Publications of John Fitzherbert


  • Fitzherbert, John. Here begynneth a newe tracte or treatyse moost profytable for all husbandmen: and very frutefull for all other persons to rede. [Imprinted at London: In fletestrete by Rycharde Pynson printer vnto the kynges noble grace. With priuilege to hym graunted by our sayd souerayne lorde the kynge, [1523?]]. ESTC No. S112246. Grub Street ID 132011.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater: and hath to name the boke of surueyinge and improume[n]tes. [Imprinted at London: In fletestrete by Rycharde Pynson, printer to the kynges noble grace, The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxiii. the. xv. day of Iuly. [1523]]. ESTC No. S112253. Grub Street ID 132018.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Here begynneth a newe tracte or treatyse moost p[ro]fytable for all husba[n]de men, and very frutefull for all other persones to rede, newly correcte [sic] [and] amended by the auctour, with dyuerse other thynges added thervnto. [Enprynted at London: In Southwarke, at the sygne of the wodowes, by Peter Treuerys, [1530?]]. ESTC No. S112249. Grub Street ID 132014.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry. [[London]: Imprinted at London in Fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet, nere to the condite at the sygne of Lucrece, [1533?]]. ESTC No. S4300. Grub Street ID 148357.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry. [Imprynted at london: in fletestrete, in the hous of Thomas Berthelet, nere to the condite at the signe of Lucrece, [1534?]]. ESTC No. S92547. Grub Street ID 151273.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Surueyinge. [Londini: In ædibus Thom[a]e Bertheleti typis impress.], An. M.D.XXXIX. [1539]. ESTC No. S122123. Grub Street ID 141681.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Here beginneth a ryght frutefull mater: [and] hathe to name the boke of surueyinge and improuementes. [Londini: In ædibus Roberti Redmani, prope Ecclesiam Sancti Dunstani sub intersignio diui Georgij excus., [1539?]]. ESTC No. S112256. Grub Street ID 132021.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry. [Imprynted at London: In fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet, nere to the condite at the sygne of Lucrece, [ca. 1540?]]. ESTC No. S122112. Grub Street ID 141670.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry. [Londini: in ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress. cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, anno M. D. XLIIII. [1544]]. ESTC No. S92548. Grub Street ID 151274.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandrye verye profitable [and] necessarye for all manner of persons newly corrected and amended by the auctor Fitzherbarde, with dyuers addicions put there vnto. [Imprinted at London: in Paules churche yarde at the signe of the maydens heade by Thomas Petyt, [1545?]]. ESTC No. S125389. Grub Street ID 144631.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Here beginneth a ryght frutefull mater: [and] hathe to name the boke of surueyinge and improueme[n]tes. [Imprynted at London: In Fletestrete at the sygne of the George nexte to saynt Dunstones churche by me Wyllyam Myddylton, [1547?]]. ESTC No. S112260. Grub Street ID 132025.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry very profitable and nesessary for all manner of persons newly corrected and amended by the auctour Fitzherbarde, with dyuers addyicions put there vnto. [Imprynted at London: in Fletestrete, by Wyllyam Myddylton, dwelling at the sygne of the George, nexte vnto Saynt Dunstones churche, [ca. 1547?]. ESTC No. S92549. Grub Street ID 151275.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of hvsbandry profytable and necessarye for all maner of persons newely corrected and amendyd by the auctour Fytzherbarde with dyuers addycyons put there vnto. [Imprinted at London: in Fletestrete by William Powell, dwellyng at the signe of the George, next vnto Saynt Dunstones church, [1549?]]. ESTC No. S92550. Grub Street ID 151276.
  • Fitzherbert, John. Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater: and hath to name the boke of surueyinge [and] improuementes. [Imprinted at London: in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Rose Garlande by Wyllyam Copland, [1550]. ESTC No. S125390. Grub Street ID 144632.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandry verye profytable [and] necessarye for al maner of persons newlye corrected and amended by the auctor Fitzherbarde, with dyuers addicions put ther vnto. [Imprinted at London: By [N. Hill for] Richard Kele dwelling in Lumbard strete nere vnto ye Stockes market at the signe of the Egle], [1552?]. ESTC No. S117829. Grub Street ID 137495.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The boke of husbandrye verye profytable [and] necessarye for al maner of persons newlye corrected and amended by the auctor Fitzherbarde, wyth dyuers addicions put ther vnto. [Imprynted at London: By [N. Hill for] John Walle, dwelling in Foster layn, at the signe of the Harts heade, 1552?]. ESTC No. S92552. Grub Street ID 151277.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The booke of husbandrye verye profytable and necessarye for al maner of persons newlye corrected and amendeded [sic] by the auctor Fitzherbard, wyth dyuers additions put thervnto. [Imprinted at London: in fletestrete betwine the two temples by Richarde Tottell, [1555?]]. ESTC No. S92553. Grub Street ID 151278.
  • Fitzherbert, John. [Here begynneth a newe tracte or treatyse moost profytable for all husbande men]. [S.l.: J. Wayland?, 1556?]. ESTC No. S4680. Grub Street ID 148626.
  • Fitzherbert, John. [The booke of husbandry]. [London: [by T. Marshe, 1560?]. ESTC No. S119249. Grub Street ID 138891.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The booke of husbandrye, very profitable and necessary for al maner of persons. Made first by the auctor Fitzherberd, and nowe lately corrected and amended, with diuers addicions put ther unto. Anno do. M.D.LXJJ. Imprynted at London: By Iohn Awdely, dwellyng in lyttle Brittaine streete by great S. Bartelmewes, [1562]. ESTC No. S119250. Grub Street ID 138892.
  • Fitzherbert, John. The booke of husbandry very profitable and necessarye for all maner of persons made first by the author Fitzherber [sic], and now lately corrected and amended with diuers additions put therunto. Jmprinted at London: By Iohn Awdely, dwellyng in litle Britain streete without Aldersgate, Anno Domini 1573. ESTC No. S3109. Grub Street ID 147403.