Publications of John Heywood


  • Heywood, John. The play of the wether A new and a very mery enterlude of all maner wethers made by Iohn[n] Heywood, the players names. Iupiter a god. Mery reporte the vyce. The gentylman. The marchaunt. The ranger [sic] The water myller. The wynde myller. The gentylwoman. The launder. boy the left that can play. [[London]: Prynted by w. Rastell, 1533]. ESTC No. S125019. Grub Street ID 144309.
  • Heywood, John. A play of loue, a newe and a mery enterlude concernyng pleasure and payne in loue, made by Iho[a]n Heywood. The players names. A man a louer not beloued. A woman beloued not louyng. A man a louer and beloued. The vyse nother louer nor beloued. [[London]: Prynted by w. Rastell, M. ccccc. xxxiiii. Cum priuilegio Regali] [1534]. ESTC No. S112198. Grub Street ID 131962.
  • Heywood, John. The play of the wether. A newe and very mery enterlude of all maner wethers made by Iohn Heywood. The players names. Iupiter a god. Mery reporte the vyce. The gentylman. The marchant. The ranger. The water myller. The wynde myller. The gentylwoman. The launder. A boy the left that can play. [London: W. Middleton, 1544?]. ESTC No. S114935. Grub Street ID 134637.
  • Heywood, John. An hundred epigrammes. Inuented and made by Iohn Heywood. [Imprinted at London: In Fletstrete in the hous of Thomas Berthelet, Anno dni 1550]. ESTC No. S119138. Grub Street ID 138782.
  • Heywood, John. [A play of love]. [Printed at London: In Farster Laen by [W. Copland? for] Ioh?n Waley, [ca. 1550]]. ESTC No. S118771. Grub Street ID 138420.
  • Heywood, John. A balade specifienge partly the maner, partly the matter, in the most excellent meetyng and lyke mariage betwene our Soueraigne Lord, and our Soueraigne Lady, the Kynges and Queenes highnes. Pende by Iohn Heywod. Jmprinted at London: by Wyllyam Ryddell, [1554?]. ESTC No. S3934. Grub Street ID 148063.
  • Heywood, John. Two hundred epigrammes, vpon two hundred prouerbes, with a thyrde hundred newely added and made by Iohn Heywood. [London: [In the house of T. Berthelet]], Anno Christi. M.D.L.V. [1555]. ESTC No. S117615. Grub Street ID 137284.
  • Heywood, John. An hundred epigrammes. Inuented and made by Iohn Heywood. [Imprinted at London: in Fletestrete, by Thomas Powell], Anno Christi. M.D.L.VI. [1556]. ESTC No. S92960. Grub Street ID 151590.
  • Heywood, John. A dialogue conteining the nomber in effeet of all the prouerbs in the Englishe tounge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of mariages, made and set foorthe by Iohn Heiwood. Londini: [In Fletestrete, by Thomas Powell], 1556. ESTC No. S115883. Grub Street ID 135574.
  • Heywood, John. A breefe balet touching the traytorous takynge of Scarborow Castell. Imprinted at London: in fleetestrete by Tho. Powell, [1557?]. ESTC No. S3943. Grub Street ID 148069.
  • Heywood, John. A fourth hundred of epygrams, newly inuented and made by Iohn Heywood. Londini: [In fleetstrete in the house late Thomas Berthelettes], Anno Christi. 1560. ESTC No. S117616. Grub Street ID 137285.
  • Heywood, John. The playe called the foure P. A new and very mery enter lude of a palmer. A pardoner. A poticary. A pedler. Made by Iohn Heewode. [Imprinted at London: By Wyllyan Copland, [1560?]]. ESTC No. S118770. Grub Street ID 138419.
  • Heywood, John. The play of the wether. A new and a very mery enterlude of al maner wethers made by Iohn Heywood. The players names. Iupiter a god. Mery reporte the vice. The gentylman. The marchaunt. The ranger. The water myller. The wynde myller. The gentylwoman. The launder. A boy, the least that can play. [Imprinted at London: In Paules Churche yearde, at the sygne of the Sunne, by [J. Tisdale for] Anthonie Kytson, [ca. 1560]]. ESTC No. S118772. Grub Street ID 138421.
  • Heywood, John. A dialogue, co[n]teyninge the number in effecte of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tunge, co[m]pact in a matter concerninge twoo maner of ... Londini: [O. Rogers?], 1561. ESTC No. S117614. Grub Street ID 137283.
  • Heywood, John. Of a number of rattes mistaken for diuelles in a mans sloppes. Taken out of the Epigrams of Iohn Heywod. Printed at London: by Rouland Hall for James Rowbothum, and are to be solde at his shoppe vnder Bovve churche, [1562?]. ESTC No. S92961. Grub Street ID 151591.
  • Heywood, John. A ballad against slander and detraction. Gar call him downe gar callhim downe gar call him downe downe a: God send the faction of all detraction calld downe and cast away. Imprinted at Londo[n]: at the long shop adioining vnto Saint Mildreds Churche in the Pultrie by Iohn Allde, [1562]. ESTC No. S118129. Grub Street ID 137793.
  • Heywood, John. The play called the foure P. A very mery enterlude of a palmer. A pardoner. A poticary. A pedler. Imprinted at London: At the long shop adioyning vnto S. Mildreds Churche in the Pultrie, by Iohn Allde, Anno Domini. 1569. Septembris. 14. [1569]. ESTC No. S121356. Grub Street ID 140947.
  • Heywood, John. The playe of the weather. A newe and a very merye enterlude of all maner wethers made by Ihon Heywoode. The players names Iupiter a god. Mery report the vyce. The gentleman. The marchants. The ranger. The water miller. The winde miller. The gentlewoman. The launder. A boye the leste that can play. [Imprinted at London: By Ihon Awdeley dwelling in litle Britayne streete, beyonde Aldersgate, [ca. 1573]. ESTC No. S118773. Grub Street ID 138422.