Publications of Christian Francke


  • Francke, Christian. The doctrines and practises of the Societie of Iesuites. In two bookes. The first, containing their grounds and intentions, discovered by two of their owne societie, the Reverend Paulus Florenius, Doctor and professor of Divinitie, and Christianus Francken, professor of philosophy, both in the Imperiall Schoole of Iesuites at Vienna. The second, containing a detection of the secret designes and bloody proiects of that societie of later yeares; especially, since their first designes for disturbing the sate [sic] of Germanie. And may serue as a warning for vs of this iland, and these times whereinto wee are fallen. By W.F. an vnworthy minister of the Gospell of Iesus Christ. London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T. Fawcet, for George Gibbs, and are to be sold at his shop at the Flower de Luce in Popes-head Alley, 1630. ESTC No. S122937. Grub Street ID 142463.
  • Francke, Christian. Tvvo spare keyes to the Iesuites cabinet. dropped accidentally by some Father of that societie and fallen into the hands of a Protestant. The first wherof, discovers their domestick doctrines for education of their novices. The second, openeth their atheisticall practises touching the present warres of Germany. Projected by them in the yeare 1608. and now so farre as their power could stretch, effected, till the comming of the most victorious King of Sweden into Germany. Both serving as a most necessary warning for these present times. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for George Gibbes, and are to be sold at his shop at the Flower de Luce, by the little South-doore of St. Pauls Church, 1632. ESTC No. S124940. Grub Street ID 144236.