Publications of James Balmford


  • Balmford, James. To the maior, aldermen, and inhabitants of N. That which heretofore I haue propounded to you (right worshipful and beloued) in teaching, I do now publish to all men by printing, to wit, mine opinion of the vnlawfulnesse of games consisting in chance. ... [London: R. Field, 1595?]. ESTC No. S123717. Grub Street ID 143180.
  • Balmford, James. A short catechisme, verie necessarie to be learned of all Christians. At London: printed by James Roberts, 1597. ESTC No. S90380. Grub Street ID 149762.
  • Balmford, James. A position maintained by I.B. before the late Earle of Huntingdon: viz. Priests are executed not for religion, but for treason. [London]: Newly imprinted, 1600. ESTC No. S117267. Grub Street ID 136940.
  • Balmford, James. To the maior, aldermen, and inhabitants of N. That whiche heretofore I haue propounded to you (right worshipfull and beloued) in teaching, I do now publish to all men by printing, to wit, mine opinion of the vnlawfulnesse of games consisting in chance. ... Imprinted at London: [By John Harrison 3?] for Richard Boile, [1600?]. ESTC No. S115732. Grub Street ID 135422.
  • Balmford, James. Carpenters chippes: or simple tokens of vnfeined good will, to the Christian friends of Iames Balmford, the vnworthie seruant of Iesus Christ, a poore Carpenters sonne. [London]: Printed for Richard Boyle, 1607. ESTC No. S1169. Grub Street ID 136587.
  • Balmford, James. A short catechisme, summarily comprizing the principall points of Christian faith, somewhat corrected and augmented by Iames Balmford Minister. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Richard Boyle, 1607. ESTC No. S114854. Grub Street ID 134559.
  • Balmford, James. Three positions concerning the 1 Authoritie of the Lords day. 2 State of the Church of Rome. 3 Execution of priests. All written vpon speciall occasions by Iames Balmford minister. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Richard Boyle, 1607. ESTC No. S120365. Grub Street ID 140000.
  • Balmford, James. A short catechisme, summarily comprising the principall points of Christian faith, somewhat corrected and augmented by Iames Balmford minister. Whereunto be added directions for Christian conuersation. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Richard Boyle, 1610. ESTC No. S90381. Grub Street ID 149763.
  • Balmford, James. A short dialogue concerning the plagues infection published to preserue bloud, through the blessing of God : together with a sorting of all those verses in the Psalmes which are noted with the word Selah to shew, the complaints, comforts, faith, prayer and praise of Gods children. London: Printed by W. Iones for Nicholas Bourne, dwelling at the Royall Exchange, 1625. ESTC No. S655. Grub Street ID 149277.