Publications of Tho Milles


  • Milles, Tho. The customers replie. Or Second apologie. That is to say, an aunswer to a confused treatise of publicke commerce, printed and dispersed at Midlebourghe and London, in fauour of the priuate Society of Merchants-Aduenturers. By a more serious discourse of exchange in merchandise, and merchandising exchange. Written for vnderstanding readers onely, in fauour of all loyall merchants, and for the aduancing of traffick in England. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, dwelling in Barbican, 1604. ESTC No. S114604. Grub Street ID 134314.
  • Milles, Tho. The custumers alphabet and primer. Conteining, their creede or beliefe in the true doctrine of Christian religion. Their ten commandementes, or rules of ciuill life and conuersation, daily grace, generall confession, speciall supplication and forme of prayers. Togither with a pertinent answere to all such, as eyther in iest or in earnest, seeming doubtfull themselues, would faine perswade others, that, the bringing home of traffique must needes decay our shipping. All tending to the true and assured aduancement of his Maiesties customes, without possibility of fraude or couyn. Alwaies prouided, in reading read all, or nothing at al. [London: Printed by William Jaggard?], 1608. ESTC No. S114606. Grub Street ID 134316.
  • Milles, Tho. The mistery of iniquity. Discouered in these acroamaticall lessons, shewing by way of antithesis, the ascention or descention of summum bonum, and summa miseria. Antitheta. ... [London: Printed by William Jaggard?, 1609?]. ESTC No. S114603. Grub Street ID 134313.
  • Milles, Tho. Acroamta. Or serious obseruations, by way of comment, vpon certaine straines or sections, of a late Kintish-out-port-customers alphabet & primer, and other treatises of his, touching traffick in England, & English customes. Writte[n] now more demonstratiuely, for the bette vnderstanding of some things since set downe for the good of Great-Britaine, vnder the gouernment of King Iames there, and his posterity, concerning bullion, money, and exchange at free-staples. [London: W. Jaggard, 1609?]. ESTC No. S94183. Grub Street ID 152507.
  • Milles, Tho. The catalogue of honor or Tresury of true nobility. peculiar and proper to the isle of Great Britaine: that is to say: a collection historicall of all the free monarches aswell kinges of England as Scotland, (nowe vnited togither) with the Princes of Walles, dvkes [sic], marqvisses, and erles; their wiues, children, alliances, families, descentes, & achievementes of honor. Wherunto is properly prefixed: a speciall treatise of that kind of nobility which soverayne grace, and fauor, and contryes customes, haue made meerly politicall and peculiarly ciuill (neuer so distinctly handled before)* Translated out of Latyne into English. London: printed by William Iaggard, 1610. ESTC No. S114605. Grub Street ID 134315.
  • Milles, Tho. A catalogue of the kings of Scotland. Together with their seuerall armes, wiues, and issue. London: [By W. Jaggard], M.DC.X.[1610]. ESTC No. S120354. Grub Street ID 139989.
  • Milles, Tho. The misterie of iniquitie. Plainely layd open by a lay-Christian, no profest diuine, out of truth in humanity, and rules of naturall reason. Whereby the world may see, read and vnderstand, the proud and vaine comparison of a cardinalles red-hat, and a kings golden crowne Alwayes prouided, in reading, read all, or read nothing at all. [London: Printed by William Jaggard], 1610 [i.e. 1611]. ESTC No. S114600. Grub Street ID 134310.
  • Milles, Tho. An out-port-customers accompt, of all his receipts, to a shilling, or a penny, without concealement or enstaulement of any; according to his oath at his first admission. Wherein he plainely sets downe, as well the motiues and occasions, as the method and style of all his former writings; namely, his first apology for customers, against informers of all sorts. His reply, or second apology for publike traffique, against priuate societies. ... All which, howsoeuer heeretofore held hard and obscure; are heere out of rules of diuinity, and humanity together, by way of illustration, fitted to capacity of common sense and reason ... With an open declaration of the mystery itselfe, to perfect this accompt. ... And a short memorandum, in perpetuam rei memoriam, for the Kings speciall honor, his loyall subiects good, and his customers discharge, from all imputations past and to come, against ignorance and her fellowes. [London: Printed by William Jaggard, 1612?]. ESTC No. S123346. Grub Street ID 142858.
  • Milles, Tho. The customers apologie. To be read more at large in thesaurario Bodleyano Oxonij. Heere onely abridged, paraphrased, and fitted vnto the written table or epitome of all his other workes, touching trafficke and customes. [London?: W. Jaggard?, 1613?]. ESTC No. S915. Grub Street ID 150549.
  • Milles, Tho. An abstract, almost verbatim (with some necessarie addition,) of The customers apologie, written 18. yeares ago, to shew their distresse in the out-ports, aswell through want of maintenance and meanes to beare out their seruice; as countenance and credit in regard of others. [London?: W. Jaggard?, 1617?]. ESTC No. S452. Grub Street ID 148507.