Publications of John Hull


  • Hull, John. The arte of Christian saylinge. Or a comfortable treatis written on these words of the prophet Dauid in the 55. Psal. 22. 23. verses. London: Printed [by J. Harrison 3 and S. Stafford] for Iohn Harison [4] dwelling in pater noster row at the signe of the gilden Vnicorne and Bible and are there to be sould, 1602. ESTC No. S116570. Grub Street ID 136257.
  • Hull, John. The vnmasking of the pollitique atheist By I.H. Batcheler of Diuinitie. At London: Printed [by R. Read] for Ralph Howell, dwelling in Paules Church-yard neere the great North doore, at the signe of the White Horse, 1602. ESTC No. S114293. Grub Street ID 134011.
  • Hull, John. Saint Peters prophesie of these last daies. Discouering the iniquity of the time, and atheisme of the age. Prouing the burning of the world, manifesting the iudgement to come, and confirming the resurrection of the dead, &c. VVritten by Iohn Hull. Imprinted at London: [By W. Stansby and another?] for Nathaniel Fosbrooke, and are to be sold at his shop at the west dore of Paules, the corner shop neare to the Bishop of Londons gate, 1610. ESTC No. S119938. Grub Street ID 139577.
  • Hull, John. An exposition vpon a part of the Lamentations of Ieremie: Lectured at Corke in Ireland, by Iohn Hull, Bacheler of Diuinity, sometime of Gunuill and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S116572. Grub Street ID 136259.
  • Hull, John. Lectures vpon the Lamentations of Ieremiah. First preached and now published by I. Hull B. of D. for the benefit of Gods Church. London: Printed by Barnard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house, being the next house, to Saint Annes Church, 1620. ESTC No. S120455. Grub Street ID 140084.