Publications of Edward Gresham


  • Gresham, Edward. 1604. London: f. the assignes of J. Roberts, 1604. ESTC No. S126854. Grub Street ID 145717.
  • Gresham, Edward. Gresham. 1604. A new almamack and prognostication. Seruing most especially the meridian of the honorable and ancient citie of Yorke, and all the northerlie parts, and Darbyshire, and indifferently all England: for this yeare of our redemption, MDCIIII, being leape yeare. I which are conteined many necessary instructions and needfull admonitions in as simple and easie maner as may be, for the capacitie of euery one, as the next pages more particularlie sheweth. ... Imprinted at London: For the assignes of Iames Roberts [i.e., for E. White, the assigne of I. Roberts], [1604]. ESTC No. S115370. Grub Street ID 135062.
  • Gresham, Edward. [Gresham. 1606]. [London: [E. Allde and T. East?] for the Company of Stationers, 1606]. ESTC No. S90154. Grub Street ID 149611.
  • Gresham, Edward. Gresham. 1607. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yere of our Lord God. 1607. being the third from the leape yere. Astracted and argued from the mutuall habitude of this of ours, to the other fire mo[v]uable opa[t]ouse orbs, and to the fired globe of light. Seruin indifferently any place within this our English-Empyre but more especially the scite of the honorable cittie of Yorke and the north parte. By Edward Gresham. Imprinted at London: [by E. Allde] for the Company of the Stationers, [1607]. ESTC No. S125747. Grub Street ID 144976.