Publications of Abraham Darcie


  • Darcie, Abraham. The honour of ladies: or, A true description of their noble perfections. By Ab: Darcie. Gen. London: printed by T. Snodham, 1622. ESTC No. S91600. Grub Street ID 150622.
  • Darcie, Abraham. Frances Duchesse Dovvager of Richmond and Lenox &c. her funerall teares. Or Larmes funebres de l'illustre Princesse Francoise Duchesse Dowagere de Richmond & de Lenox, Contesse Dowagere de Hartford, de Neuf-Chastell, & Darnley, &c. pour la mort & perte de son cher espoux, le tres-excellent & de-bonaire Prince Monseigneur Louis de Obegny Duc de Richmond & de Lenox, &c. qui deceda le 16. Feburier 1624. en la maison royale de Whit-hall, au grand regret du plusieurs nations. [London: Printed by John Beale and Richard Field, 1624]. ESTC No. S121941. Grub Street ID 141501.
  • Darcie, Abraham. Honors true arbor; or, The princely nobilitie of the Hovvards. Wherein, the true source and originall of their mightie name, with all their seuerall alliances, with the high and potent families of diuers countries since the first man that was knowne, in England- [sic] by the name of Hovvard is described. Together with a compendious discription of all such noble persons of this princely name of Howard as haue flourisht since. What queenes, princes and princesses, dukes, and dutchesses, marquesses and marchionesses, earles and countesses, viscounts and viscountesses barons and baronesses, lords and ladies, knights of the royall orders of the Garter and Saint Michaell, of the noble Order of the Bath, and other knights baneret and baronet haue beene deriued from the Howards? What high titles, dignities, and seuerall preferments haue beene conferd vpon them in 500. yeares? ... to this present yeare 1625. and first of King Charles magnificent raigne. Collected and written by Abraham De Ville. [London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes, 1625]. ESTC No. S122292. Grub Street ID 141845.
  • Darcie, Abraham. Theatre de la gloire et noblesse d'Albion ou La genealogie, alliance & antiquité de toutes les maisons nobles de la Grand Bretaig: par Abraham de Ville D'Arcie, citoyen de la republique de Geneue, (filz puisné d'Honorable Pierre D: V: D'Arcie, en son uiuant citoyen procureur & auditeur du droit et sommaire justice de la dite repu:) et par luy dedié et consacreé à tres-excellente imperatrice Henriete Marie de Bourbon Royne d'Angleterre Escosse Irlande &c. pour a l'heureuse [sic] arrivée de S.M. cognoistre les dignitez des pairs de sa cour›ne et lextraction [sic] de la noblesse. London: [E. Allde, 1626.]. ESTC No. S91602. Grub Street ID 150623.
  • Darcie, Abraham. The way to immortality: or happinesse in her perfection A perspective view of eternitie, and mirror of felicitie. Printed at London: [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet], 1635. ESTC No. S113562. Grub Street ID 133292.