Publications of Etienne Pasquier


  • Pasquier, Etienne. Monophylo, Drawne into English by Geffray Fenton. A philosophicall discourse, and diuision of loue. [London: Printed by Henry Denham for William Seres], Anno. 1572. ESTC No. S121952. Grub Street ID 141511.
  • Pasquier, Etienne. The Iesuite displayed. Containing the original and proceedings of the Iesuites, togither vvith the fruites of their doctrine. Openly discoursed in an oration against them made in the Parliament house of Paris, by one Maister Pasquier in that action aduocate for the Vniuersitie there, against the Iesuites plaintifes in that court. Faithfully translated out of French, by E.A. London: printed [by E. Allde] for Edward Aggas, and are to be solde at his shop at the west end of Paules Church, 1594. ESTC No. S94635. Grub Street ID 152834.
  • Pasquier, Etienne. The Iesuites catechisme. Or Examination of their doctrine. Published in French this present yeere 1602. and nowe translated into English. VVith a table at the end, of all the maine poynts that are disputed and handled therein. [London]: Printed [by James Roberts], anno Domini. 1602. ESTC No. S114185. Grub Street ID 133908.