Publications of William Staunford


  • Staunford, William. Les plees del coron: diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement et plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les ditz plees. Composees per le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staunforde Chiuauler, dernierem[en]t corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, et iammais per cy deuant imprimee. Anno domini. 1560. [London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, [1560]. ESTC No. S117819. Grub Street ID 137485.
  • Staunford, William. Les plees del coron: diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement & plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees. Composees per le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staunforde Chiuauler, dernierm[en]t corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, et iammais per cy deuant imprimee. [London]: Anno domini. 1567. In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, [1567]. ESTC No. S117816. Grub Street ID 137483.
  • Staunford, William. An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of como pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. 1567. [Imprynted at London: In flete strete within temple Barre at the signe of the hand [and] starre. by Rychard Tottel, an. 1567]. ESTC No. S117783. Grub Street ID 137449.
  • Staunford, William. An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande, by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. 1568. [Imprynted at London: In flete strete within temple Barre at the signe of the hand [and] starre. by Rychard Tottel, an. 1568]. ESTC No. S117817. Grub Street ID 137484.
  • Staunford, William. An exposition of the Kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other olde writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipful sir William Stannforde Knighte, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties courte of common pleas. Whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaynynge. 1573. Imprinted at London: In Fleete-streate within Temple barre at the signe of the Hande and Starre, by Richarde Tottle. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, [1573]. ESTC No. S117815. Grub Street ID 137482.
  • Staunford, William. Les plees del coron, diuisees in plusors titles & comon lieux. Per queux home plus redement & plenairement trouera quelque chose quil quira, touchaunt les dits plees, composees par le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundforde Chiualer, dernierment corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouuelment reueu et corrigee. [London]: Anno Domini 1574. In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio, [1574]. ESTC No. S117813. Grub Street ID 137480.
  • Staunford, William. An exposition of the Kinges prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other olde writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipfull Sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties Court of common pleas Where vnto is annexed the proces to the same prærogatiue appertayning. 1577. Imprinted at London: in Fleete-streate within Temple barre at the signe of the Hand and Starre, by Richard Tottel. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, [1577]. ESTC No. S117814. Grub Street ID 137481.
  • Staunford, William. Les plees del coron, diuisees in plusors titles & co[m]mon lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelque chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees, composees per le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundforde Chiualer, dernierment corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenus en ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee. [London]: Anno Domini 1583. In ædibus Richardi Tottellj, [1583]. ESTC No. S117812. Grub Street ID 137479.
  • Staunford, William. An exposition of the Kinges prærogatiue collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old writers of the lawes of Englad [sic], by the right worshipfull Sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties court of common pleas. Whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prærogatiue appertayning. Cum priuilegio. Imprinted at London: In Fleet-streat within Temple Barre at the signe of the hand & Starre by Richard Totthil, 1590. ESTC No. S117820. Grub Street ID 137486.
  • Staunford, William. Les plees del corone, diuisees in plusors titles & common lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees, composes per le tresreuerend iudge, Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundford Chiualer, dernierment corrigee Auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenus in ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee, oue ascun nouel additions. Londini: Ex typographia Societatis Stationariorum [i.e. Adam Islip], Anno Domini 1607. ESTC No. S117810. Grub Street ID 137477.
  • Staunford, William. An exposition of the Kings prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the late Queenes Maiesties Court of Common Plees. VVhereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. London: printed [by Adam Islip] for the Company of Stationers, 1607. ESTC No. S117811. Grub Street ID 137478.