Publications of Henry Fitzgeffrey


  • Fitzgeffrey, Henry. Satyres: and satyricall epigrams: with certaine obseruations at Black-Fryers? By H:F: of Lincolnes-Inne gent:. London: Printed by Edw[ard]: All-de, for Miles Patrich, and are to be sold at his shop neare S. Dnnstons-Church [sic] in Fleet-street, 1617. ESTC No. S113885. Grub Street ID 133611.
  • Fitzgeffrey, Henry. Certain elegies, done by sundrie excellent wits. With satyres and epigrames. London: Printed by B: A[lsop]: for Miles Partriche, and are to be solde at his shoppe neare Saint Dunstons Church in Fleet-streete, 1618. ESTC No. S116819. Grub Street ID 136507.
  • Fitzgeffrey, Henry. Certain elegies, done by sundrie excellent wits. With satyrs and epigrams. London: Printed [by J. Beale] for Thomas Jones, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery Lane, ouer against the Roles, 1620. ESTC No. S118400. Grub Street ID 138054.