Publications of Thomas Bedle


  • Bedle, Thomas. A lively antithesis, or Opposition, betweene the church of Rome and the true church of God: collected and published for the good of the enemies of the trueth, in the Kings maiesties dominions; with the rising and fall of Antichrist. London: printed by R. B[radock] for Roger Jackson ... at his shoppe in Fleet-street, ..., 1604. ESTC No. S90451. Grub Street ID 149804.
  • Bedle, Thomas. The princelie progresse of the church militant, marching forth by the steps of the flocke to her triumphant bridegrome Christ Iesus. Encountered with an erronius army, turned aside from Iesus to the Ieesitcall [sic] faction, to fight with the lambe, and make warre with the saints. As it appeareth in the ensuing opposition. With an addition demonstrating the abolishing of Antichrist, supreme head of heretickes, and vniuersall maintainer of treason. Written by Thomas Bedle. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes [for T. Archer] dwelling neare Holburne Bridge, 1610. ESTC No. S113620. Grub Street ID 133349.