Publications of Henry Holland


  • Holland, Henry. Monumenta sepulchraria Sancti Pauli. The monuments, inscriptions, and epitaphs, of kings, nobles, bishops, and others, buried in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul, London. Untill this present yeere of Grace, 1614. Together, with the foundation of the Church: and a catalogu of all the bishops of London, from the beginning vntill this present. Neuer before, now with authoritie, published. By H.H. Londini: [Eliot's Court Press] impensis H. Hollandi, [1614]. ESTC No. S120259. Grub Street ID 139895.
  • Holland, Henry. Her?ologia Anglica hoc est clarissimorum et doctissimorum. aliqout [sic] Anglorum, qui floruerunt ab anno Cristi. M.D. vsq[ue] ad presentem annum M.D.C.XX viuæ effigies vitæ et esogia [sic]: duobus tomis. Authore. H.H. Anglo-Britanno: impensis Crispini Passæi calcograph [sic], et Iansonij bibliopolæ Arnhemiensis. [Arnhem: Printed by Jan Jansson at the expenses of Crispijn van de Passe and Jan Jansson for Henry Holland, London, 1620]. ESTC No. S119103. Grub Street ID 138749.
  • Holland, Henry. Motus Medi-terraneus. Or, A true relation of a fearefull and prodigious earthquake, which lately happened in the ancient citie of Couentrie, and some other places of the Kingdome, to the great amazement of the inhabitants. With a touch of some other occurrences, as well forraine as domestique. [London]: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for He: Holland, 1626. ESTC No. S119151. Grub Street ID 138795.
  • Holland, Henry. Baziliwlogia a booke of kings beeing the true and liuely effigies of all our English kings from the Conquest untill this present. With their seuerall coats of armes, impresses and devises. And a briefe chronologie of their liues and deaths. Elegantly graven in copper. [London]: Printed for Hugh Perry and are to be sold at the signe of the harrow in ..., Ao. 1628. ESTC No. S93016. Grub Street ID 151632.
  • Holland, Henry. Ecclesia Sancti Pauli illustrata. The monuments, inscriptions, and epitaphs, of kings, nobles, bishops, and others, buried in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul, London. Together, with the foundation of the sayd church. A catalogue of all the arch bishops and bishops of London, from the beginning. A catalogue also of all the deanes of the same Church: and the monuments continued vntill this present yeere of grace. 1633. A coppy of the Popes pardon, buried with Sr. Gerard Braybrooke, 1390. Together with a preface, touching the decayes and for the repairing of this famous church. By H.H. London: Printed by Iohn Norton, and are to be sold by Iohn Iackson, and Francis Church, at the Kings Armes in Cheap-side, 1634. ESTC No. S116937. Grub Street ID 136623.