Publications of Robert Cleaver


  • Cleaver, Robert. Three sermons vpon Marke, the ninth chapter, 22.23. verses. Containing fifteene doctrines, the particulars whereof appeare in the next pages following. By Robert Cleauer. London: printed by T C[reede]. for William Welbie, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Swan, 1611. ESTC No. S118642. Grub Street ID 138295.
  • Cleaver, Robert. A briefe explanation of the whole booke of the Prouerbs of Salomon. By Robert Cleaver. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Thomas Man, and Rafe [sic] Iackson, 1615. ESTC No. S124349. Grub Street ID 143729.
  • Cleaver, Robert. A briefe explanation of the whole booke of the Prouerbs of Salomon. By Robert Cleaver. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Thomas Man, and Robert Iackson, 1615. ESTC No. S117512. Grub Street ID 137182.
  • Cleaver, Robert. The patrimony of Christian children: or, a defence of infants babtisme prooued to be consonant to the scriptures and will of God (against the erroneons [sic] positions of the Anabaptists.[)] By Robert Cleaver, with the ioynt consent of Mr. Iohn Dod. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for Ioseph Hunscot and Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster Rowe, 1624. ESTC No. S114494. Grub Street ID 134203.
  • Cleaver, Robert. A declaration of the christian sabbath. Wherein the sanctifying of the Lords-day, is proued to bee agreeable of God, and to the Gospell of Iesus Christ. By Robert Cleaver. At London: Printed by A. M[athewes] and I. N[orton] for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the great south dore of Pauls, 1625. ESTC No. S115588. Grub Street ID 135278.
  • Cleaver, Robert. A declaration of the Christian sabbath. Wherein the sanctifying of the Lords-day, is proued to be agreeable to the commandement of God, and to the Gospell of Iesus Christ. The second edition. Whereunto is added a briefe appendix, touching the limits of the Christian sabbath the Lords-day: that it beginneth, and endeth after midnight, ... By Robert Cleaver. At London: Printed by Aug. M[athewes] for Rob. Milbourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the Grayhound in Pauls Churchyard, 1630. ESTC No. S119123. Grub Street ID 138768.
  • Cleaver, Robert. A godly forme of houshold gouernment, for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods Word. Whereunto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wiues dutie towards her husband: the parents dutie towards their children; and the childrens towards their parents: the masters dutie towards his seruants; and also the seruants dutie towards their masters. First gathered by R.C. and now newly perused, amended, and augmented, by Iohn Dod and Robert Cleuer. London: printed by [Eliot's Court Press for] the assignes of Thomas Man, and are to be sold by Iohn Clarke, vnder St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1630. ESTC No. S117160. Grub Street ID 136833.