Publications of Everard Digby


  • Digby, Everard. Everardi Dygbei Cantabrigiensis, admonitioni F. Mildapetti navareni de vnica P. Rami methodo retinenda, responsio. Londini: Ex officina Typographica Henrici Bynneman, 1580. ESTC No. S111662. Grub Street ID 131452.
  • Digby, Everard. De duplici methodo libri duo, vnicam P. Rami methodum refutantes: in quibus, via plana, expedita, & exacta, secundum optimos autores, ad scientiarum cognitionem elucidatur. Authore Euerardo Dygbeio, Anglo, in artibus magistro, socio collegij diui Iohannis Euangelistæ Cantabriegiensis. Londini: Ex officina Henrici Binneman, Anno. 1580. ESTC No. S111666. Grub Street ID 131456.
  • Digby, Everard. A short introduction for to learne to swimme. Gathered out of Master Digbies Booke of the Art of Swimming. And translated into English for the better instruction of those who vnderstand not the Latine tongue. By Christofer Middleton. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts for Edward White, and are to be sold at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun, 1595. ESTC No. S111665. Grub Street ID 131455.