Publications of Charles Gibbon


  • Gibbon, Charles. A premonition for euery disposition published for the profit of all if it be well applied by Charles Gybbon. At London: Printed by I.C. for Thomas Gubbin, Anno Dom. 1588. ESTC No. S3028. Grub Street ID 147332.
  • Gibbon, Charles. Our trust against trouble very expedient for the time, composed for our better consolation and consideration of these crosses of warre, lately attempted, and still intended against vs : with diuers speciall prayers and meditations, very requisite to be remembred of vs, before, in and after the time of our trouble by Charles Gybbon. At London: Printed by Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican at the signe of the Halfe Eagle and the Key, and are there to be solde, 1589. ESTC No. S2684. Grub Street ID 147053.
  • Gibbon, Charles. Not so new, as true. Being a verie necessarie caueat for all Christians to consider of. VVherein is truelie described the iniquitie of this present time, by occasion of our confused liuing: and iustlie approued the world to be neuer worse, by reason of our contagious leaudnes. By Charles Gibbon. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Orwin, dvvelling in Paternoster rowe ouer against the signe of the Checker, 1590. ESTC No. S120320. Grub Street ID 139956.
  • Gibbon, Charles. The praise of a good name. The reproch of an ill name. Wherin euery one may see the fame that followeth laudable actions, and the infamy that cometh by the contrary. With certaine pithy apothegues, very profitable for this age, by C.G. London: Imprinted by Iohn Windet, for Thomas Gosson, 1594. ESTC No. S113889. Grub Street ID 133615.
  • Gibbon, Charles. A watch-vvorde for warre. Not so new as necessary: published by reason of the disperced rumors amongst vs, and the suspected comming of the Spanyard against vs. Wherein we may learne how to prepare our selues to repell the enemie, and to behaue our selues all the tyme of that trouble. Compendious for the memorie, comfortable for the matter, profitable for the tyme. [London]: Printed by [J. Roberts for] Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, 1596. ESTC No. S117690. Grub Street ID 137357.
  • Gibbon, Charles. The order of equalitie. Contriued and diuulged as a generall directorie for common sessements. Seruing for the indifferent defraying, taxing, and rating of common impositions and charges, lyable to citties, townes, or villages, that they may be done in some equall and proportionable order, for the benefit of the common-wealth. Very necessarie for all persons, to whome the execution and apprehension of this businesse appertaine. [Cambridge]: Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1604. And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard [London] by Simon Waterson, [1604]. ESTC No. S116511. Grub Street ID 136198.