Publications of Antonio de Torquemada


  • Torquemada, Antonio de. The Spanish Mandeuile of miracles. Or The garden of curious flowers. VVherin are handled sundry points of humanity, philosophy, diuinitie, and geography, beautified with many strange and pleasant histories. First written in Spanish, by Anthonio De Torquemeda, and out of that tongue translated into English. It was dedicated by the author, to the right honourable and reuerent prelate, Don Diego Sarmento de soto Maior, Bishop of Astorga. &c. It is deuided into sixe treatises, composed in manner of a dialogue, as in the next page shall appeare. At London: printed by I[ames]. R[oberts]. for Edmund Matts, and are to be solde at his shop, at the signe of the hand and Plow in Fleet-streete, 1600. ESTC No. S118471. Grub Street ID 138125.
  • Torquemada, Antonio de. The Spanish Mandeuile of myracles. Or The garden of curious flowers. Wherein are handled sundry points of humanity, philosophy, diuinity, and geography, beautified with many strange and pleasant histories: first written in Spanish by Anthonio de Torquemeda, and translate out of that tongue into English. It is diuided into sixe treatises, composed in manner of a dialogue, as in the next page shall appeare. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, by the assigne of Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his [Alsop's] house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S118474. Grub Street ID 138128.