Publications of Christopher Muriell


  • Muriell, Christopher. An ansvver vnto the Catholiques supplication, presented vnto the Kings Maiestie, for a tolleration of popish religion in England. Wherein is contained a confutation of their vnreasonable petitions, and slaunderous lyes against our late soueraigne Queene Elizabeth, whose happy and gratious gouernement, the papists in their said supplication doe so peremptorilie traduce. Together with an information vnto his Maiestie of diuers their wicked and treasonable practises, attempted in the life time of our late Queene his worthy predecessor, whose life they always sought meanes to extinguish. Wherevnto is annexed the supplication of the papists, word for word as it was presented vnto the Kings Maiestie: with some necessarie annotations thereupon. Newly corrected and augmented. Written by Christopher Muriell the elder. Imprinted at London: by R[ichard] R[ead] for Francis Burton, and are to be solde [by Thomas Adams] in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the White-Lyon, 1603. ESTC No. S123214. Grub Street ID 142730.
  • Muriell, Christopher. An answer vnto the Catholiques supplication, presented vnto the Kings Maiestie, for a tolleration of popish religion in England wherein is contained a confutation of their vnreasonable petitions, and slaunderous lyes against our late soueraigne Queene Elizabeth ... : together with an information vnto His Maiestie of diuers their wicked and treasonable practises, attempted in the life time of our late Queene ... : wherevnto is annexed the supplication of the papists, word for word as it was presented vnto the Kings Maiestie ... : newlie corrected and augmented written by Christopher Muriell ... Imprinted at London: By R.R. for Francis Burton, and are to be solde in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the White-Lyon, 1603. ESTC No. S2825. Grub Street ID 147163.