Publications of Henry Goodcole


  • Goodcole, Henry. A true declaration of the happy conuersion, contrition, and Christian preparation of Francis Robinson, gentleman. Who for counterfetting the great seale of England, was drawen, hang'd, and quartered at Charing-Crosse, on Friday last, being the thirteenth day of Nouember, 1618. Written by Henry Goodcole preacher of the Word of God, and his daily visiter, during his imprisonment in the gaole of Newgate. London: Printed by Edw: All-de dwelling neere Christ-church, 1618. ESTC No. S118282. Grub Street ID 137941.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Londons cry: ascended to God, and entred into the hearts, and eares of men for reuenge of bloodshedders, burglaiers, and vagabounds. Manifested the last sessions, holden at Iustice Hall in the old Baily the 9. 10. 11. 12. of December, Anno Dom. 1619. Likewise heerein is related, the courts legall proceedings, against the malefactors that were executed at Tiburne and about London, and the chiefest offenders, there offences and confessions at large expressed. Printed at London: By Barnard Alsop, and are to be solde at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1620. ESTC No. S118382. Grub Street ID 138035.
  • Goodcole, Henry. The wonderfull discouerie of Elizabeth Savvyer a witch, late of Edmonton, her conuiction and condemnation and death. Together with the relation of the Diuels accesse to her, and their conference together. Written by Henry Goodcole minister of the Word of God, and her continuall visiter in the gaole of Newgate. Published by authority. London: Printed [by A. Mathewes] for VVilliam Butler, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstons Church-yard, Fleetstreet, 1621. ESTC No. S117575. Grub Street ID 137244.
  • Goodcole, Henry. The good treasurer. Or heaven and earths day of iubile in finding of the most pretious hidden treasures. Preached at Pauls Crosse on VVhitson-Monday the 2. day of Iune. 1623. By Henry Goodcole Minister of the word of God Chaplaine at Serieants Inne in Fleetestreete. London: printed by Nicholas Oakes, 1623. ESTC No. S92718. Grub Street ID 151401.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Heavens speedie hue and cry sent after lust and murther. Manifested upon the suddaine apprehending of Thomas Shearwood, and Elizabeth Evans, whose manner of lives, death, and free confessions, are heere expressed. Who were executed the one upon the 14. and the other on the 17. of this moneth of April 1635. neere to the place where the facts were committed, and now doe hang in chaines. Written by H.G. their daily visiter, at the time of their imprisonment, and severall dayes of execution. Published by authority. London: Printed by N. and I. Okes, dwelling in Well-yard in little St. Bartholmews, neare unto the Lame Hospitall gate, 1635. ESTC No. S122603. Grub Street ID 142135.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Heavens speedie hue and cry sent after lust and murther. Manifested upon the suddaine apprehending of Thomas Shearwood, and Elizabeth Evans, whose manner of lives, death, and free confessions, are heere expressed. Also some new additions, concerning the man that was tide [sic] to the gibbeit, with a discovery of those places where such kind of lude people haunt and resort unto, and by what signes and tokens you may discover them: disclosed by this Sherwood a little before his death. Who were executed the one upon the 14. and the other on the 17. of this moneth of April 1635. neere to the place where the facts were committed, and he now hangeth in chaines at Rign-Crosse. Written by H.G. their daily uisiter at the time of their imprisonment, and severall dayes of execution. Published by authority. London: printed by M. and I. Okes, dwelling in Well-yard in little St. Bartholomews, neare unto the Lame Hospitall gate, 1635. ESTC No. S5237. Grub Street ID 149051.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Heavens speedie hue and cry sent after lust and murther. Manifested upon the suddaine apprehending of Thomas Shearwood, and Elizabeth Evans, whose manner of lives, death, and free confessions, are heere expressed. Also some new additions, concerning the man that was tide t the gibbeit, with a discovery of those places where such kind of lude people haunt and resort unto, and by what signes and tokens you may discover them: disclosed by this Sherwood a little before his death. Who were executed the one upon the 14. and the other on the 17. of this moneth of April 1635. neere to the place where the facts were committed, and he now hangeth in chaines at Ring-Crosse. Written by H.G. their daily visiter, at the time of their imprisonment, and severall dayes of execution. Published by authority. London: Printed by N. and I. Okes, dwelling in Well-yard in little St. Bartholmews, neare unto the Lame Hospitall gate, 1635. ESTC No. S118944. Grub Street ID 138589.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Heauens speedie hue and cry sent after lust and murther. Manifested upon the suddaine apprehending of Thomas Shearwood, and Elizabeth Evans, whose manner of lives, death, and free confessions, are heere expressed. Also some new additions, with a discovery of those places where such kind of lude people haunt and resort unto, and by what signes and tokens you may discover them: disclosed by this Sherwood a little before his death. Who were executed the one upon the 14. and the other on the 17. of this moneth of April 1635. neere to the place where the facts were committed, and hangeth in chaines by Battle-bridge. Written by H.G. their daily uisiter, at the time of their imprisonment, and severall dayes of execution. Published by authority. London: printed by N. and I. Okes, dwelling in Well-yard in Little St. Bartholomews, neare unto the Lame Hospitall gate, 1635. ESTC No. S92719. Grub Street ID 151402.
  • Goodcole, Henry. The adultresses funerall day in flaming, scorching, and consuming fire, or, The burning downe to ashes of Alice Clarke, late of Vxbridge in the county of Middlesex, in West-smith-field on Wensday the 20 of May, 1635 for the unnaturall poisoning of Fortune Clarke her husband a breviary of whose confession taken from her owne mouth is here unto annexed, as also what she sayd at the place of her execution by her daily visiter H.G. in life and death ; and now published by authority and commaund. London: Printed by N. and I. Okes, dwelling in Well-yard in little St. Bartholmews, neare unto the Lame Hospitall gate, 1635. ESTC No. S2691. Grub Street ID 147058.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Natures cruell step-dames: or, Matchlesse monsters of the female sex; Elizabeth Barnes, and Anne Willis. Who were executed the 26. day of April, 1637. at Tyburne, for the unnaturall murthering of their owne children. Also, herein is contained their severall confessions, an the courts just proceedings against other notorious malefactors, with their severall offences this sessions. Further, a relation of the wicked life and impenitent death of Iohn Flood, who raped his owne childe. Printed at London: [By E. Purslowe] for Francis Coules, dwelling in the Old-Baily, 1637. ESTC No. S118637. Grub Street ID 138290.