Publications of John Harvey


  • Harvey, John. An astrologicall addition, or supplement to be annexed to the late discourse vpon the great coniunction of Saturne, and Iupiter. Wherin are particularly declared certaine especiall points before omitted, as well touching the eleuation of one plannet aboue another, with theyr seuerall significations: as touching oeconomical and houshold prouision: with some other iudicials, no lesse profitable. Made and written this last March, by Iohn Haruey, student in Phisicke. Whereunto is adioyned his translation of the learned worke, of Hermes Trismegistus, intituled, Iatromathematica: a booke of especiall great vse for all studentes in astrologie, and phisicke. London: imprinted by Richard Watkins, 1583. ESTC No. S115670. Grub Street ID 135360.
  • Harvey, John. [Leape yeere. A compendious prognostication for the yeere of our Lorde God. M. D. LXXXIIII. Collected by Iohn Haruey, wherein his opinion, touching the state and condition of the same yere, is briefly set downe, according to the best rules and groundes in astrologie. Directed to his very good and curtuous friende, M. Thomas Meade.]. [Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1584]]. ESTC No. S117914. Grub Street ID 137581.
  • Harvey, John. An almanacke, or annuall calender, with a prognostication for the yeere of our Lord. 1585. beyng the fyrst from the leape yeere. Astrologically calculated, and referred to the longitude and eleuation of the pole Articke of the Citie of London. By Iohnn Haruey, Maister of Artes, and studente in Phisicke. [Imprinted at London: by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1585]]. ESTC No. S125807. Grub Street ID 145029.
  • Harvey, John. An almanacke, or annuall calender, with a compendious prognostication thereunto appendyng, seruyng for the yeere of our Lord. 1589. Beyng the fyrst from the bissextile, or leape yeere. Referred to the longitude, and sublimitie of the pole articke of the citie of London: by Iohn Haruey, Maister of Artes, and practitioner in physicke. [Imprinted at London: By Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1589]]. ESTC No. S112361. Grub Street ID 132123.