Publications of Gabriel Frende


  • Frende, Gabriel. An almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere since the incarnation of Christ our Lord. 1585. Being the fyrst from the bissextile, or leape yeere. Which is from the beginning and creation of the vvorld. 5547. Especially made, and referred to the meridian and eleuation of the North pole at Canterburie, but may serue generally without any notable errour for all Englande. By Gabriell Frende, practitioner in Astrologie and Phisicke. [Imprinted at London: by Richarde VVatkins and Iames Robertes, [1585]]. ESTC No. S125806. Grub Street ID 145028.
  • Frende, Gabriel. An almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord. M.D.LXXXVII. Which is accompted from the fyrst beginnyng of the worldes fundation. 5549. Composed according to artificiall observations, & indifferently seruing for most partes of England, but specially referre to the meridim and ... of the pole articke of the ancient citie of Canterburie. By Gabriel Frende, practitioner in phisicke and astrologie. [London: R. Watkins and J. Roberts, 1587]. ESTC No. S90136. Grub Street ID 149602.
  • Frende, Gabriel. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God. M.D.LXXXVIII. Being leape yeere. which is reckoned from the creation of the worlde. 5550. Made and referred specially to the meridian, and eleuation of the north pole of Canterburie, but may serue generally, and that indifferently to, without any great errour for most partes of England. By Gabriell Frende, practitioner in phisicke and astrologie. [London]: Imprinted at London, by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1588]. ESTC No. S90139. Grub Street ID 149603.
  • Frende, Gabriel. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God. M.D.LXXXIX. Which is reckoned from the creation of the worlde. 5559. Made and referred specially to the meridian, and eleuation of ... Canterburie, but may serue generally, and that indifferently to, without any great error for most partes of Englande. By Gabriell Frende student in Astronomie. Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Roberts. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1589]. ESTC No. S112522. Grub Street ID 132280.
  • Frende, Gabriel. A new almanacke and prognostication, composed for the yeere of our redemption M.D.XCI. Which is the yeere from the worldes creation. 5553. by Gabriell Frende, student in physicke and astrologie. [London]: Imprinted at London, by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1591]. ESTC No. S90141. Grub Street ID 149604.
  • Frende, Gabriel. A briefe prognostication, seruing for the yeere of our Lord M.D.XCII. Beying leape yeere. Wherein under the reuolution of ech [sic] quarter is declared the general inclination and state of the ayre with some other notes and obseruations, both phisicall, and cyuil meet to be handled in suche worke. Gathered accordyng to lawfull art, and set foorth for the benefite of such as shall haue occasion to vse the same: by Gabriell Frende, student in astronomie. [London]: Imprinted at London by Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1592]. ESTC No. S90143. Grub Street ID 149605.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Frende. 1593. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lorde God. M.D.XCIII. Composed according to lawfull and lawdable art, and referred specially to the meridian and eleuation of the northeren pole of Canterburie, but may serue vniuersally, without any great error, for most partes of Englande. By Gabriell Frende, practitioner in Astrologie and phisicke. Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1593]. ESTC No. S112206. Grub Street ID 131971.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Frende. 1595. A doble almanacke, with a prognostication for the yeare of our redemption M.D.XCV. And from the worldes creation. 5557. Conteyning the olde Iulian computation, which we vse, and the Gregorian reformation vsed in forraigne countreyes. collected by Gabriel Frende, student in astronomie. Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1595]. ESTC No. S119162. Grub Street ID 138806.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Gabriel Frende his prognostication for the yeere of our Lord Iesus Christe M.D.XCVI wherein is conteyned an astrological description of the foure quarters of the yeere, and also his iudgement of the dayly disposition of the weather, and other matter meete and necessary for such a worke. Imprinted at London: By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes, [1596]. ESTC No. S2422. Grub Street ID 146810.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Frende. 1597. An almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ M. D. XCVII. Which is from the creations of the worlde. 5559. Done according to arte, by Gabriel Frende, student in Astrologie and Phisicke. Imprinted at London: by Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1597]. ESTC No. S111609. Grub Street ID 131412.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Frend 1598 an almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our redemption, by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ M.D.XCVIII, which is from the worldes creation 5560 / by Gabriel Frend. Imprinted at London: By Richard Watkins and Iames Roberts, [1598]. ESTC No. S40. Grub Street ID 148114.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Frend. 1598. An almanacke and prognostication, framed for the yeere of our redemption, by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. M.D.CXVIII. which is from the worldes Creation. 5560. Done according to lawfull arte, by Gabriel Frend, student in astrologie and phisicke. Imprinted at London: By Richard Watkins and Iames Roberts. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1598]. ESTC No. S121898. Grub Street ID 141463.
  • Frende, Gabriel. 1599. An almanacke and prognostication. for this yeere of our Lord Iesus Christ. M.D.XCIX, vvhich is from the worldes creation. 5561. Done according to art by Gabriel Frend. Imprinted at London: By Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1599]. ESTC No. S112512. Grub Street ID 132269.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Friend. 1615. A new almanacke and prognostication, in which you may behold the state of this present yeare of our Lorde God, 1615. Being the third from the Leape yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, and will serue generally for all great Britaine. By Gabriell Friend. [London]: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1615. ESTC No. S120870. Grub Street ID 140494.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Freind. 1616. A new almanacke and prognostication, in which you may behold the state of this present yeare of our Lorde God, 1616. Being leape yeare. Calculated for the citty of London, and generally for all England. By Gabriell Freind. [London]: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1616. ESTC No. S43. Grub Street ID 148355.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Friend. 1619. A new almanacke, and prognostication; in which you may behold the state of this present yeare of our Lord God, 1619. Being the 3. after Leape-yeare. Calculated for the citty of London, and generally for all England. By Gabriell Friend. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1619]. ESTC No. S112525. Grub Street ID 132282.
  • Frende, Gabriel. Friend. 1621. A new almanacke, and prognostication, wherein you may behold the state of this present yere of our Lord God. 1621. Being the first from the leape year. Calculated for the meridian of the renowned citty London. By Gabriell Friend. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1621. ESTC No. S112528. Grub Street ID 132285.