Publications of Thomas Buckminster


  • Buckminster, Thomas. A new almanacke and prognostication, gathered and made for the yere of our Lorde. 1567. seruyng for all Englande, wherein is set forthe the chaunge of the moone, with her fulle and quarters: the varietie of the aire, and of the windes, with conuenient tymes to take medidicines [sic], also to sowe, plante, grafte, gelde beastes, and many other necessarie thynges, as in the table of the conte[n]tes, thou shalt easily find. By Thomas Buckmaster. Also the moste principall faires in Englande, verie necessary for all people that dooe resorte to the same. Imprinted at London: By Ihon Kyngston, for Garet Dewes, [1567]. ESTC No. S116060. Grub Street ID 135753.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde. M. D. lxviii, beyng leape yere, wherin is set forthe and shewed the chau[n]ge of the moone, with her full and quarters, the varietie of the ayer and windes, the conuenient tymes to take medicines: also to sowe, sette, plante, grafte, gelde or libbe beastes, and many other necessarie notes, as in the table of the contentes, you maie aesely and euidently see and perceiue. Perfectly made and calculated, for the meridian and pole artike of London, beyng exalted 51. degrees, 34. minutes. By M. Thomas Buckmaster. Seruyng for all Englande. Also the moste principall faires, verie necessarie for all people, that dooe resorte to the same. Imprinted at London: By Ihon Kyngston, for Garet Dewes, [1568]. ESTC No. S116073. Grub Street ID 135766.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. A nevve almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of Lorde God M.D.LXXI. Exactly made for the meridian [and] pole artike of the citie of London, [and] may serue for al Englande. By Thomas Buckmaster. [London]: Printed by Richard VVatkins, [1571]. ESTC No. S114451. Grub Street ID 134162.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. A prognostication made for the yeere of our Lord God M.D.LXXXII. Conteyning meete matter for such a worke: gathered out of learned authors, and set downe to profite such as lacke the knowledge thereof. By Thomas Buckmaster. Imprinted at London: By Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1582]. ESTC No. S112703. Grub Street ID 132455.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. A new almanacke and prognostication, for this yeere of Christ his incarnation 1584 being leape yeere. Seruing generallye for all Engla[n]d, but especially for the meridian of this honourable citie of London. Gathered and made by Thomas Buckminster. Mundum regit Deus, non vtiq[ue] sicut mens corpus regit, sed tanquam Dominu domum, nauimq[ue] gubernator. Lact. de deuino premi. Capt. tertio. [Imprinted at London: by Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio RegiƦ Maiestatis, [1584]]. ESTC No. S90102. Grub Street ID 149580.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. [A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of Christes incarnation. 1587. Which is the yeere of the worldes creation. 5549. Seruyng generally for all Englande, and specially for the meridian of this honorable citie of London. Gathered and made by Thomas Buckminster.]. [Imprinted at London: by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1587]]. ESTC No. S126463. Grub Street ID 145560.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of Christes incarnation. 1589. Which is the yeere of the worldes creation. 5551. Seruyng generally for all Englande, and specially for the meridian of this honorable citie of London. Gathered and made by Thomas Buckminster. Imprinted at London: by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1589]. ESTC No. S112325. Grub Street ID 132087.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. Buckmynster. 1590. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of the incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christe. M.D.XC. Which is the yeere of the worldes creation. 5552. Seruyng generally for all England and specially for the meridian of this honorable citie of London. Gathered [and] made by Thomas Buckminster. [Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1590]]. ESTC No. S113288. Grub Street ID 133027.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. [Buckmynster. 1593. A new almanacke and prognostication]. [London: R. Watkins and J. Roberts, 1593]. ESTC No. S90104. Grub Street ID 149581.
  • Buckminster, Thomas. [An almanacke] for the yeer [of our] Lord [G]od 1599. Made and written by Thomas Buckminster. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Dawson, with the assent of Richard Watkins and Iames Roberts, [1599]. ESTC No. S115266. Grub Street ID 134959.