Publications of Henry Constable


  • Constable, Henry. Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots. Prouuant contre les Catholiques rigoureux de nostre temps & particulierement contre les obiections de la response faicte a l'Apologie Ctholique [sic], que nous qui sommes membres de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique & Romaine ne deurions pas condemner les Huguenots pour heretiques iusques a ce qu'on ait faict nouuelle preuue. A Paris [i.e. London: J. Wolfe], Octob. 1589. ESTC No. S116339. Grub Street ID 136027.
  • Constable, Henry. Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots prouuant contre les Catholiques rigoureux de nostre temps & particulierement contre les obiections de la response faicte a l'apologie Catholique, que nous qui sommes membres de l'Eglise Catholique apostolique & Romaine ne deurions pas condemner les Huguenots pour heretiques iusques a ce qu'on ait faict nouuelle preuue. [S.l.]: Imprim de nouueau a Caen, 1590 [i.e. London: J. Wolfe]. ESTC No. S753. Grub Street ID 149375.
  • Constable, Henry. Diana. Or, The excellent conceitful sonnets of H. C. Augmented with diuers quatorzains of honorable and lerned personages. Deuided into viij. decads. London: printed by Iames Roberts for Richard Smith, [1594?]. ESTC No. S91499. Grub Street ID 150548.
  • Constable, Henry. The Catholike moderator: or A moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants. Prouing against the too rigid Catholikes of these times, and against the arguments especially, of that booke called, The answer to the Catholike apologie, that we, who are members of the Catholike, apostolike, and Roman Church, ought not to condemne the Protestants for heretikes, vntill further proofe be made. First written in French by a Catholike gentleman, and now faithfully translated. See the occasion of the name of Huguenots, after the translaters epistle. London: Printed [at Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, 1623. ESTC No. S120849. Grub Street ID 140477.