Publications of Sheltco à Geveren


  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this world, and seconde commyng of Christ, a comfortable and necessary discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Imprinted at London: Nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, [by T. Gardyner and T. Dawson] for Andrew Maunsel, dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Paret, Anno Domini. 1577. ESTC No. S115248. Grub Street ID 134943.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this world, and second comming of Christ, a comfortable and necessary discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Imprinted at London: [by Thomas Gardyner and Thomas Dawson] nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, for Andrew Maunsell, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Paret, anno Domini. 1577. ESTC No. S124372. Grub Street ID 143747.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this worlde, and seconde commynge of Christe, a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Nowe the thirde tyme corrected, and with a learned epistle sente by the author out of Friseland to the translator, with verse of one Sibyl Erithrea, and with other thinges hitherto not put in, augmented. [Imprinted at London: nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Gardyner, and Thomas Dawson, for Andrew Maunsell dwelling in Paules Church-yarde, 1578]. ESTC No. S92676. Grub Street ID 151370.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this worlde, and seconde commynge of Christe, a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Nowe the thirde tyme corrected, and with a learned epistle sente by the autor [sic] out of Friseland to the translator, with verses of one Sibyl Erithrea and with other thinges hitherto not put in, augmented. Imprinted at London: nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, for Andrew Maunsel, dwellyng in Paules Church-yarde, at the signe of the Parret, anno Domini. 1578. ESTC No. S92677. Grub Street ID 151371.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this worlde, and second comming of Christ a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. [London]: Imprinted at Lonnon [sic] at the Three Cranes in the Vintree, for Andrew Maunsel, dwelling in Paules Church-yarde, at the signe of the Parret, 1578. ESTC No. S2129. Grub Street ID 146530.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this worlde, and second comming of Christ, a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Imprinted at London: at the three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Dawson, for Andrew Maunsel, dwelling in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Paret, anno Domini. 1578. ESTC No. S124956. Grub Street ID 144251.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the ende of this world, and second comming of Christ, a comfortable & most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous daies. Imprinted at London: [by Thomas Dawson] for Andrew Maunsell, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Paret, 1580. ESTC No. S125230. Grub Street ID 144483.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the end of this world, and the second comming of Christ, a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and daungerous dayes. At London: Printed by Henry Middleton, for Andrew Maunsell, Anno. 1582. ESTC No. S113887. Grub Street ID 133613.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the end of this world, and second comming of Christ a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and dangerous dayes : the contents whereof appeare in the next leafe following. At London: Printed by Henry Middleton, for Andrew Maunsell, 1583. ESTC No. S4317. Grub Street ID 148366.
  • Geveren, Sheltco à. Of the end of this vvorlde, and the seconde comming of Christ, a comfortable and most necessarie discourse, for these miserable and dangerous daies. Imprinted at London: By I. Windet, for A[ndrew] Maunsell, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Brasen Serpent, Anno. 1589. ESTC No. S113888. Grub Street ID 133614.