Fallowes, a lover of the arts mathematicall. London: Printed by I. Norton for the Company of Stationers, [1640]. ESTC No. S592. Grub Street ID 149212.