Publications of Jean de Chassanion


  • Chassanion, Jean de. The consolation of the soule, being an assurance of the forgiuenesse of sinnes, with the most notable promises of God conteined in holy Scripture, both in the olde and newe Testament: briefly expounded and applied, as hereafter followeth. With certaine examples woorth th bearing in minde, touching the great mercies of God, towards poore, and miserable sinners. ... Made by Iohn Chassanion, and englished by H. S. of Greyes Inne. Gent. Imprinted at London: [By T. Orwin] for Symon Waterson, [1590?]. ESTC No. S118621. Grub Street ID 138274.
  • Chassanion, Jean de. The merchandises of Popish priests. Laying open to the world, how cunningly they cheate and abuse poore people, with theyr fals, deceitfull, and counterfeit wares. Written in French by Iohn Chassanion, and truly translated into English. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, 1604. ESTC No. S114424. Grub Street ID 134136.
  • Chassanion, Jean de. The merchandises of popish priests. Or, A discouery of the Iesuites trumpery newly packed in England. Laying open to the vvorld, how cunningly they cheate and abuse poore people, with their false, deceitfull, and counterfet wares. Written in French by Iohn Chassanion, an truly translated into English. Printed at London: For Henry Gosson, and are to be sold at his shop on London-Bridge, 1629. ESTC No. S121012. Grub Street ID 140621.