Publications of Michael East


  • East, Michael. Madrigales to 3. 4. and 5. parts: apt for viols and voices. Newly composed by Michaell Este. London: Printed by Thomas Este, 1604. ESTC No. S118566. Grub Street ID 138219.
  • East, Michael. The fourth set of bookes, vvherein are anthemes for versus and chorus, madrigals, and songs of other kindes, to 4. 5. and 6. parts: apt for viols and voyces. Newly composed by Michaell East, Batchelor of Musicke, and Master of the choristers in the Cathedrall Church of Litchfield. London: printed by Thomas Snodham, for Matthew Lownes and Iohn Browne, 1618. ESTC No. S116704. Grub Street ID 136392.
  • East, Michael. The fourth set of bookes, vvherein are anthemes for versus and chorus, madrigals, and songs of other kindes, to 4. 5. and 6. parts: apt for viols and voyces. Newly composed by Michaell East, Bachelor of Musicke, and Master of the choristers in the Cathedrall Church of Litchfield. London: Printed by Thomas Snodham, for Matthew Lownes and Iohn Browne, 1619. ESTC No. S121366. Grub Street ID 140957.
  • East, Michael. The sixt set of bookes, vvherein are anthemes for versus and chorus, of 5. and 6. parts; apt for violls and voyces: newly composed by Michaell Est, Batchelar of Musicke, and master of the choristers of the cathedrall church in Litchfield. London: printed by Thomas Snodham, for M[atthew]. L[ownes]. and A. B[rowne]., 1624. ESTC No. S122480. Grub Street ID 142016.
  • East, Michael. The seventh set of bookes, wherein are duos for two base viols, so composed, though there be but two parts in the eye, yet there is often three or foure in the eare. Also fancies of 3. parts for two treble viols, and a base violl: so made, as they must be plaid and not sung. Lastly, ayerie fancies of 4 parts, that may be as well sung as plaid. Lately set out by Michael East, Bachelor of Musicke, and master of the choristers in the cathedrall church of Litchfield. London: Printed [by T. Harper] for William Stansby, and George Latham, 1638. Cum priuilegio. ESTC No. S121371. Grub Street ID 140962.